I Became The Tall, Rich And Handsome Villain In The Novel

Chapter 15: You are treated as a supporting role!


Huo Mingyu looked at the "adulterous couple" with an incredible look, with a series of capitalized question marks on his face.

Being in the same wealthy circle of Yunzhou, Huo Mingyu was naturally aware of Shen Yingnian’s dark history. Every day he was either playing with women or on his way to play with women.

It would be news if Mr. Shen stopped playing with women one day!

However, the woman that Young Master Shen played with this time turned out to be Nie Ruoyun, and Nie Ruoyun was willing to be played with. For him, this was more explosive news than any other news!

Although he had only met Nie Ruoyun a few times, and mostly relied on Xiao Chen to act as a go-between, Huo Mingyu still recognized Nie Ruoyun's character.

He also investigated and found out that Nie Ruoyun came from a wealthy family in the provincial capital. Because she was not recognized at home, she came to Yunzhou alone to work hard. Although she was extremely beautiful, she never sold her beauty to rely on men.

Even when Huo Mingyu tactfully asked Nie Ruoyun whether he needed financial support, Nie Ruoyun flatly refused.

In view of this, in Huo Mingyu's impression, Nie Ruoyun is a moral role model of a modern woman.

But now, the image of the goddess of morality in his heart showed signs of collapse...

"Miss Nie, is he, is he telling the truth?"

Huo Mingyu questioned, his confidence clearly lacking. After all, apart from being embarrassed, Nie Ruoyun did not show any strong signs of resistance, and did not even refute Shen Yingnian's words.

Moreover, he keenly sensed that Nie Ruoyun seemed to be somewhat ashamed of him, as if she had done something wrong and was too embarrassed to face him...

As expected, Nie Ruoyun hesitated for a long time and finally responded with silence.

The silence speaks.

Everything is self-evident!

Huo Mingyu moved his lips, and originally wanted to ask Nie Ruoyun with a glimmer of hope whether he had been coerced. But when he thought of the farce that happened in Nie Ruoyun's company today, he vaguely understood something.

This woman was in trouble, so she accepted Shen Yingnian's help!

But Shen Yingnian's money was certainly not given for free. In return, Nie Ruoyun should pay or be able to pay something. This is undoubtedly an answer that every adult should understand.

Huo Mingyu wanted to get angry, but then he thought that he and Nie Ruoyun were not familiar with each other, and since the other party sold herself to Shen Yingnian willingly, why should he interfere

However, the image of Nie Ruoyun in his mind is no different from those women who sell their bodies.

He stared at Nie Ruoyun with contempt, and said sarcastically in a deep voice: "Since this is the path you chose, I, as an outsider, have no right to interfere. I just feel sorry that Brother Xiao Chen misjudged you and actually thought you were a self-reliant white lotus. I paid so much for you, but in the end, it was all in vain."

Hearing this, Nie Ruoyun's body trembled, and tears finally flowed out. She murmured, "No, it's not like that..."

After thinking for a long time, she still didn't know how to defend herself. Besides, even if she explained the whole story, would Huo Mingyu, Xiao Chen and those creditors understand

The agreement to sell herself, tightly grasped in her hand, has completely ensnared her, making it impossible for her to climb out of this quagmire!

“Xiao Chen is in trouble this time because of you. If he knew that the person he wanted to protect wholeheartedly ended up with his enemy, I wonder how he would feel... It would probably be like being stabbed in the back by one of his own people.” Huo Mingyu said with a wry smile.

"Xiao Chen is in trouble? What happened to Xiao Chen?" Nie Ruoyun was shocked.

"You don't know yet?" Huo Mingyu frowned suspiciously, then glanced at Shen Yingnian.

Shen Yingnian curled his lips and said, "I have to correct you first. Xiao Chen is not in trouble. He has committed a crime and it is his own fault."

"Don't play dumb. This is all a trap you set for Xiao Chen! Do you dare to say that you didn't kidnap Miss Nie the night before last?" Huo Mingyu was indeed very wise and saw the truth at a glance.

But Mr. Shen would certainly not admit it: "If you have evidence to prove that I have committed a crime, you are welcome to report me to the police. I can even give you a reward for reporting me."

Huo Mingyu stopped talking.

Shen Yingnian spread his hands and sneered, "Look, the police have now determined that Xiao Chen has committed a crime. If he is innocent, he should have been released long ago. It shouldn't be you, the spare tire, who comes to save the damsel in distress today."

"What do you mean?!" Huo Mingyu seemed to be quite resistant to the word "spare tire".

"Don't you think that you, a son of a rich family, are now just a spare tire follower for Xiao Chen?" Shen Yingnian sneered, "You know the male supporting roles in novels or movies, they are used when the protagonist needs them, and then thrown aside. In short, if the protagonist tells them to go west, they can't go east, and they will never chase chickens when they are told to beat dogs. They will obey his orders and worship him. Mr. Huo, think about it carefully, don't you fit in with this kind of supporting role?"

Huo Mingyu was stunned for a moment, then he flew into a rage and said, "Stop trying to sow discord between me and Xiao Chen. I respect Xiao Chen because of his character and ability, and we get along like brothers."

"What a loyal friend! I finally understand why you came here today." Shen Yingnian joked, "Did you see your best friend in the dark room, so you wanted to avenge him and came to teach me a lesson, and then the two of you happily picked up soap in the dark room together?"

"You... I don't even want to waste my time talking to a scumbag like you! You are the shame of the Shen family!" Huo Mingyu almost exploded with anger.

Knowing that he would only get into trouble if he argued with Young Master Shen, Huo Mingyu was unwilling to stay here and waste his time.

Besides, Nie Ruoyun, who was to be rescued, has already defected to the enemy. No matter what the hidden story behind this, it cannot change the fact that Nie Ruoyun is in league with the wolves!

But he was inexplicably puzzled. When did this uneducated young man in front of him become so eloquent? He also became much more cunning!

With a heart full of resentment, Huo Mingyu took one last look at Nie Ruoyun before leaving, sighed, and said, "Nie Ruoyun, no matter what you do next, if you still have a conscience, stand up and clear Xiao Chen's grievances. Xiao Chen is really a good person and should not be treated like this."

"You haven't told me how Xiao Chen is doing now." Nie Ruoyun said anxiously.

Seeing her say this, Huo Mingyu wondered if Nie Ruoyun really didn't know.

He rushed here today on Xiao Chen's behalf. Xiao Chen is still in custody at the police station and may be detained for seven days.

After all, the facts of the crime were very clear: breaking into a private house and injuring people, but Xiao Chen didn't find Nie Ruoyun at the scene. He was the one who was right but ended up being wrong, so Huo Mingyu couldn't use his connections to rescue him.

Besides, Shen Yingnian is the son of a powerful official in Yunzhou. Using his connections to settle the matter will only make things worse.

So Huo Mingyu went to find Shen Yingnian on the night of the incident, trying to settle the matter, but was turned away.

It can be seen that Shen Yingnian is determined to put Xiao Chen to death!

If the injury results of Shen Yingnian and his bodyguards come out later and show that the injuries are above the minor level, then Xiao Chen will most likely have to impose additional criminal penalties!

"You can ask Shen Yingnian yourself." Huo Mingyu was really disheartened and didn't want to stay here any longer, so he slammed the door and left.

Nie Ruoyun's body softened and she slumped down on the sofa, tears silently streaming down her face.

Shen Yingnian saw it and was happy in his heart.

This time, the heroine is going to completely break with the protagonist's camp and sit firmly on her own pirate ship (bed).