I Became the Older Brother of the Heroine in an Abusive Novel

Chapter 47


When Jun Huailang passed the red seal, he was also taken aback by the thickness.

As soon as you pinch it, you can see that the texture of the paper is inside, and it must be a bank note. Such a thick stack of silver bills, no matter how large the amount, is too amazing.

Naturally, he didn't know that what was in it, any one of them, could easily be in the tens of thousands.

"...What are you giving me so much?" Jun Huailang made him frightened, and his words were a little off.

"Not much, lucky money." Xue Yan said lightly.

Jun Huailang didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"New Year's money, it's not for you to give me your entire net worth." He said, took out all the silver notes in the red envelope, and shook hands full. He took one out of it at random, took it along with the red envelope, and stuffed the rest into Xue Yan's hands.

Xue Yan did not answer.

"Not all the money, I still have it," he said.

He wasn't lying. King Yan had no wife and no children. Since he was able to lead troops two years ago, King Yan even handed him the keys to his private treasury. Yan County wanted to raise soldiers and people, so naturally he was not short of money. When King Yan died, all the gold and silver in Yan's land would be his.

However, Yanyun's iron cavalry needs to be paid, and the dead soldiers brought back have to be supported. So Xue Yan really doesn't have much money to spend on him, so he can only take out these.

He returned to the palace, only the money he brought with him. He wanted to return a gift to Jun Huailang to repay the jade koi he gave him, and this was the only money he could afford.

Jun Huailang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he gave the stack of silver notes to Jinbao.

Although Jinbao hurts, where can he dare to accept it? He hurriedly turned his hands behind his back and ducked back, wishing that he hadn't given birth to these two hands in his mother's womb.

Jun Huailang had no choice but to threaten him.

"If you don't answer, I'll be angry," he said. "I gave you a red seal, but it was just a wish to seek good luck. What did you take me for by paying me so much money?"

When Xue Yan heard what he said, he was a little flustered.

Of course he didn't pay Jun Huailang money. He just felt that it was too little to give, so he simply gave him what he could.

Anyway, he was in the palace, and there was no place for money, and he never took it to heart. He only felt that this thing was cheap, and he couldn't come up with anything else for a while, so he had to give more.

Jun Huailang saw that his expression was unusually at a loss, and he couldn't bear it, but he still kept his face straight, and took this opportunity to put the silver note back into Xue Yan's hand.

It was also at this moment that he lowered his eyes and saw the amount of the silver note in his hand.

… five thousand taels.

Jun Huailang couldn't hold back, and there was a slight smile on his face.

He knew that Xue Yan was not short of money. After all, he was the only child under King Yan's knees, and in his previous life he could easily incorporate Yanyun's iron cavalry, who had already belonged to the Yanmenguan garrison. But he didn't expect that this man would be so sincere, he would take out so much from his own family, just to make New Year's money for others.

I don't know if His Royal Highness King Qin, a few years later, will know that he still has such a simple time.

Jun Huailang held back a smile, and reluctantly exchanged a smaller denomination from the large stack of silver notes in Xue Yan's hand.

"That's enough, no matter how much you give me, the heart is the same." After Jun Huailang accepted the red envelope, he persuaded Xue Yan.

Xue Yan thought silently, how could it be the same.

He stuffed the pile of silver notes into Jinbao's hands and said to Jun Huailang, "Wait for me."

With that said, he turned and entered the inner room.

Jinbao stood on the spot, put away the banknotes, smiled awkwardly at Jun Huailang, and explained, "My lord has never collected the New Year's money, so he must be ignorant of the rules, which made you laugh, Your Highness."

Jun Huailang smiled and shook his head.

How can you say it's a joke.

It has nothing to do with knowing the rules or not. Whether they know the rules or not, there are few people who can be so sincere, as if they took out their whole heart to look like others.

Jun Huailang even felt that he had treated Xue Yan badly for a while.

It was only out of sympathy and in order to protect his family that he became friends with Xue Yan, but it was just a little effort. But now Xue Yan has easily handed over everything he owns to himself.

On the contrary, it made Jun Huailang a little ashamed.

Over there, within a moment, Xue Yan came back. He walked up to Jun Huailang and raised his hand, holding something he didn't know what it was.

"Hand out." He heard Xue Yan say.

Jun Huailang stretched out his hand, and a small object fell into his palm.

Jun Huailang retracted his hand, and saw an animal tooth resting in his hand, with a small hole pierced through it, and a simple leather rope tied to it.

"This is..." Jun Huailang looked at Xue Yan.

This was the canine tooth of the first wolf he had hunted a few years ago. At that time, the King of Yan ordered him to kill a wolf and return to his life. He pierced the wolf's chest with an arrow, but when he stepped forward, the wolf was not completely dead, and he jumped up and wanted to bite him. He struggled with the wolf for a long time, and finally cut the wolf's throat with a dagger.

He dragged the wolf all the way back to the camp with blood on his face, and was rewarded by the King of Yan. He took off a wolf tooth and gave it to Xue Yan to keep it at all times.

"I will let you kill the wolf today. When you become an adult, there will be more and more ferocious prey to die under your blade." King Yan said. "Keep this tooth, just remember that no matter how ruthless your opponent is, as long as you fight with your life, you will be no match for you."

Since then, he has always carried it with him.

This is not so much a memorial, but rather a thought of Xue Yan. Every time he was hurt and the pain was unbearable, he would clench the tooth in his hand.

The thoughts in my heart are without him, that is, to endure the pain, so that it can be left for another day, and the pain of today will be returned to the opponent a hundredfold.

