I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 127: The Power of Crazy Words (First Order 2600)


Kemen rummaged through his skills, but for the time being, he couldn't integrate the detective world made up of data into a dream.

But Kermon can spread nightmares to that world, making it a source of new dreams.

For example, the Orange Star is now the source of the dream. Every time one more Orange Star person dreams, the dream world will have more spiritual power and expand its territory.

Theoretically, as long as more and more creatures enter the dream, they will provide more and more mental power.

Speaking of which, are data spiritual, and what do they offer

Kemeng looked at Xiao Taozi. When Xiao Taozi closed her eyes and went to sleep, her body would not disappear, but she felt a sense of dreaming.

Data enters the dream, and in turn enters the dream and returns to the original data world.

What is the principle

Kemeng's understanding of dreams is not deep enough, and most of the time he just uses his own skills to perform.

Sometimes, powerful gnosis can vaguely understand the essence of skills, but it is very difficult to truly comprehend and master them.

Kemeng glanced at Xiao Taozi, she was already awake, with a faint melancholy on her face, as if disgusted by the behavior of the villagers and parents in the detective world, her face was full of displeasure.

The players naturally didn't know what Xiao Taozi did in the dream, and comforted the unhappy little loli: "If there is something unhappy, just complain about it, and you will feel much better..."

Little Lolita nodded, and told about the unhappy things that happened in her dream.

When Xiao Taozi was telling the story, Kemeng looked at Liu Siting, who was full of chaotic thoughts. Her consciousness was already taking protective measures, and she passed out directly.

However, a large amount of chaotic information penetrated her consciousness, and her consciousness was in a muddled state, and her main consciousness completely turned into a chaotic body, merging with the chaos.

Kemen felt the meaning of the dream from her, and it should have entered another dream.

Dreaming in a dream, well, it's hard.

Orange Star people can't faint in their dreams, and they won't fall asleep. When the time comes, they will be awakened by high-tech machines.

However, Liu Siting was disturbed by chaotic information here, which caused subtle changes in body consciousness and body. The main consciousness could not wake up to reality, but was trapped in another dream.

Kemeng secretly guessed that the dream was formed by the interweaving of chaotic information and Liu Siting's consciousness. Liu Siting herself is not strong, so it is very easy to get lost in that dream, and then remain unconscious, but her consciousness will always be active.

This reminded Kemon of a vegetative person, and he didn't know if this analogy was correct.

In the next second, Kemeng began to follow this connection to invade Liu Siting's deep dream.

After consciousness invaded, huge and chaotic information flooded in, messy and disorderly.

In Liu Siting's deep dream, there is no earth, no sky, and no creatures.

Kemeng was synesthesia in the chaos, and according to his connection with the believers, he found Liu Siting's location in the deep dream after a second.

A transparent humanoid was swimming in a chaotic source of information, and Kemon felt an extremely crazy idea from her.

Already mad, she was blindly chasing even crazier information.

Kemen came here for nothing else, but to save this believer and let her work hard to spread dreams.

Orange Star is so developed, there must be many games that have not been infected.

The initiative of the Orange Stars to preach can increase the number of dream entrances and make the dream world wider and more interesting.

Now that the dream world has no tormenting elements, it is more like a dream than a nightmare.

Yes, it should be described as a dream.

When Kemen thought of this, he used his powerful consciousness to accept the chaotic information wandering in the deep dream.

Crashing, Kemeng seemed to be a vent, and all the wind poured into Kemeng.

Liu Siting also flew over involuntarily, but she was rejected by Kemeng and repelled to a very far place.

After absorbing most of the chaotic information, the level of confusion in Liu Siting's deep dream decreased significantly, and Liu Siting's main consciousness gradually woke up.

Then the dream broke.

Liu Siting's body in the dream world also disappeared, and her consciousness was awakened in Orange Star's isolation room.

After waking up, Liu Siting's eyes were red.

Although Kemon sucked a lot of chaotic information, she woke up before she finished sucking it, so there was still a small amount of chaotic information remaining in her consciousness.

Those chaotic thoughts caused Liu Siting to utter some unintelligible crazy words from time to time.

At this time, the guards also woke up, and reported to their superiors that Liu Siting had fainted in the dream world, and the researcher rushed to see the situation.

As soon as she entered Liu Siting's room, she saw that all the lights in the room were turned off. Liu Siting put on a black and purple quilt and covered her head, looking like a simple black robe.

"#@#)!~*" Liu Siting stood where she was, singing something she couldn't understand loudly.

Professor Lyon's brain was aching, and he felt an extremely strong sense of rejection in his heart.

Researcher Li Shen felt uncomfortable all over, and a feeling of extreme disgust was formed in his heart, and he didn't want to continue listening.

Faced with this situation, everyone immediately exited the room, not daring to approach.

"Crazy, crazy."

"She's scarier than ever!"

The researchers looked terrified. Even after leaving Liu Siting's room for half an hour, they still felt a throbbing pain in the head, and the repulsion and disgust in their hearts could not be shaken off.

Liu Siting is not crazy all the time, but occasionally regains clarity.

She found that she did not have the authority to open the electronic lock, she was locked in the room, and she immediately made a proposal to her superiors.

The superiors refused and told her to isolate in the bedroom. As for food, there will be robots delivering food, so there is no need to worry.

Liu Siting felt angry and unhappy for a while.

But after a while, Liu Siting was chanting those nagging and incomprehensible words again.

When the monitor heard this, he was also sweating profusely, his brain trembled, and his heart pressure soared.

Can't listen, can't monitor!

So the monitors canceled the monitoring of Liu Siting and changed to screen monitoring.

"Extremely dangerous, don't touch it unless you are awake!" The danger evaluation given to Liu Siting by the superiors has been raised to a higher level.

Although she didn't know what happened in the dream, Liu Siting's crazy words had power, and the listener's head hurt, adding to her an evil spirit that strangers should not get close to.

The psychiatrist in charge of treating Liu Siting strongly suggested that Liu Siting should be treated as soon as possible, otherwise Liu Siting might suffer from psychological distortion.

You can't enter the crazy period, you have to wait for the other party to enter the sober period, Liu Siting when sober will not read those crazy words.

Kemeng looked at Liu Siting who had disappeared, feeling regretful in his heart.

The messy information has not been cleaned up, even if she wakes up, she is still half crazy and half stupid.

Forget it, think of another way.

Kemeng looked at Xiao Taozi, at this moment Xiao Taozi had finished telling her story.

Kemen was thinking in his heart how to expand the spread

Without Liu Siting, another batch of believers could be created.

This isn't a nightmare, it's a dream.

And there are countless orange star people in the dream world, all of them are resources.

Well, but considering the official leadership of Orange Star, even if the people become believers, it will be difficult for them to shut down the game from the source.

It was also at this time that illusory murmurs came from Kemeng's ears.

It was far away and not close, and the voice was not real enough, but Kemen smelled the scent of believers, and it was a new sacrifice.