I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 121: Post testimonials


(Two fan groups:



It is good to enter only one fan group, not both. )

It will be available at noon on May 15th (this Friday), around 12:30.

It may also be more than ten minutes earlier, but I am not sure.

Let's not say anything about the rules of adding updates. At noon tomorrow, two updates will be released first, and then the author will add updates in the afternoon and evening, and strive for four or five updates.

Everyone read it hard, and posted this chapter to say that you should brush your face.

Even if it's a reminder to update, I'd like to read some "that's it, that's it".

It's been a long time since I saw my book being so lively, it really feels like a dream of going back in time.

In addition, the starting point’s subscription rule is 200 characters per coin, discounts for member users.

More coins means more words, some chapters are expensive, some chapters are cheap, all because of the different number of words.

The following is the time of Haiyang's broken thoughts, the main author's mental journey.

There is a lot of nonsense, students who don't like to read can wait for the update tomorrow.


I wrote this farming article, and the grades are average. The first order is 127, and I will continue to write, and then I will order 630 at the end.

It's a bit of a rush, but I also look away. I'm probably a person of this level.

The book failed to reach two million, because the high-tech theoretical requirements in the later period were too high, and I couldn’t write it. I got stuck every day and felt uncomfortable, so I ended the farming essay.

It was only after writing about farming that I deeply felt the amount of knowledge needed to write about farming. I was a little scared, so I stopped writing about farming and wanted to write about other subjects.

In January 2020, I opened an animation entertainment work, wanting to be a bastard, a little bit. After all, I have written about entertainment, and I don't think it is difficult, so I am an experienced person.

I didn't expect that the two PC-end recommended positions in the new book of entertainment, the increase is too touching.

199 collections in the first round, 222 collections in the second round, and a total of 421 collections in the two rounds. On the other hand, in the book of the second week, two rounds of PCs pushed up 4366 collections. After the score was strong, the daily increase exceeded 1,000, and the gap was like a catastrophe.

Sure enough, there was a problem with what I wrote at the time, not because the recommended bit flow was low.

In January, I was thinking, two rounds of pushing only 421 collections, definitely at the level of dozens of orders.

It's too difficult for me, I just want to mix hundreds of books, why is it so difficult.

Compared with those bosses with thousands of orders, my psychological bottom line is really low.

So the entertainment work of this article was cut in half.

I calmly think about the reasons for the failure.

It's slow, not fast enough, and the popularity of sand sculpture animation has passed.

This made me realize that the direction of my research was wrong, and I had to find the subject matter in a different way.

Then I started to retreat. I started to retreat in February this year. The original plan was to retreat for two to three months (in fact, I left the mountain after one month of retreat).

The first is to do the sweeping work.

What I scan are the first-order books of each issue, especially the books that have been put on shelves in the last two or three months.

I specifically look at which book has a high first order in the field of light novels. A high first order means that it represents the trend of that issue, and the popular elements are clear at a glance.

Then I found that words such as Cthulhu, Tokyo, and supernatural are very popular in the category of light novels recently, and they have been popular for several consecutive issues. This is not accidental, but it is really popular.

The theme of Tokyo became popular, and then I wrote an infinite flow book based on the theme of Tokyo. The first copy used Tokyo as a map.

I have just saved the seventh chapter draft, and I will read it to a trustworthy fan.

"It's kind of slow, I don't know what you're writing," he said.

Then I looked at it, and it was indeed a bit slow. Then I entered the dungeon, and it gave people a feeling of not knowing why, and I never saw the main line.

A slow pace is a big taboo. I wanted to speed it up and let it quickly enter the main line, but found that it couldn't be changed.

If you change it, you have to tear it all down and start over.

I just stopped writing, I feel that I still don’t have the level to write infinite streams.

So these seven chapters were scrapped, and they were not posted on the Internet anyway. Everyone didn't know that it hadn't been published yet, and I had already scrapped it.

Then I searched everywhere for inspiration.

Opening a book must be something eye-catching, otherwise it will still be the old way of dozens of orders.

