I Became The Tall, Rich And Handsome Villain In The Novel

Chapter 121: A moment of silence for the dog


Xiao Binglan often feels that she has the destiny to be the heroine.

The daughter of a wealthy family, her mother died, her father remarried and gave birth to a half-brother, which led to all kinds of conflicts within the family.

Now that her father is seriously ill and dying, her stepmother and brother want to take the opportunity to jointly depose her. This is exactly the treatment of the heroines in those dramas where people quarrel with each other.

So the question is: If she is the heroine in this drama, then where is her hero

According to the conventional script routine, shouldn't a powerful and powerful Son of Destiny appear at this time to assist her in defeating the evil villains

Unfortunately, looking at the people around her, it seems that no one meets the characteristics of the male protagonist.

However, there was a pretty bloody drama in the bar and hotel last night. Some scumbag actually wanted to drug her and sleep with her, but luckily someone brave enough to come to her rescue.

But after checking the information of the brave man, and considering the shameless behavior of Mr. Shen last night, Xiao Binglan advised herself not to think too much and to watch less Mary Sue dramas in the future.

A notorious young man from a small family, who bullies men and women and does all kinds of bad things, these are definitely the typical characteristics of a villain.

If the young man’s girlfriend had not been there last night, her moral integrity would have been in jeopardy as well.

Forget it, men are not reliable, so just be your own queen.

On this slightly cool morning, Xiao Binglan dressed in black sunglasses and drove a limited edition Ferrari sports car. She drove very fast and stylishly to a large villa in the wealthy area of Tianzhou.

At this moment, the big villa was solemn. The yard was decorated in black and white, and funeral music was playing on the speakers.

Next to the big pond, there is an altar, and in the black and white photo on it, there is a poodle!

Surrounding the altar stood men in suits and women in black skirts, each holding a flower in their hands. They took turns walking forward, placing the flowers on the altar, and bowed three times to the portrait of the poodle.

A priest stood beside the altar, solemnly reciting scriptures to pray for the poodle.

By the way, there was also a gorgeous lady, covered in jewels and heavy makeup. She stood on the other side of the altar, wiping her tears and gazing at the portrait of the poodle affectionately.

The scene was indescribably funny, with a touch of black humor.

In fact, many guests were complaining in their hearts that in this day and age, there are actually people who would hold such a solemn and grand funeral for a dog!

Lu Xun once said that people are worse than dogs these days, which is indeed true.

However, many of them dared not speak out, and not only had to bite the bullet and bow to the dog, they also had to pay the full share of the money for the dog!

Who made the poodle's owner? That noble lady is the wife of Xiao Chenggang, chairman of the Xiao Group, and one of the most powerful women in Tianzhou, Yi Zhenzhen.

Especially now that Xiao Chenggang is in imminent danger, it is said that Yi Zhenzhen has united many powerful allies and is going to take the opportunity to usurp the throne and seize power in the Xiao family in one fell swoop!

By the way, many of them rushed here today, actually mistakenly thinking that this funeral was held for Xiao Chenggang. Who would have thought that Yi Zhenzhen would be so absurd.

Just when the atmosphere was weird, suddenly, a shrill roar of a car was heard.

Immediately afterwards, the Ferrari sports car drove in, turned around, stopped, and opened the scissor doors. The first thing that appeared in front of everyone was a pair of slender, straight, super beautiful legs!

Seeing this pair of iconic beautiful legs, some people almost knew the identity of the visitor, Xiao Binglan!

In Tianzhou's upper circles, almost everyone knew about Xiao Binglan's super beautiful legs.

Sure enough, the next second, Xiao Binglan walked out heroically, took graceful steps, and went straight to the altar. She also held a flower in her hand, a red rose.

When Yi Zhenzhen saw Xiao Binglan, her tearful face suddenly turned furious, and she gritted her teeth and said, "This bastard is here to ruin our show!"

Upon hearing this, the housekeeper beside her immediately led the bodyguards forward to stop Xiao Binglan.

"Miss, your wife's beloved dog unfortunately passed away today. I hope you can understand your wife's feelings and not disrupt the order at the scene." said the butler.

"I'm just here to say farewell to her dog. Is that not okay?" Xiao Binglan said coldly.

"Of course, but..." The butler looked at the bright red rose again.