I Became The Tall, Rich And Handsome Villain In The Novel

Chapter 82: Take a protagonist as your younger brother


late at night.

Chapter 7 Bar at night.

In the small dark room, the fat man Ye Xiaotian was being interrogated by Tienan and Shengnan.

In the monitoring room next door, Lin Chuyin was watching the interrogation process while flipping through the information about Ye Xiaotian.

Actually, there is nothing much to read. He is just an ordinary fat otaku whose biggest hobbies in life are the 2D world and League of Legends.

But who could have imagined that this seemingly harmless fat otaku actually committed so many shocking crimes in succession and also possessed a set of strange superpowers!

Subconsciously, Lin Chuyin glanced at Ye Xiaotian on the monitor again.

Sure enough, after stripping off the fat man's Superman coat, Ye Xiaotian turned into an ordinary fat otaku again and lost all his abilities.

At this time, a video call invitation came on the computer. After Lin Chuyin clicked it, Zhai Qingyi's face appeared on the screen.

"I heard that you captured a very special practitioner?" Zhai Qing asked directly.

Lin Chuyin explained the whole story and finally said, "Boss, have you ever seen such a strange practitioner?"

Zhai Qingyi was silent for a while, then nodded and said, "I just met one not long ago."

Lin Chuyin's expression changed: "Who is it?"

"Look, the guy sitting next to you." Zhai Qing pursed his lips.

Lin Chuyin turned her head and saw Shen Yingnian, who was playing with his mobile phone next to her. Her face suddenly became dark. She didn't know whether she was criticizing Young Master Shen for not doing his job properly, or criticizing Boss Zhai for being dishonest.

However, what Zhai Qingyi said still had some basis. Shen Yingnian's cultivation status also made Lin Chuyin deeply confused.

At the beginning, it only took Young Master Shen half a month to enter the realm of cultivation.

Afterwards, Young Master Shen made rapid progress in just two months, and has now reached the great success stage of the outer realm!

Moreover, based on his feelings and experience, Young Master Shen is showing signs of breaking through and upgrading!

This is simply genius among geniuses!

The most outrageous thing is that Lin Chuyin never saw Shen Yingnian practicing seriously from beginning to end. Every day he either just sat there to do the training or just lay down.

For example, those genius academic masters have never studied seriously, but their grades are easily among the best. How can other hard-working students bear this

Because Young Master Shen's cultivation progress was not in line with common sense, the entire Yunzhou Night Watch organization was now filled with a sour smell.

So infuriating!

"Boss Zhai, I just went through a fierce battle to save the earth. Can't you let me just be a nobody and relax?" Young Master Shen said without raising his head and continued playing with his phone.

"Of course, and I will continue to report your achievements this time. With you and Hatsune as a partner, Yunzhou may really be able to enjoy long-term peace and stability in the future." Zhai Qingyi smiled like a loving mother.

Lin Chuyin rolled her eyes and said, "Let's talk business. What do you think of this cultivator?"

Zhai Qingyi said directly: "This little fat guy should be a genius with spiritual roots."

"Spiritual roots? Are you sure?" Lin Chuyin asked in surprise.

"I'm sure, he has spiritual roots just like you." Zhai Qingyi pondered and said, "But according to your description, this little fat man's spiritual roots may be the legendary Chaos Spiritual Roots."

Lin Chuyin said solemnly: "Boss, this joke is not funny."

Zhai Qingyi also said seriously: "You know the characteristics of the Chaos Spiritual Root. This little fat guy's constantly changing superpowers just happen to match them."

Lin Chuyin was so surprised that she was speechless for a moment.

Young Master Shen next to him also had a strange look on his face.

Because he just remembered the description of spiritual roots in the novel.

Spiritual roots can be understood as the talents of practitioners.

It’s the same principle as when Buddhists say someone has wisdom.

In some cultivation novels, spiritual roots can be divided into several types, the most common of which are the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

For example, Tienan is a man with golden spiritual roots, so it is natural for him to develop an indestructible body, and his superpowers are mainly strong and fierce.

In addition to the five elements of spiritual roots, there are also several very special and rare spiritual roots.

For example, Lin Chuyin, as a favored girl in the cultivation world, possesses a kind of natural spiritual root, and her cultivation speed is several times faster than that of ordinary spiritual roots!

The chaotic spiritual roots that Zhai Qingyi mentioned are much better than the heavenly spiritual roots!

The gap can be understood as that between national third-level protected animals and first-level protected animals.

In other words, this fat guy can be called the giant panda of the spiritual world!

It’s no wonder that Lin Chuyin found it hard to accept.

The fat otaku, who she thought was a worthless loser, actually had a talent for cultivation that surpassed that of a gifted daughter of heaven. This made her feel even more frustrated than Young Master Shen!

By the way, Young Master Shen doesn’t have any spiritual roots yet, and he is a free-range animal or poultry in nature.

"Chaos spiritual roots are all-attribute spiritual roots. No matter which attribute you cultivate, the other attributes will increase accordingly. The cultivation talent is so strong that you can easily break through the realm without even practicing." Zhai Qingyi analyzed: "Every time this little fat guy puts on a superhero's costume, he will gain the ability of this superhero. In fact, this is a psychological suggestion he gives to himself, because only when he plays this superhero will the relevant superpowers emerge in his mind and then he can use them for himself."

