I Became The Tall, Rich And Handsome Villain In The Novel

Chapter 46: We are a big loving family


In such a dramatic way, Young Master Shen gloriously joined the national cultivation group and became a lackey of the imperial court... Oh, no, it should be said that he was the guardian of social order.

Just like the party membership declaration, when joining the Night Watch organization, Shen Yingnian solemnly read out a declaration of membership: he vowed to eradicate evil and promote good, uphold justice, promote the core socialist values, be loyal to the government and the people, adhere to exemplary moral concepts, catch those bad guys who break the law and commit crimes, and make the world full of love and peace!

This oath perfectly illustrates Mr. Shen's ambition. He can swear on a clear conscience that he has always thought and done so.

In the bar's office, Zhai Qingyi explained to Shen Yingnian some of the night watchmen's rules, regulations and organizational structure.

"There are a lot of rules. I haven't actually read them in detail. You can take a look if you have time. Anyway, I only remember one." Zhai Qingyi raised a finger: "Catch bad practitioners."

"But I'm afraid I'm powerless now." Shen Yingnian said very frankly.

"It's okay. We don't have high hopes for you for now." Zhai Qingyi was even more single than him: "You can only be considered as a reserve level now."

Shen Yingnian curled his lips and said, "Preparatory level, isn't it a temporary worker who is responsible for taking the blame?"

"You're overthinking it. We, the Night Watch, are a loving big family. We all get along equally, regardless of class or status." Zhai Qing said righteously, "But there are still differences in the level of positions in the organization, in order: preparatory level, yellow level, mysterious level, earth level and heaven level."

"… "

What happened to the promise of no distinction between high and low social classes

"Hatsune is at the Yellow level." Zhai Qing pointed at Lin Chuyin and said, "But she captured that old Taoist priest this time and made great contributions. Her qualifications and strength are enough. I plan to apply for her to be promoted to the Xuanji level."

Shen Yingnian had read the novel and vaguely remembered this information.

There is indeed such a position system in the Night's Watch.

Similar to the administrative levels in the officialdom system, the preparatory level is equivalent to a prefectural cadre, the yellow level is equivalent to a section-level cadre, and the Xuan Ji and Di levels are leadership positions, responsible for a prefecture-level city and a province or municipality respectively.

Lin Chuyin was indeed at the yellow level at the beginning, and later in the original novel, she cooperated with Xiao Chen to capture Yi Wude, and was thus promoted.

But now, the partner has become Mr. Shen.

"How will Yi Wude deal with it?" Shen Yingnian asked tentatively.

"That depends on the decision of the criminal department. We are only responsible for arresting people." Lin Chuyin said calmly: "But his crime is probably much lighter than Xiao Chen's. Xiao Chen, on the other hand, will most likely be sentenced to life imprisonment."

Upon hearing this, Shen Yingnian's dissatisfaction with being treated as a reserve level immediately dissipated.

Imprisoned for life, this protagonist is basically as doomed as it can be!

"Your contribution is not small, I will report it truthfully. For now, you should familiarize yourself with your new job. I will find an opportunity in the future and help you get a yellow level." Zhai Qingyi seemed to be very clear about rewards and punishments.

Shen Yingnian didn't have much desire for the height of these positions. As long as he could sit back and relax, that was enough.

"I'm at prefecture level, the person in charge of Donghai Province (the province to which Yunzhou City belongs). I usually stay in the provincial capital, and occasionally come here when something important happens." Zhai Qingyi continued: "According to the current situation, I have to stay for a few more days to get rid of those guys from the Tianshi Sect first."

"Do you need us to accompany you to negotiate?" Lin Chuyin asked.

"No need, I know their leader well." Zhai Qingyi sneered, "Besides, if I show up, I will represent the attitude of the Night Watch and even the government. If they dare to act rashly, it will be a crime of rebellion. I don't think they dare to risk it for a disciple. But the higher-ups actually want them to make a bigger fuss, and they are worried that they don't have negative examples to use as propaganda materials."

The reason why the government created the Night Watch organization is to suppress those phenomena that violate the law with violence.

In this world constructed in the novel, these spiritual masters and sects are everywhere, and they must have already caused considerable harm and hidden dangers to social stability.

It is definitely impossible to clear them all at once, so they can only be suppressed. Therefore, the authorities must want to make an example of someone who stands out and give him a beating to deter those practitioners with ill intentions!

The Kunlun Mountain Tianshi Sect is one of the banners in the martial arts world. I think the authorities would be happy to use them as a negative example to deal with them!

In view of this, Shen Yingnian began to suspect that the real purpose of Zhai Qingyi and Lin Chuyin helping him to deal with Xiao Chen was actually to lure the Tianshi Sect into a trap!

Just then, Zhai Qingyi's electronic watch rang.

He glanced at the news from above and said with a smile, "It is said that the Heavenly Master will arrive soon. I will go meet them first."

Then, Zhai Qingyi warned Shen Yingnian: "Before I announce the all-clear, you stay in this bar. If you have any questions, ask Chu Yin... Oh, by the way, Chu Yin will be the head of the Yunzhou Night Watch organization next. She will take over this bar, so you should follow Chu Yin in the future."

"I don't agree!" Without waiting for Shen Yingnian to respond, Lin Chuyin protested without thinking.

"Student Lin, there is another rule in the organizational regulations that you must remember. You must obey the instructions of your superiors." Zhai Qing did not allow for discussion.

"Didn't you only remember one?" Lin Chuxia was furious.

"Oh, I just remembered this." Zhai Qingyi's tough style once amazed Young Master Shen.

"Okay, don't worry about these personal emotions. We are all serving the interests of the country and the people. For example, the martyrs of your Lin family's ancestors were willing to sacrifice their lives for the revolution. Don't you even have the awareness of enduring humiliation and bearing heavy burdens?" Zhai Qingyi advised seriously.

“…” Lin Chuyin rolled her eyes and could only express her protest in silence.

But she changed her mind and felt that she was obviously the boss of this young man, so she would have plenty of opportunities to deal with this bastard in the future!

After figuring out the key point, Lin Chuyin's mouth curled up slightly, and she looked at Shen Yingnian with a motherly smile.

Shen Yingnian naturally saw what the girl was up to, and worried that she would make trouble for him later, so he asked Zhai Qingyi: "Well... if you regret it and want to quit, is that ok?"

Zhai Lingyi frowned and said righteously: "Comrade Shen Yingnian, I hope you can correct your attitude. Joining the Night Watch is an opportunity that ordinary people dream of. You must cherish it. Unless you commit a heinous crime, the organization will never abandon you!"

In a word, if you want to escape after joining a gang, it’s impossible!

At this point, Shen Yingnian felt like he was on a pirate ship.