I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 113: Manage sand sculptures


Kermon patted the scarf around his neck and called out Big Face Cat.

Even when he sleeps, he wears a scarf, unbuttoning it a few times for comfort.

Kermon stared into the eyes of the big-faced cat, and aimed at the sand sculpture from the corner of his eye.

There are glutinous rice balls staring at the sand sculpture, so he doesn't have to panic.

In terms of reaction speed, the pet must be faster than him.

The bell made a nailing sound, which made Kermon's sense of crisis linger in his heart.

The sense of crisis came inexplicably, and Kemen didn't know where the crisis came from.

Fifteen seconds passed, and Kemon gained strange knowledge.

"Sand Sculpture"

"A rare eagle species that grows in the desert. Other birds shed their feathers, and they shed sand. Usually, they always clean the sand in the crevices of their wings. When they shake, the sand will fall."

"The Sand Sculpture family is proficient in the sand sculpture language, even if they don't understand the bird language, they can understand their sand sculpture sounds."

Kemen looked at the sand sculpture's feet, a thin layer of sand had piled up under their feet.

Sand maker

I always feel that the construction site needs it, making sand for free, environmentally friendly and clean.

Followed by another strange knowledge.

"jingle bells"

"A small bell, every time it shakes, it will make a crisp "ding ding" sound, and the listener will feel a sense of crisis. The longer you listen, the louder the sound, and the greater the sense of crisis."

"The sense of crisis produced by jingle bells has an upper limit, and it cannot be promoted to a sense of fear."

After gaining new knowledge, Kemon finally knew where the sense of crisis came from.

The nail bell can make a "ding ding" sound, and any creature who hears the ding ding will feel a sense of crisis.

The sense of crisis can be superimposed continuously, but the bell can only be superimposed to the limit of approaching the sense of fear.

Jingling bells can scare some people or things away at certain times, and the effect is not bad.

Kemen thought for a while, and patted the big-faced cat back on the scarf.

Then sign language to Tangyuan, Tangyuan realized, twisted the golden hair into the shape of a hand, and snatched the bell from the sand sculpture's mouth.

Ding ding ding.

The sound of the bell rang loudly, and the sense of crisis intensified.

Without the bell, the sand sculpture still didn't dare to open its eyes, its body trembled more violently, and its fear increased.

It can be seen how terrible the position of the evil god is in Sand Sculpture's heart, and he dare not even open his eyes.

It can't wait to have both eyes gouged out, so as not to look directly at the evil god.

Also because of the intensified shaking, more sand was shaken from the crevices of the feathers.

Kermon patted the bell into the storage space with a scarf, and the jingle sound disappeared, as did the sense of crisis.

The little sand sculpture didn't seem so scared anymore, but it still didn't dare to open its eyes.

"Wake up, it's safe here, don't be afraid." Kemeng put on the giant gloves, sat on the bed and looked directly at it.

The glutinous rice balls are still in a tight state. In the face of abnormal creatures, one must maintain basic vigilance.

When the sand sculpture heard Kemon's words, the sand shook down again.

"Open your eyes," Kemon said again.

The sand sculpture quickly raised its wings and buried its head in them, not daring to look at them at all.

But this action revealed that it can understand human speech.

"Tangyuan, break off its wings."

The glutinous rice balls were ordered, rolled their bodies directly to grind the sand sculpture, then used the dog hair to break off the wings, and then used the fine dog hair to open the sand sculpture's eyes.

Such a tough attitude made the sand sculpture even more frightened, his body trembled to the extreme, and he opened his beak to make an acridine sound, like a little daughter-in-law who was raped.

But because he opened his eyes, the sand sculpture finally saw that the thing in front of him was a ball of golden hair.

Then its head was forcibly straightened, and Kermon's face was also seen by the sand sculpture.

The little sand sculpture thought it would have a very scary face and a very scary environment.

But what the hell is the situation in front of me, warm sunshine, white walls, and a man who looks harmless to humans and animals, with the face of an adventurer.

"Acridine? Acridine?" The sand sculpture made a strange pronunciation.

A small head with big doubts.

This is evil god

The little sand sculpture speaks the language of the eagle, but Kemon does not know the language of the sculpture, but he does understand the language of the sculpture.

It has white hair all over, like a creature in the snow, holy and pure.

Because the feathers are very white, the yellow sand that shakes off becomes very conspicuous. The gaps in the feathers are full of sand, and it looks like they can never finish shaking.

"It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that you will live here from now on. You must follow the rules of contemporary society and don't make trouble. Otherwise, you will pluck your hair and cook it in soup." Kemeng set the tone as soon as he came up, so as not to cause trouble.

This sand sculpture does not have the ritual of recognizing the Lord like glutinous rice balls, so it is definitely not as loyal as glutinous rice balls, and the little sand sculpture must be well trained.

The little sand sculpture naturally also heard Kemeng's words.

But to be honest, the little sand sculpture couldn't understand Kermon's words.

The previous movement of burying its head into its wings was its subconscious behavior, shrinking its neck, it couldn't see the outside, and neither could the evil god.

Deceiving oneself and deceiving the eagle, this is the life-saving idea of the little sand sculpture.

Seeing Kemeng's face at this moment, the little sand sculpture's heart seemed to stop beating.

Oops, I saw the true face of the evil god!

I can't live anymore.

Moreover, he just issued a question sentence, and at this moment, the little sand sculpture wanted to die.

The body trembled continuously, and the sand shook from the feathers.

Kermon watched the sand on the floor pile up more and more, and his mood gradually became subtle, a little unhappy.

There is a lot of sand, and he has to clean it himself, which is really troublesome.

The little sand sculpture didn't know what was going on in Kemeng's mind. Seeing Kemeng's face sinking slightly, his heart skipped a beat.


The sand sculpture closed its eyes, as if resigned to slaughter, it resigned to its fate.

In the heart of the little sand sculpture, Kemeng is definitely an evil god.

As for Kemeng's lack of a strong aura of terror, the little sand sculpture understood that the evil god had hidden the aura of the evil god, so it looked harmless to humans and animals.

If you offend the evil god, you will absolutely turn your back on the eagle and kill it in the blink of an eye.

Kermon saw the sand sculpture shaking more violently, and the sand fell from the crevices of its feathers.

Looking at the sand all over the floor, Kemon fell into deep thought.

How to adjust it to make the little sand sculpture stop shaking.


Nameless salted fish!

Kemeng looked at the nameless salted fish in the room. At the moment, the nameless salted fish was placed on the table, and the sand sculpture was facing away from the nameless salted fish, closing its eyes and waiting to die, and did not see the salted fish.

A few seconds later, Tangyuan picked up the nameless salted fish and patted the sand sculpture's face lightly.

The little sand sculpture opened his eyes and saw his own face growing on Xianyu's body, feeling inexplicably horrified.

It was also at this time that its body finally stopped shaking, and it stopped shaking off the sand.