“That is to say, Ye Xiaotian can gain cultivation as long as he relies on his thoughts and imagination.” Lin Chuyin was almost losing her temper. She felt that she had suffered a dimensionality reduction attack. The genius girl persona that she had maintained for twenty years was shattered to pieces.

"That's about it. This fat boy is so lucky. He was abandoned by a woman, but he awakened such a natural talent... Fortunately, you discovered and found him in time. If you continue to let him stay among the people, the consequences will be disastrous." Zhai Qingyi couldn't help but marvel and sigh.

"So what should we do with him now? After all, he has committed so many crimes, and the amount involved is not small." Lin Chuyin asked.

Zhai Qingyi said without hesitation: "Let him exchange all the stolen goods and pretend that nothing happened."

Lin Chuyin was not happy: "Boss, just because this fat guy is so talented, can he do whatever he wants and ignore the law?"

"Don't get excited, comrade Hatsune, I didn't say I would let this little fat guy go." Zhai Qingyi sneered, "Don't you often complain about the shortage of manpower and heavy workload? It's just right, let this little fat guy make amends for his sins and serve as your assistant. On the one hand, you can control him, and on the other hand, test his spiritual roots and collect data to facilitate the organization's research."

Auxiliary managers, equivalent to auxiliary police, are temporary workers of the night watch organization. They are not regular staff and have very poor welfare benefits and future development.

Lin Chuyin thought about it and felt that it made sense, but she was still hesitant: "But once Ye Xiaotian gains super powers, even I can't control him..."

"It's okay, just leave it to Comrade Nian Nian. I believe Comrade Nian Nian will be able to control this little fat boy with ease." Zhai Qing smiled and said, "Comrade Nian Nian, this little fat boy will be handed over to you for training. Try to lead him onto the right path and turn over a new leaf like you."

The corner of Lin Chuyin's mouth twitched, and she thought to herself that Zhai Qingyi was really telling lies in all seriousness. Has this despicable and shameless young man ever turned over a new leaf

Moreover, letting Ye Xiaotian work with him to solve cases, with these two funny guys together, there is no need to expect long-term peace and stability in Yunzhou. It would be good enough if there is no earth-shattering chaos.

However, Shen Yingnian had some concerns about this arrangement.

It’s not that he is afraid of Ye Xiaotian’s super powers, but he has basically confirmed that Ye Xiaotian is also the protagonist of a novel he has read!

I can't remember the title of the book, but it's probably about a fat otaku protagonist named Ye Xiaotian. After being abandoned by his goddess, he awakened his chaotic spiritual roots and embarked on a road to counterattack that could destroy the world in an instant!

Moreover, the personality traits of Ye Xiaotian in the novel are exactly the same as this Ye Xiaotian!

What exactly is going on

The original protagonist of the novel, Xiao Chen, has clearly been killed, so how come a protagonist from another novel has popped up

Could it be that all the protagonists of the novels I have read will appear in this world

As soon as this terrifying guess popped into his mind, Young Master Shen became extremely panicked.

I have read so many novels with all kinds of protagonists. If they were all "reunited" in this world, wouldn't I be in great danger

But after thinking about it carefully, Mr. Shen felt that he might be worrying too much.

After all, in the novel with Ye Xiaotian as the protagonist, I am not the villain.

On the contrary, now I have become the embodiment of justice that punishes the reactionary forces!

Now letting Ye Xiaotian follow him is like adding wings to a tiger, and we can fight against the evil forces together.

Moreover, he could tame Ye Xiaotian and make him his follower, and have him serve him at his beck and call (serve as a scapegoat). Wouldn't that be wonderful and satisfying

"Don't worry, Captain Yi Yi, this fat otaku... Oh, Comrade Ye Xiaotian, just leave him to me to train. I will definitely transform him into a brick of socialism and put him wherever he is needed." Young Master Shen said righteously.

After the call ended, Lin Chuyin felt that she needed to go out for a drink or two to ease her emotions. Before leaving, she said unhappily, "Then you go and receive Ye Xiaotian to complete the employment procedures. By the way, you have to clean up the mess he made."

"You have to clean up your own mistakes. This is what the teachers in school taught us. I also have to cultivate his sense of responsibility and justice to prevent him from having any subsequent evil thoughts." Shen Yingnian said righteously.

As soon as Lin Chuyin heard it, she knew that this guy wanted to be a hands-off boss and was too lazy to expose him.

Suddenly, Lin Chuyin remembered something and looked at the handcuffs on Ye Xiaotian's wrists in the monitor. She asked, "Where did you get this magic weapon that can actually imprison the spiritual power of practitioners?"

She had wanted to ask this question just now at the amusement park.

If Young Master Shen hadn't taken out the handcuffs and handcuffed Ye Xiaotian in time, they might not have been able to capture him tonight.

"Is this a magical weapon? I don't know. This is just a toy I bought at a roadside stall."

"You use handcuffs as toys?"

"Yes, and it's very exciting."

"… "