I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 115: Sand sculpture test (repair)


"So... there is an extra sand sculpture with a bell in your room?"

Captain Luo's voice came from the phone.

At first, Captain Luo thought that Kemen was talking about something strange, but after seeing the photo, he realized that Kemen was not joking, it was really a sand sculpture.

Of course, it is a sand sculpture with white feathers, even in the animal world, it is also a top-notch beauty.

After a while, Kemen brought the sand sculpture to the Bureau of Investigation for detailed testing.

By the way, he also brought the nameless salted fish over.

Since there are a lot of things, Director Lei specially designated three test teams to test in batches.

The bell test is very fast. After all, this thing is not aggressive, but purely to increase the sense of crisis. The sound range and sound penetration of the jingle bells were quickly tested.

The white-haired sand sculpture was drawn by the tester for a blood test.

Afterwards, Kemeng took away the nameless salted fish, and it took a minute for the sand sculpture to slowly regain consciousness.

As soon as the sand sculpture woke up, it saw a group of commissioners in white coats watching it.

It shook all over, its wings trembled uncontrollably, and a large amount of yellow sand fell from its feathers.

In Sand Sculpture's mind, Kemon is an evil god, and there are a group of evil gods here!

The heart pounded and accelerated to the extreme, the brain was congested, and he passed out.

"What's the matter, why didn't you move?"

"Abnormal state?"

"Kemon, what's going on?"

Kemon walked over, saw the fainted sand sculpture, and patted its head to wake it up.

"It's a bit timid, and its psychological endurance is poor." Kemen straightened the sand sculpture and stepped aside.

The tester nodded, and took away the yellow sand shaken off by the sand sculpture for material composition testing.

"Can it understand human speech?"

"I probably understand." Kemen was not too sure.

Kemon said a lot to Sand Sculpture, but this guy always looked cautious, and he didn't know if he understood.

Sometimes it feels like it understands, but sometimes it obviously doesn't understand.

The testers looked at each other, and they could only understand it with special items.

After a while, the tester brought a special item, which was a black headset.

"This is?" Kemen asked.

"This gadget was originally a Koi language proficiency test listening earphone for a candidate, but later it became a special item. As long as you put on the hearing earphone, you will hear the content of the Koi language test. After listening for about two hours, you can learn the standard Koi language test. Carp language." The tester said.

"So powerful." Kemen was surprised.

The Bureau of Investigation really has a lot of good things, even props for people to learn the common language.

"But it's a vulture, can it make human language sounds?"

"Mr. Ke, this is a special item, and the current scientific theory cannot explain how it achieves its function." The tester shook his head, and then put on earphones for the sand sculpture that was waiting to die with its eyes closed.

Just in case, the tester asked Kermon to immobilize it with an unnamed salted fish.

When using salted fish as a body, some testers looked directly at the scales of the fish for further testing.

The tester was stunned on the ground, and the speed of the attack was as fast as one millisecond.

Tangyuan appeared and blocked the side of Xianyu with her body, then Kemen took out the manuscript of rationality and waved it in front of their eyes.

Under the influence of rational transcripts, they quickly returned to normal and wrote evaluations based on their own feelings.

"The ability of this fish is very strange."

"Control system, weird side items."

"When many people are visually watching the fish scales, they can still control the group and have powerful functions."

"The reaction time is zero. Once you see it, you can't avoid it, unless you are carrying a control-free item..."

The testers were terrified and did not dare to look at the body of the nameless salted fish.

In the Bureau of Investigation, everyone is human. No matter how strong the physical strength of normal people is, they are probably the same.

Only some people with physical fitness items will be stronger than normal people, but such people are too few, extremely rare.

Two hours later, Kemeng took off his hearing earphones, put them on his head and listened for a while, and he heard the content of the Koi language test.

It's a pity that the earphones are too small for Tangyuan to wear, otherwise it would have a chance to learn Koi language.

Put the nameless salted fish into the storage scarf, and patted the sand sculpture on the head, it took a long time for the sand sculpture to recover.

Seeing that Kemon was nearby, it quickly yelled and shook its wings, not daring to look at anyone.

"Hang up this iron block and see your load-carrying capacity." Kemeng ignored it and directly issued an order to lift the object.

Beside Kemon, there is a basket with iron blocks of fixed weight, and the basket is tied with iron chains.

The white-haired sand sculpture understood Kemeng's words. It never thought that one day it would understand the words of the evil god.

He flapped his wings, grabbed the chain link with his claws, spread his wings and took off, and the basket was hoisted into the sky.

The net weight of the basket is 700 grams, and the cumulative weight of several iron blocks is 5 kilograms.

The sand sculpture grabbed the basket and flew into the sky, looking very relaxed.

At the request of a group of "evil gods", it changed several baskets one after another to special heavy objects.

The final test result is that the sand sculpture can grasp a heavy object with a total weight of one ton, that is, two thousand catties.

From a scientific point of view, an eagle can grab a creature weighing one hundred kilograms, and the load capacity of this sand sculpture has exceeded the upper limit of normal animals.

The testers wrote in the evaluation: "The sand sculpture has extraordinary strength."

Followed by vision test, hearing test.

The test after test is extremely detailed, showing the comprehensive ability of sand sculpture.

In the end, sand sculptures were defined as a sixth-level thing, one level lower than glutinous rice balls.

The reason is that the attack ability of the sand sculpture is not as strong as that of the glutinous rice balls. The pear blossom rainstorm needle of the glutinous rice balls is comparable to shooting with a hot weapon, but the sand sculpture has no attack skills, it can only shake the sand, and the strength of the claws is very strong, which is the advantage.

As for the sand sculpture language that Baimao Sand Sculpture is proficient in, they did not measure any useful information, so it is not a bonus item.

In the afternoon, Kemeng went home with unnamed salted fish, sand sculptures, glutinous rice balls and tinkling bells.

When I got home, the sand sculpture was trembling in the room again, and the sand was rushing.

In Sha Sculpture's heart, the world is full of madness.

If you don't see the madness, it must be hidden.

It is different from the sand sculptures in the clan. The sand sculptures in the clan are stupid and crazy. They want to live in unrestrained freedom, but they like a quiet and peaceful world.

Because it is incompatible with the sand sculptures in the ethnic group, it happened that the black ghost passed by, and it was used as a sacrifice by the ethnic group.

Ask for a ticket.