I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 123: The whole village is abnormal


Earlier, the mutation in the detective game hadn't appeared yet, only Xiao Taozi showed the abnormality that was out of the control of the program.

The computer background cannot monitor the data changes during that period. Someone put forward a rather nonsensical point of view. As long as someone observes the truth of the data behind it, the data will show normal performance.

When it is not observed, the data will appear anomalous.

This point of view is rather nonsense, but it points out the difficulty of everyone at this stage, that is, the program data cannot be seen.

The data cannot be seen, and the surface data can only be analyzed through the screen.

Everyone wants to see deeper changes, so they think of controlled experiments.

Turn on eight more computers, spread nightmares to the little girl, and produce a second abnormal game, then keep other conditions unchanged, and change one condition.

Last time, eight players were disconnected from seven people's circuits. The official is currently trying to get eight researchers to enter the abnormal game and make a controlled experiment. Maybe they can find bugs and the like.

Now the situation is different from before. Xiao Taozi's parents showed unusual worries and strange conversation behaviors, departing from the fixed route set by the program. Everyone wants to further explore what kind of mutation happened to them.

Do you have human thinking, or do other accidents occur

"Liu Siting, can you overhear their whispers through the wall?" Li Shen asked.

"I'll give it a try." Liu Siting said softly.

When everyone heard the words, they all moved their necks and concentrated.

Liu Siting clicked the mouse to manipulate the characters in the game to leave Xiao Taozi's parents, take a detour, and slip outside a wall.

Click on the edge of the wall to stick to the wall. If you click on the wall, it is very likely to jump over the wall. The interactive function of this game is well done, so be careful.

Liu Siting wears headphones, but the computer has an external socket, and a professional sound system forms a surround-type stereo sound environment, so that everyone can hear the sound from the game.

"Did Liu Siting discover something?"

"I said before, don't leave her in this village, we don't need outsiders."

"I want to rush too, but what reason do I have to use..."

These three conversations are inexplicable, and everyone has no idea what the two guys are talking about.

At this time, Xiao Taozi appeared from another angle of the big screen, pinched the corner of the clothes of the character controlled by Liu Siting, and asked with great doubts on her small face, "Hey, sister, what are you doing, why are you standing there?" Dazed by the wall?"

The parents on the other side of the wall immediately heard their daughter's voice, and their expressions changed drastically.

Liu Siting tapped the floor lightly, moved her body slightly, and said, "I'm fine."

"My sister is weird." Xiao Taozi left a sentence and left.

And the villagers in the village became more and more weird, and the smiles on their faces became more and more eager, but as long as Liu Siting's character turned their backs to them, they would show expressions of disgust.

Liu Siting's brain IQ is limited, so naturally she doesn't know what the villagers are thinking.

She only felt that the attitude of the villagers was full of inexplicable malice, even through the screen, they couldn't stop the infiltration of malice.

Only Xiao Taozi is as pure as ever, without many distracting thoughts, only occasionally showing the little emotion of "I don't want to stay here anymore" when she is alone.

The team of scientists behind Liu Siting met and clicked on the smart watch one after another. Those who typed typed, and the scientists who wanted to use voice walked to an open place to read.

The Orange Star Scientific Research Institute has been monitoring the situation of the isolation layer of the sky garden. The dean of the school naturally also saw the changes in the game, and started new topics early to deal with the changes that have already occurred.

Now the online discussion room is full of people. Because there are too many speakers and the screen is full of text, the upper management has to turn on the group mode to improve the communication efficiency of scientists.

After a while, the team of psychoanalysts put forward a more reliable hypothesis.

The character controlled by Liu Siting is a game character after all. If you don't control the character, the character will be in a stopped state in the game.

The expression on the face will not be stiff, because the facial expression function in the game is well optimized, and it will not be a face from beginning to end.

But standing in place for a long time, anyone will be very surprised to see it.

The characters in the game already have thoughts, and when they see Liu Siting standing still, they will naturally have some thoughts.

At first it was not obvious enough, but now the villagers have noticed Liu Siting's weird behavior and think she is also a weird person.

"So in our eyes, the behavior of the villagers is very weird, but in the eyes of the villagers, Liu Siting's words and deeds are also very strange."

"This is the result of poor communication. They don't understand us, and there is a gap."

"We have to let Liu Siting move, use communication to reduce barriers, and at the same time, the mouse must not stop and keep moving."

"In short, you can't stand stupidly at one point, and you can't stay at one point for too long. Doing things must be in line with common sense, and you need a reasonable reason to stand still for a long time, otherwise you will be regarded as a weirdo by others."

When the psychoanalysis team spoke, they mobilized a large number of screenshots, all of which were screenshots from the computer screen.

Each screenshot contains extremely high-definition details of the facial expressions of the characters. The psychologist analyzed the psychological changes of the villagers through expression analysis, tone of voice, and body language.

The theory is sufficient, coupled with a large amount of evidence, so this line of thinking moved to Liu Siting's ears.

Liu Siting listened, nodded, and clicked the mouse all the time to make the characters move and not stand still.

"If you feel a little tired, I can help you click the mouse and keyboard." Professor Lyon said cheekily, without any feeling that he was stealing other people's work.

"I'll call when I'm tired, thank you."

Liu Siting did not directly refuse, she still had rationality, knowing that her hands had not surpassed the limits of human beings, and she still had to rest when it was time to rest.

You can't fall down without fulfilling the long-cherished wish of awakening Cthulhu. Everything is based on awakening Cthulhu. This is Liu Siting's core driving force and the central idea of Cthulhu believers.

Under this inexplicable driving force, believers will unconsciously do some strange behaviors.

Liu Siting lives in Orange Star, an era of knowledge explosion. She clearly knows what she is doing, and she also knows that she is going against the times.

From a moral point of view, she knew it was wrong, but she did it anyway.

She kept clicking on the characters, and a vicious-looking male villager suddenly appeared on the screen, blocking her way.

This male villager is two meters tall, like a giant in the village, taller than Liu Siting by a large margin.

He has broad shoulders, a square face with thick eyebrows, big lips, a high nose bridge, and dark skin. When he looks at Liu Siting with two big eyes, he shows unusual interest.

"Liu Siting!" He yelled.

"Be my wife, let's escape from this ghost village together, I'm done with this place!" the two-meter-old man roared, his eyes fixed on the figure of the female detective.

Liu Siting's hands trembled, and the mouse was almost thrown away.