I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 12: Look straight at the man of the nameless mist


"Why do I feel that they are holding an evil sacrificial ceremony?" Cold sweat broke out on the leather armor assassin's back, and his hair stood on end.

"It's not right, it's not right here." Another teammate kept trembling.

The adventurer captain glanced at his status bar. In addition to "imprisonment" and "poisoning", there are also many negative effects called "fear".

In the next second, gusts of dark wind whistled past him.

He raised his head and saw a cloud of water vapor gushing out of the well, which merged with the wind of the natural environment and gathered in the sky ten meters above, forming a huge and indescribable fog.


The sound of dozens of people kneeling collectively came from behind.

The voice was very urgent, as if something terrible was happening in the mountain village.

The kobold priest who presided over the ceremony also quickly knelt down, knocking his head on the floor, his body trembling.

A second later, the flowing wind disappeared, and the hazy mist changed above the water well, and an invisible oppressive atmosphere expanded to the outside world around the water well.

"You are being affected by an unknown being"

The three players received the prompt from the system at the same time.

At first I thought it was a game and nothing would happen, but for some reason, my whole body trembled and my teeth chattered, as if I was going to die.

The leather armored assassin looked at the indescribable fog above his head in horror, and said in a trembling voice, "Why do I feel more and more afraid?"

"Why don't we reduce the body sensation to the lowest level."

The captain also trembled all over, as if there was something extremely terrifying passing by in the mist above his head, and he hadn't seen his appearance yet, his body was already so frightened that he wanted to die, wishing to have ten legs and run away, he didn't want to stay for a moment.

But it was such strong stimulation that made the three players more and more sure that this was the beginning of the epic plot mission, and it was the wisest choice to stay and accept the mission.

The captain slid out of the virtual game system with his mind, and adjusted the body sensation to the minimum.

This is a virtual reality game, and the body sensation can be adjusted to zero, but then you can't feel the flow of the wind, the smell contained in the air, the sense of blood flow in the body, temperature perception and other functions, and your own combat ability plummets.

At this moment, the three players did not breathe a sigh of relief after zeroing

"I adjusted it, but... my body is still very cold." The leather armored assassin found out in horror that his body still felt very cold.

The temperature did not drop.

In other words, the somatosensory function may have failed!

He had tried it before. He adjusted his body sensation to zero, touched a torch, and felt no heat at all, and felt no cold even when touched by an ice cube. to hot and cold.

But this time in the face of the cult cult, the system's somatosensory function failed, and the cold was like a sharp knife, piercing into every pore of the skin, going deep into the blood vessels, flowing through the aorta into the heart, and transporting it to every part of the body.

"Damn it, there's another bug. The time of confinement is like this, and the body perception setting is wrong again. I will complain to the game company after I go out!"

"I have to complain when I go out, idiot!"

The three cursed and greeted the eighteen generations of the game company's family crazily on the team chat screen.

Although they felt like dying, they still had no intention of going offline.

Whoever goes offline at this time is a fool.

"Great Cthulhu... the sleeping god of R'lyeh... the Great Old One..."

Kemon was sitting in the middle of the seawater city, so bored that he exploded, when he suddenly heard vague whispers.

It is the whisper of fanatics, who are chanting the name of their gods.

"Someone is calling me." Kemeng thought.

Anyway, it's boring here, why not see who is calling him.

Kemon tried to concentrate his attention and listened carefully to those vague voices.

After he focused on capturing those ethereal singing sounds, the voice in his ear became clearer and no longer hoarse.

Suddenly, a small mountain village appeared in my mind.

It was a gloomy small mountain village. Dozens of people in black robes knelt on the ground and knelt down. No one dared to look up at him.

Oh no, there were five people not wearing black robes by the well, two were unconscious, and the other three were looking up at Him.

"Interesting, no one dares to look at me, yet there are three people here who dare to look at me." Kemeng thought to himself.

It was also when Kemeng looked at the three of them. The three players only saw two red lights flashing in the mist, and then their whole bodies were terrified.

Unspeakable horror fell on the three of them.

"You are being watched by unknown beings!"

"The overall state has dropped by 90%!"

"Your mental resistance is too low, your whole body is suppressed!"

"You are dead!"

Explain one by one to refresh the screen.


There was a muffled sound from the captain's head, his eyes were bleeding, and he stared dead, unable to even speak.

The other two teammates were not feeling well either.

"You've gone mad!"

The two yelled, feeling like their brains were about to split open, and endless images flew through their minds, all of which were images from their previous lives.

"It is detected that the player's brain has been injured, and the forced offline safety mechanism has started!"

The moment one person's brain exploded and the other two went crazy, the avatars of the three people in the team list darkened, and they went offline collectively.

The moment they were offline, the two crazy players were no longer in the game, and their characters became quiet, their eyes closed, and they lay on the ground to sleep, like two sleeping corpses who could not speak.

The people in black robes next to them were terrified when they heard the adventurer's scream for a moment.

Sure enough, not looking up at the "Unspeakable Mist" was the right choice... The kobolds are grateful for their wit.

Deep Sea R'lyeh.

"Hey, it turned out to be a player."

Kemeng looked at the three fallen players, and the attacking player messages popped up on his side one after another.

Also because of watching, Kemen happened to see the nicknames on the heads of the five players, namely:

"Clear", "I'm not a human anymore", "Furious", "Sweet", "White milk".

"I can't bear even a glance. It's really a dish. What's the difference from the seafood here." Kemeng murmured.

Kemen just looked at them curiously just now, and didn't arouse his murderous intentions. He didn't expect that the other party couldn't hold on for even a second.

It was also after the other party was forced to log off, the player character fell into sleep, and Kemen found a skill in his skill bar lit up.

"Invasion of Dreamland"

He has many skills, but the skill of invading dreams has not been used yet.

The creatures in R'lyeh under the sea are active in fighting internally all day long, and have no intention of sleeping at all, so the dream-type skills are always unavailable.

At this moment, the five players fell asleep because they were offline, giving Kemon an opportunity.

Kemen glanced at the other two dream skills, one was "Twisting Dreams" and the other was "Spreading Dreams".

"Let me see what you players have in your dreams."

Kemon was very excited at the moment, he didn't even care about the kobold priest's sacrifice, his whole body's interest was attracted by the dream system skills.