I Became The Tall, Rich And Handsome Villain In The Novel

Chapter 110: If one hero is killed, there will be more heroes


The villains, father and son, have the same idea: Since there is a cornucopia of spiritual energy water, why should we continue to be attached to the Shen family

If you have bad money, just do it yourself.

However, setting up a separate mountain gate does not mean that it can be erected immediately.

The problem of money is secondary. Shen Yingnian can learn from "Mr. Jia who returns to China next month" and go around with PPTs of spiritual energy water to make money.

The primary issue is still the word "potential".

The Shen family is too powerful.

Even though one Shen Yingjie was lost, the business has developed for so long, and the family is always full of talents. It is also deeply rooted in the outside world, and the power of connections cannot be underestimated.

If the father and son want to betray the Shen family and make their own spiritual energy water, they will inevitably attract the hatred of Mr. Shen and other clan members, and the subsequent revenge packages will not be missed.

In other words, as long as Shen Yingnian dares to break up with the Shen family, he must first be prepared to face the Shen family's anger head-on.

"Let's use the drag trick first." Young Master Shen decided to continue pretending that his head hurt.

"But we can't pretend for too long. When the old man and the others have worn out their patience, it's time to resort to hard measures." Shen Yuntao muttered: "As far as I know, the old man is now at the peak of the inner realm, and is only one step away from being a master of the transformation realm. "

"In addition, most of the elders raised in the family are of extraordinary virtues. Even the old man's younger brother, your second uncle, has always been mysterious, but it is said that he is already a master of transformation. With us alone, our chances of winning are quite low. "

Young Master Shen also agreed with this point.

I remember that in the original novel, after Xiao Chen killed Young Master Shen, he went to the Shen family and killed Shen Yingjie, Mr. Shen and the elders who were worshiping him. Then another transformation master appeared, said to be Mr. Shen's younger brother, Shen Er. Master.

In order to pursue the legendary divine realm, Mr. Shen retired from the secular world a long time ago and traveled around the mountains and rivers.

According to the dog author, if you want to achieve the realm of gods, you have to be pure of desire, ignore worldly affairs, and focus on asking questions, only then can you have a chance to understand the mysteries.

This is also the reason why Masters of Transformation Realm do not wander around in the world (pretending to be cool).

But after the Shen family was wiped out by Xiao Chen, Mr. Shen couldn't bear his restless heart and appeared to be a monster (seeking death) again.

Although he was eventually killed by Xiao Chen with a routine operation, the process was thrilling.

After absorbing the true essence of Master Tianyue, Young Master Shen has reached the peak of the inner realm, but he is self-aware. In a PK with Master Shen, the winning rate is probably 50-50.

Young Master Shen doesn't like to take risks. He will only make big moves unless the winning rate is 91%.

Get support from the Night's Watch

Obviously overthinking.

They are making contributions to the country and the people, but they are not helping Young Master Shen to fight in the house.

"Dad, I have a bold idea. Maybe we can take advantage of the situation." Shen Dashao said.

"How to borrow? Which situation to borrow?" Shen Yuntao asked directly.

"We can create a momentum ourselves." Young Master Shen smiled sweetly.

The news of Shen Yingnian's "return to his hometown in fine clothes" quickly spread throughout the Shen family.

However, people in the Shen family still looked at this prodigal son through colored glasses.

The apprenticeship failed, and even the sect he was apprenticed to was exterminated. The attributes of this prodigal are simply perfect!

As for the spiritual energy water formula that Young Master Shen was carrying, in their eyes it was just a piece of fat that could be stuffed into their mouths at any time.

The common man is not guilty, but he is guilty of having a jade.

Shen Yingnian is so virtuous and capable. He has such a cornucopia. With his humble strength, he will definitely not be able to keep it. Sooner or later, it will be confiscated. It just depends on whether Young Master Shen surrenders it actively or passively.

Especially Shen Yunxiao, his eyes almost turned green when he saw Shen Yingnian, a piece of fat that had been stabbed a thousand times.

After losing his beloved son, he turned his grief and anger into strength the next day and began to pour resources into his other children.

After all, he has many children. If he works harder to raise them well, he may be able to welcome another Linzi soon.

At the same time, he began to work hard on several mistresses.

He firmly believes that if one hero is killed, more heroes will emerge.

In order to pave the way for future heroes, he must kill the budding Shen Yingnian.

However, he had just been working for a few days when he received bad news: several distinguished guests from the capital came to visit Shen Yingnian at the Shen family.

In the Shen family hall, Mr. Shen felt a sense of fear as he looked at the cute girl in luxurious clothes and the middle-aged man holding an iron pestle.

After getting to know the girl, it turns out that the cute girl’s name is Yi Xiuxiu and the middle-aged man’s name is Uncle De. They come from a super wealthy family in the capital!

The Shen family has been operating in the provincial capital for so long and can only barely rank among the top ten wealthy families in Dongjiang Province.

But compared to a wealthy family of this level, he can only be regarded as a scumbag!

Therefore, Mr. Shen paid special attention to the arrival of Yi Xiuxiu and Uncle De and personally welcomed them. However, he was soon surprised to learn that the purpose of their visit to the Shen family was to find Shen Yingnian!

"Ahem, I would like to ask, how did you two meet my useless grandson?" Mr. Shen asked tentatively.

Yi Xiuxiu corrected her seriously: "Brother Yingnian is not incompetent. He is very good. He is the most powerful man I have ever seen!"

Such a high evaluation made Mr. Shen once doubt whether the Shen Yingnian whom Yi Xiuxiu knew was his grandson.

Uncle De next to him also said seriously: "We met Mr. Shen by chance. We had received a favor from Mr. Shen before. This time we came to Tianzhou to see Mr. Shen. One purpose is to express our formal thanks again."

"That's right, why don't you tell me what the favor is?" Mr. Shen continued to test.

Uncle De didn't take his advice at all and said coldly: "Old sir, it's a matter of privacy. I'm sorry I can't tell you."

Mr. Shen was so bored that he couldn't ask any more questions.

Just at this time, Young Master Shen arrived belatedly, taking the step of not recognizing his relatives.

"Brother Yingnian."

Yi Xiuxiu was indescribably happy when she saw her sweetheart again. She rushed towards him like a butterfly, and even held Young Master Shen's arm affectionately.

"Uh, beauty, have you mistakenly recognized the person? I don't have a sister as beautiful as you." Young Master Shen looked confused.

"Brother Yingnian, I'm Xiuxiu, how long has it been since you didn't recognize me?" Yi Xiuxiu stared at her innocent and aggrieved eyes.

"Are you Xiuxiu? Oh my God, it has only been so long and you have become so beautiful that I can't even recognize you. Am I dreaming?" Young Master Shen showed an exaggerated expression again.

Yi Xiuxiu knew that she had fallen into the trap of Young Master Shen again. Her pretty face turned red with embarrassment, but she felt happy and sweet in her heart. It was very helpful.

"I hate it! Brother Yingnian is teasing me again!" Yi Xiuxiu said coquettishly, and the feelings of her little daughter's family were clearly revealed, which was really touching.

"Ahem, Yingnian, don't mess around." Mr. Shen scolded, wondering why this boy didn't use his talent for flirting more fully in his practice.

However, in view of this cute girl's impressive background, Mr. Shen suddenly felt that the value of his grandson could be further exploited. After all, he had been flirting with girls for so many years, and it was time for him to repay the family.