I Became the Older Brother of the Heroine in an Abusive Novel

Chapter 54


When Jun Huailang woke up again, he was no longer in the palace.

He opened his eyes, and in front of him was a blue soft silk tent. The warm sunlight outside the window came in, and he turned his head to see the bedroom full of sunlight.

It was too quiet.

The edge of the window is the ebony wood he is familiar with, and the furnishings around it are elegant and quaint. Being used to seeing the dazzling pile of gold and jade in Mingluan Palace, Jun Huailang's eyes were not used to it for a while.

This is his home at home.

Jun Huailang felt a little dizzy.

He closed his eyes, feeling a little unreal. It seems that the last moment, he was still struggling in the Taiye Pond and almost drowned. In the chaos, it seemed that someone rescued him, he opened his eyes with great difficulty, and the person in front of him was...

It's Xue Yan.

There was a moment of clarity in Jun Huailang's mind.

At that time, he was in a trance, and his body was frozen stiff, and he only felt that the scene in front of him was an illusion.

But in that hazy, indistinguishable hallucination, there was something alive.

Jun Huailang involuntarily stroked the back of his hand.

The tear that fell on his hand was extremely hot, dripping on his cold skin, as if it melted immediately, but immediately pulled him back to the world.

It was Xue Yan's tears.

Jun Huailang suddenly sat up from the bed as if he had been woken up.

Why did he return to his home as soon as he opened his eyes

He and Xue Yan were the only people present at the time. What if someone pinned the blame on Xue Yan? Xue Yan has saved his own life now, what should he do if he is convicted for this

At this moment, the maid who was guarding outside heard the movement and hurried in to check. Seeing Jun Huailang sitting up, a look of joy suddenly appeared on his face, and he stepped forward and touched his forehead.

"Young master is really good!" The maid said with a smile. "I'm going to tell Fuyi to go back to the madam quickly! Since the young master came back, the madam and the second young master haven't slept. I just taught the slaves to persuade them, and they went to the side room to lie down for a while. "

Jun Huailang felt a little dizzy after a while. He nodded while holding his forehead, motioning for her to go out and call someone.

Hearing the inner voice, all the maids waiting outside came to their senses. When the maid went to call someone, a few came in one after another in a lively manner, and skillfully served Jun Huailang to get up and change clothes.

"How long have I slept?" Jun Huailang asked.

"Master, it's not too long, it's not noon yet." The nearest maid replied. "Master Guo stayed in the palace to meet the emperor early in the morning, but he has not come back yet."

Jun Huailang nodded.

He looked at the busy back and forth of the people in front of him, all of whom had served him since childhood, and their behaviors and actions were very familiar.

He should be at ease.

But his heart seemed to be suspended, which always made him a little worried.

... After all, this is the first time Xue Yan has faced such a big crisis alone since he entered the palace.

Over time, he seems to have gotten used to helping Xue Yan deal with danger. In his eyes, no matter how violent and vicious Xue Yan will be in the future, now he is just a teenage boy who has just returned to Chang'an, knows nothing and speaks little, facing all the twists and turns in the palace. , certainly can't handle it.

What's more, the person who wanted to harm him has not yet been identified.

Jun Huailang's expression became solemn.

After a while, his mother Shen Shi and Jun Xiaowu hurried in.

Shen shi quickly stepped forward, sat on the edge of Jun Huailang's bed, and reached out to touch his cheek and forehead. Seeing that his fever had subsided, and he was no longer in serious trouble, he asked, "But what else is uncomfortable?"

She was still worried.

Jun Huailang shook his head and was about to speak when he heard Jun Xiaowu speak.

He leaned on the bedpost next to him and said with a grin, "Mother, don't worry. The imperial doctor said that as long as the fever subsides and you sleep, everything will be fine."

Shen shi recited the Buddha: "Amitabha, thanks to that Fifth Highness."

As soon as Jun Huailang heard those three words, his heart sank, and he quickly asked, "Mother, how is your Fifth Highness?"

Mrs. Shen wiped her tears and said, "Thanks to him. It was His Highness who rescued you, and because your high fever persisted, the imperial doctor said that you had hit an evil spirit, so he went to the Buddhist hall and copied the Sutra of Evil. bless you."

Jun Huailang was taken aback.

... hit evil

This is clearly nonsense. I was deliberately pushed into the water, where did I hit the evil? It was clear that someone was operating it, and the person who operated it must be the one who designed him to fall into the water.

He designed him to fall into the water, and seeing that he didn't die, he used Zhuangxie to frame him in a meaningful way. The so-called "evil evil spirits" in the palace, besides Xue Yan, who else is there

Jun Huailang was about to explain when he heard Shen shi say: "His scriptures are really useful, but in the second half of the night, the fever that he taught you really subsided. But now, the palace is so chaotic, no matter what for my mother. , you can't let you two brothers and sisters live any longer."

Jun Huailang hurriedly asked, "Mother, I was pushed into the water. Has this been found out?"

Shen shi nodded.

Before she could speak, Jun Xiaowu interjected: "Isn't that Yi Jieyu from the Xu family who was jealous of her aunt and sent someone to do it? She thought she was unknowing, but she didn't expect the Fifth Highness to remember the appearance of her palace maid. It was forcibly judged."

… Yi Jie Yu.

This person had never appeared in Jun Huailang's line of sight, and when he heard her name, Jun Huailang was stunned.

Then, he heard Jun Xiaowu excitedly gossip with him: "You don't know that Yi Jieyu is jealous of her aunt, and at the same time, she is confused with a minor official in Qin Tianjian. It was smashed, and she framed her aunt, so she was given a white silk ribbon by the emperor."