In the introduction to the text of a comic book, the word "Boss of the second week" suddenly brought me inspiration.

However, the content of other comics is not what I like to read. The opening is an academic opening, and you can know what is behind it at a glance.

Internal struggles, fighting back and forth.

The layout is a bit small.

It's better to have a bigger world view, and then I will do it.

I think of the old book I wrote before, "The Abnormal Life of a Summoner", which is also a supernatural book, and the subject matter is the flow of summoning.

At the beginning, the summoner had four thousand collections, and the first order was 321. It was a book that hit the street.

The environment at that time was that supernatural wind was not popular in the second dimension, but supernatural wind was popular in other categories.

I wrote this book and was complained by fans, why don't you put it on the supernatural channel.

In fact, I wanted to write a relaxing and scary spiritual summoning book, but as I wrote it, I couldn't write it in a relaxed tone.

In addition, the environment at that time was like that, supernatural novels were really not popular in the second dimension.

I think that the second dimension should be inclusive of everything, and any subject matter can be integrated into it.

Don't animations and comics also have horror themes? Why can't you write a supernatural version of the second dimension when it's the novel's turn

It's different now, and the supernatural elements of the light novel category have become popular.

And the subscription data is more and more scary, ranging from 3,000 to 10,000 subscriptions.

Then I had an idea, I wanted to get back to the summoning flow.

When I first wrote Summoner, I didn’t set the summoning rigorously enough. The more summoned, the more powerful the protagonist, the more powerful, and the more broken the strength.

This time, according to the core of the summoning flow, it was made into a sacrifice flow, and limited by side effects.

Combined with the title of the book, "I Became the Boss of the Second Week" is officially released.

The core of the summoning flow I understand is the sense of the unknown, and the unknown can generate a sense of expectation.

As long as there is a sense of anticipation, people can read on.

This is also the reason why this book does not play those pretense and slaps, and replaces the pretense and slaps with a sense of unknown. Although I changed the summoning flow to the sacrifice flow, the core has not changed.

It’s not that I despise pretending to slap my face. In fact, I also love reading those pretending books, especially books that pretend to be invisible.

But let me write, I'm not very good at it.

The core of pretending to be forceful is emotion, which is essentially just a method of expression, and it is not necessary to pretend to be forceful.

As long as the emotions are in place, other ways of expressing may not be as bad as pretending to slap your face.

Pretending to be aggressive is the most obvious shortcut to success.

Some people pretend not to be coercive, and write embarrassingly. It is a problem of incomprehension.

Regarding the way of pretending to be coercive, I learned the knowledge I went to the starting point training class in 2018. It really increased my knowledge.

One trick, eat all over the world.

It is no longer a dream to apply the tricky tricks to the point of proficiency, and it is no longer limited to face-slapping.

Although I have learned it, how to implement it depends on the individual's understanding ability.

I have been fluttering, but my brain is conscious, but I haven't used my cost ability well.

In this book, I have made various attempts, but how to do it is all based on my feeling, and I have not deliberately pretended to be forceful, and I don't know if it will work.

Seeing that the chapter of the second week's BOSS is so active, then my thinking should not be a big problem.

Hmm... wait, the testimonial seems to be too long.

After all, it's just random thoughts, and you can't spit it out.

Happy now.

In the book of the second week, there will be bosses beating players violently in the later stage. After all, the title of the book is here, and I will definitely write it, but not in the early stage.

Beating players violently is just a big plot point of this book.

The title of "I Became the BOSS of the Second Week" is the plot of the later stage. The book itself is the protagonist's steady development in the early stage and the strange plot, and slowly grows to the day when Cthulhu is unsealed.

Beat the player violently after unblocking.

And then the plot, wait until then to conceive it, I like the unknown, I don't want to set the ending at the beginning.

I have only read books about the boss flow, starting from a small monster and growing up to a big boss step by step.

I haven't paid much attention to the book that is the big boss from the beginning and has been implemented to the end.