He also didn't know why he handed this object into Jun Huailang's hands. Maybe it's just because, apart from those silver notes, this is the only thing he brought back from Yandai all the way.

But when Jun Huailang took this thing in his hand, Xue Yan's thoughts changed a little.

The mottled wolf teeth were held in the pair of clear white hands, as if he had handed over his dirty and incomplete soul to Jun Huailang.

Xue Yan's voice was a little hoarse, and he replied lightly, "It's a wolf tooth."

After a pause, he added: "It's the wolf I hunted, the teeth in its mouth."

After speaking, he felt that this thing was cheap and a bit barbaric.

But when Jun Huailang heard this, Zhanyan laughed: "Right, it's not better for you to give me this than you give me a lot of money?"

Xue Yan watched him take the wolf teeth that he had held in his palms with blood for many nights, and put them into his arms.

Xue Yan's heart began to heat.

He heard Jun Huailang instruct him again: "You can't be like today again in the future. Put your belongings away, and don't give them away casually."

Xue Yan hummed lightly.

He will not give it to others, just want to give it to him.

When night fell, red lanterns were lit everywhere in the palace. The chariots and horses outside Xuanwu Gate were all nobles who entered the palace for banquets.

The New Year's Eve palace banquet was still held in the Yongle Hall.

This is the third time that Jun Huailang has been here for a banquet since his rebirth. The memory of the first two times was not very good, but now the storm has finally calmed down, which can give him peace of mind for a while.

Thinking of this, Jun Huailang pursed his lips and smiled.

He and Xue Yan led Jun Linghuan all the way to Yongle Hall. As soon as he walked to the front of the hall, Jun Huailang saw Jun Xiaowu waiting there.

"Brother! Did you miss me!" From a distance, Jun Xiaowu waved at Jun Huailang.

Seeing him, Jun Huailang couldn't help but laugh. As soon as the three of the Jun family met, they naturally began to talk enthusiastically. Jun Xiaowu acted like a conjurer, taking out red packets one by one and stuffing them to Jun Linghuan, and he didn't forget to stuff one to Jun Huailang with a smile.

"Brother, New Year's money!" Jun Xiaowu smiled at Jun Huailang.

Jun Huailang reprimanded him with a light smile: "Nonsense, how could you give me a red envelope?"

Jun Xiaowu Zhile: "Why can't you? My uncle paid me military salaries. I'm richer than you now!"

Xue Yan stood quietly by the side, looking at the three of them.

This kind of enthusiasm and warmth developed from living together from childhood to adulthood cannot be disguised or deceived.

Xue Yan knew clearly that this was Jun Huailang's own younger brother, and it was only natural that the two of them were friendly, but Xue Yan couldn't stop the sourness in his heart, which made him a little anxious.

He didn't care about Jun Huailang's intimacy with others, but just by listening to what they said between the lines, he could easily tell that they had lived together for many years.

He wanted to have this kind of relationship with Jun Huailang that lasted for many years, just like the other party. But at the same time, he doesn't seem to want to be like Jun Xiaowu.

Just brothers, it seems not close enough, not unique enough.

He was tormented by the urge to want something, but he couldn't figure out what he wanted.

At this moment, he heard Jun Xiaowu ask: "Mother specifically asked me to ask you when you will go home. This is a big New Year's day, there are two less people in the family, but a lot of deserted, I don't care. Habit."

Xue Yan paused, and his eyes fell on Jun Huailang's face calmly.

He actually forgot that he couldn't even live with Jun Huailang for a long time, and the other party was only staying overnight.

Jun Huailang did not notice Xue Yan's changing mood. Hearing this, he laughed, raised his hand and patted Jun Xiaowu's forehead: "Aren't you used to staying at Yumen Pass for three years? I think it's the lively army in the army, and you don't want to be happy?"

Jun Xiaowu covered his forehead and laughed.

Jun Huailang added, "My aunt asked me if she still wanted me to stay longer. I'll have to wait for spring before I can go back."

Jun Xiaowu nodded: "Alright, in spring, I'll take you to the suburbs for a horse-riding outing."

Jun Huailang smiled and nodded.

Seeing that it was getting late, Jun Huailang called Jun Xiaowu to go in first. Jun Xiaowu pulled Jun Linghuan who was beside Jun Huailang into his arms, and said, "Okay, I'll go to Tan Niang and take Ling Huan with me. Niang thinks that she thinks too hard, I'll let Ling Huan now. Follow her."

Jun Huailang nodded in agreement.

After Jun Xiaowu took Jun Linghuan away, Jun Huailang turned around and saw Xue Yan standing there in a trance, wondering what he was thinking.

"His Royal Highness?" Jun Huailang called to him.

Xue Yan replied lightly: "Well. Are you going in?"

Jun Huailang smiled and nodded, walking side by side with him.

"Originally, my aunt said, let me take Ling Huan to watch the fireworks today." Jun Huailang said while walking. "It's a pity, I'm afraid it won't be my turn today. I wonder if the Fifth Highness will give me this face?"

Xue Yan turned to look at him, and met Jun Huailang's smiling warm eyes.

"I know there is a corner tower, it's very quiet, and it's a good place to watch the fireworks. Will your fifth highness come with me?"

Xue Yan turned his eyes away and nodded lightly.

Just now, the emotions that he couldn't understand were going back and forth in his mind. It seemed that he just glanced at Jun Huailang, which made him vaguely aware of what he wanted.

The person in front of him is a star in the sky. He looks up and can't touch it, but he wants to keep this star by his side forever.

Even now, the star had only briefly crossed his head.