Shen shi quickly raised his hand to pat him.

"Why are you so broken mouth? These things in the palace, don't use it to talk in private." She softly rebuked Jun Xiaowu.

Jun Xiaowu smiled and closed his mouth.

Yi Jieyu... dead

Jun Huailang did not expect that the black hand behind the scenes just surfaced, and even his life was lost.

Yi Jieyu, Qin Tianjian, the palace maid who pushed him into the water last night... These people were inexplicably linked together, and they were all cleaned up overnight.

A series of them seemed quite coincidental, but Jun Huailang always felt that something was wrong.

It seems that Xue Yan just copied a scripture and did nothing, then the gods and Buddhas came to the world, and all these people were brought to justice.

Jun Huailang was taken aback for a moment, and then he was amused by this thought of his own.

Where can there be such a god.

Among them, someone must have done something. But Concubine Shu is pure and simple, Xue Yan... Now she is still very pure, not like someone who can make such arrangements.

Could it be that someone secretly helped him in a place he didn't know about

Jun Huailang was puzzled, but he was no longer in the palace.

However, the traitor in his aunt's palace has been eliminated, and the incident on New Year's Eve not only did not harm Xue Yan, but also made Emperor Qing Ping dispel a lot of prejudice against Xue Yan. And the eloquent priest in Qin Tianjian is now dead, and all the hidden dangers in the palace of the previous life were all removed overnight.

Now it seems that apart from the fact that his father was falsely accused of greed with ink in his previous life, he had nothing to worry about.

Jun Huailang calmed down and stayed at home for a period of time.

Although his high fever was cured that night, his body was still weak, and it was only after staying at home for a little one month that he was fully recovered.

During this time, the imperial decree to send his father to Jiangnan also arrived.

The Jiangnan Imperial Examination has always been the top priority for Dayong talent promotion. Every three years in the autumn season, an examiner must be dispatched in advance to arrange examination affairs and issue test questions for the next year's rural examination.

The chief examiners stationed here are mostly Beijing officials who are trusted by the emperor. After the autumn season, they will return to the capital. Therefore, over time, Dayong has a tradition of appointing the chief examiner as the governor of Jiangnan. The governor's envoy went to Jiangnan one year in advance to investigate local affairs, and also served as an examiner.

Next year will be autumn again.

Jun Huailang had been sick at home for half a month, so he came to the imperial decree to appoint Duke Yongning as the governor of Jiangnan, asking him to pack up in advance and hand over the affairs of Beijing and China.

This position is placed in the eyes of Beijing officials, but it is a good job that cannot be asked for. The governor is not only of high rank and great power, but most importantly, he has won the trust of the emperor.

Counting down the top officials since the founding of the Dayong Dynasty, which one has never left this position? Not to mention that he took charge of Qiuwei. All the works in the south of the Yangtze River next year will have to call him a mentor. In the future, he will become an official in the court, but it will be all his help.

In the past two years, due to the gradual loss of the Sacred Heart of the Jiang and Xu families in Chaozhong, the rumor that the Sage intends to reuse the unknown Duke Yongning has never been broken.

After all, Duke Yongning's mansion was a great family with high merits, and Duke Yongning was also mediocre in qualifications and had no great achievements, so Chaozhong had always been a guess, but he didn't think much of him.

But this imperial decree confirms all the speculations in the court - the emperor really wants to reuse him.

So, as soon as the imperial decree came, the gate of Yongning Gongfu became lively.

Officials in the DPRK and China found many reasons in order to get close to Yongning. However, Duke Yongning has always had a cold temperament who doesn't like socializing. After dealing with it a few times, he all declined.

Therefore, during this time, the palace was relatively quiet. After Jun Huailang recovered from his illness, Shen shi started to help him pack his bags.

He and his father will stay in Jiangnan for two years, so they have a lot of things to bring. By the time his luggage was all packed, it was early spring and February.

It was also gradually approaching the day when Duke Yongning took office.

However, Jun Huailang was hiding something on his mind, and the more he approached the day of his departure, the more uneasy he became.

Although the matter in the palace has been settled, there is nothing for him to worry about, but he always thinks back to the tear that Xue Yan fell when he woke up that night.

No matter what happened in his previous life, in this life, Xue Yan saved his life.

He was only approaching each other out of a little pity and selfishness to protect his family, and what he did was nothing more than a small effort for him.

He just hoped not to repeat the mistakes of the previous life, and never thought of asking the other party to return anything, but the fact is that Xue Yan really treats him with sincerity, maybe even more sincere than he imagined.

Even if tears can deceive people, the look in his eyes when he wept that day can't deceive people.

He always felt that he should find a way to see Xue Yan again, at least thank him and say goodbye.

But he had no reason to enter the palace for a long time. And after he fell into the water once in the palace, Shen shi was also quite uneasy, and did not dare to let him go to the palace easily.

This matter has always been in Jun Huailang's heart.

Shen shi, who had been busy all the time, didn't notice his emotions, but his younger brother, who had nothing to do all day and always came to play with him, noticed it.

However, Jun Xiaowu has always been rough and has no delicate thoughts. He just thinks that his brother is reluctant to leave home, so he is in a bad mood.

Jun Xiaowu felt that he should think of something.

He deliberately looked for a day with excellent weather, stayed until dusk, and slipped into Jun Huailang's room.

"Brother, the weather is fine today, shall I take you somewhere?" With a mysterious smile on his face, he grabbed Jun Huailang and said.

"Where are you going?" Jun Huailang was puzzled.

Jun Xiaowu kept his mouth closed mysteriously.

"You will come with me, and you will naturally know." He said with a smile.