I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 110: Printer review release


That night, Kemon returned home.

I parked the car in a parking space on the side of the road, and as soon as I got out of the car, I found a group of people gathered in front of the convenience store, seeming to be discussing something.

Kemen first put on his sunglasses to take a look, but he didn't see any stains.

This night, the golden light on the surface has dissipated, the dark part is brightened, the convenience store lights are dimmed, and the vision is weird.

Taking off her glasses and approaching the crowd, she found that Chen Momo was also in the crowd. She was wearing a short yellow T-shirt and blue jeans. Because she was not tall enough, she tiptoed to look inside.

He called Chen Momo, and the ponytail girl turned her head and squeezed out of the crowd.

"What's going on, everyone gathered there."

"The tree in front of the door has disappeared, and everyone is worried about whether there are special items born nearby." Chen Momo said worriedly.

If there is no official science popularization, no one will think about it.

Sometimes, if the clues are not discovered in advance, when the situation breaks out, more people may die.

But there are times when ignorance is bliss.

In short, there are good and bad things about special science popularization. It is not necessarily right if it is kept in the dark. After discussing it for so long, it finally decided to disclose common sense to let everyone be vigilant about such incidents. The relevant knowledge is selectively disclosed.

"We are calling the police and taking photos to the police." Chen Momo took out his mobile phone and used the software alarm channel, which can upload pictures and videos.

The response from the Investigation Bureau was also very timely. Kemeng saw the information on Chen Momo's mobile phone, showing "Suspected to be related to a special object, please stay away from the scene, there is no major life risk, but it is not recommended to stay."

After receiving the information, the group of people in front of them dispersed and went back to their homes.

After no one was there, Kemen saw a crack and a hole in the original place. Judging from the shape, it happened to be the place where the big tree took root.

"It's probably a side effect of the printer." Kemeng thought to himself.

The printer's rating hasn't been released yet, but judging by its scope of action, the forest system that radiates the entire city is definitely not a problem.

If it continues to print, all the trees in the city will disappear!

Terrible stuff.

But Kemeng thought about it, this thing is so powerful, moving to the forest of the enemy country can directly attack the forest environment of the enemy country.

This idea of war... is really a bit scary.

Think about it again, even the printer is so awesome, so how strong should the investigation bureau's level 0 thing be

Destroy Blue Star

To be reasonable, I dare not imagine.

If there were no sense of justice items to support the investigation bureau, Blue Star would have perished long ago. Human civilization is as insignificant as a grain of sand in front of powerful special items, and is too fragile.

"Don't worry, there is no risk for the time being." Kemen comforted.

Chen Momo nodded, and went back to the convenience store to do homework, looking a little uneasy, but not as nervous as before.

Kemen went back upstairs and took out a box of mobile hard drives.

Insert it into the computer, and the drive letter appears.

Disk H.


This time the printer is just pure paper, without any fancy material, so the content of the video material is not much.

Kemon cut the video and made the printer into a new evaluation material.

Press the Enter key to render the video. While waiting, Kermon browsed the local news online.

"Whale News: Three hundred and six local garden trees disappeared out of thin air. Who is the thief?"

"Shocked, a tree on the street disappeared out of thin air, and it seems that the tree turned into a spirit and ran away!"

"Whale Sub-bureau: To refute rumors, it's not that trees become spirits, citizens please panic!"

Beep beep beep.

While flipping through the news, the sound of a police car came downstairs.

Kemen stood by the window and looked down. He saw the police cordoning off the base of the tree in front of the house, asking witnesses to take notes, and taking pictures on the spot to collect evidence.

In this busy operation, there have been no major casualties for the time being.

Kemen looked at the night sky in the distance, and remembered the sacrifice that Yingliu and his gang made.

The sacrificial pattern is by no means dedicated to Cthulhu, Kemen doesn't know who the pattern is pointing to.

Or maybe the Shadow Stream members don't know how to sacrifice at all, and the pattern is their imagination.

After thinking about it, Kemen patted the scarf and took out a stone figure.

Taking out a vat of ant breeding box, Tangyuan grabbed a big, round and black ant with dog hair.

The shadow catcher grabs and shakes, and repeats the same thing again, and the shadow of the female tutor is thrown back on the ant.

Mi Jingyun's shadow has been static for too long, and he is still a little uncomfortable after entering the body of an ant.

After more than ten minutes, she became slightly active.

"What's the meaning of this pattern?" Kermon drew a pattern for her to see, and the pattern was exactly the sacrificial pattern drawn by two Shadow Stream members.

Mi Jingyun shook her body, as if she knew something, Kemen poked the ant with her hand to make her move.

She wrote horizontally and vertically, very slowly, her body trembling all the time, and finally wrote only three words:

"I can't tell."

Asked again and again, but there was no new answer, and Kemen threw her back as a stone.

At this point, the video rendering is complete.

Kermon exported the video and waited for a while.

After uploading to Station B, I didn't expect the video to pass the review directly, without even a pause.

Go through the trial first

Kemen secretly guessed that this might be the identity halo of the official science popularization of the Bureau of Investigation, which saves the complicated pre-approval process and goes through the review first.

After the video was reviewed, he @all members in the group.

"@All Members, the new assessment is out."

"So diligent? I thought it was changed once a week."

"This time, let me see who dares to say that UP's main film uses special effects, brothers, let's go!"

"Go, go, go!"

As soon as Kemeng's video was updated, the number of views increased steadily.

Netizens clicked on Kemeng's new video and saw a line of titles: "[Unpacking Evaluation] Printer!"

Add a space to each of the three characters of the printer, and the title style is as usual at station B.

Clicking on the video, I saw Kemon sitting in a room with an all-white background, and an exquisite box was placed on the table. Before the box was opened, there was a buzzing sound from the box.

"I'm coming!"

"What's the sound, the printer is starting to work now?"

Kemon gave the box a 360-degree viewing angle, showing that the box has no external power supply.

"As you can see, the printer of the old director of the library has become a master, and it is printing every day. The office is full of papers and cannot be processed, so send it here and let me see how to deal with it." Kemen didn't talk nonsense, directly Take the scissors to open the carton, and the camera moves over to see that the carton is full of white paper.

Cut the carton completely along the tangent line, and the full white paper falls, revealing the white printer.

Its appearance is no different from that of an ordinary printer, but the paper it prints out is non-stop, and soon covers a small part of the ground

"Sacred tool, it can replace the paper mill!"

"Are you sure it's not an edit?"

"I was thinking, wouldn't someone really think it was fake?"