I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 131: Water the emotions


Taking advantage of the characteristic of disappearing into the mouth, the thick fish head is eliminated little by little.

For places that cannot be squeezed in, use a little force with your hands to push the meat in, and the meat will disappear naturally.

Fucking the big face cat's mouth for a minute, finally digested the grade fish.

He patted the big-faced cat on the head, and the meowing sound echoed in his head, but he still didn't show any emotion.

Kemon didn't know whether the level fish was useful to the big-faced cat.

After feeding the fish, Kemen looked at his online evaluation videos. Several videos involving special items had more than two million views.

Among them, the evaluation video of Big Face Cat climbed to 7 million, which shows that netizens like the video of Sand Sculpture Xiang very much.

Coincidentally, there was a real sand sculpture beside Kermon.

The white sugar on the side was shaking all over, and there was more sand on the floor.

Tang Yuan is playing with her mobile phone, and chatting with others is in full swing.

Ke Meng stared at the white sugar, and the white sugar understood in seconds.

sweep the floor!

Bai Nantang picked up the small broom that had been prepared by her side, and swept it, and the sand was swept into the garbage shovel.

However, the wings are also moving when sweeping the floor, and the sand will inevitably flow down again.

Kemen looked at it for a while, and found that the white granulated sugar could not be cleaned by itself no matter what. As long as it was moving, sand would be continuously produced.

While Baishatang was sweeping the floor, Kemeng secretly took out his video camera and aimed at Baishatang to take a video.

Although Kemeng has official evaluation videos, those content are more formal and not sandy.

"As a sand sculptor, you have to learn to sculpt in sand yourself, such as the sand that can never be swept away." Kemen muttered to the microphone of the camera.

Hearing his master's whisper, Bai Granu didn't understand what Kemen wanted to say, so he turned his brains sharply and kept thinking about what the evil god meant.

Bai Granang had a lot of things to think about, so he kept filling his brains.

Kermon zoomed in on the sand falling between the white sugar feathers.

Seeing the fine sand falling from the feathers, Kemen thought of an idea, but there is still something to do now, and I will take pictures after finishing.

After a while, Kemeng took White Sugar out and drove to the Special Affairs Investigation Bureau.

Luo Yuan, Director Lei and the others were already waiting in the underground parking lot of the Bureau of Investigation. Hearing that there was an extra tree in Kemeng's house to improve gnosis, the higher-ups expressed great importance.

Ke Meng got out of the car, and Luo Yuan and Director Lei immediately came to meet him.

After communicating for a while, Kemon briefly explained the functions of the psychic fruit tree and planned to hand it over to the investigation bureau.

"That tree, don't you want it?"

"I don't need it." Kemeng's own spiritual awareness is high enough, and further improvement will not benefit him.

"Besides, it is a tree that can bear fruit. If I need it, I can ask you for fruit." Kemeng said indifferently.

The principle of watering the psychic fruit tree is to water it with emotions. The emotion of the person who waters it will disappear proportionally. Kemon doesn't know whether it is a permanent disappearance or a temporary disappearance, so watering is risky. It is better to let the people of the investigation bureau to raise it. .

"Okay, we will record it as your contribution." Director Lei said happily.

As Kemen knew, the Bureau of Investigation was understaffed, and people with low Gnosis didn't have much effect on the Bureau. Kemeng's gift of the tree just hit the Bureau of Investigation's heart, and it was a big gift.

Kemen came to a single room covered with soil, patted the scarf, and the psychic fruit tree was patted out and fell to the ground.

Kinked roots dig into the soil, stabilizing the tree's balance.

Everyone saw the colorful fruits on the tree, and they all wanted to eat them.

"Is this the spirit fruit?"

"It looks delicious, is it poisonous?"

"It needs to be tested for toxicity, don't eat it directly." The testers whispered to each other, and Kemen couldn't help but feel ashamed.

Kemon didn't think much about toxicity, but he thought about it quite comprehensively.

Some people also boldly put forward hypotheses, "Can these fruits grow into another spiritual fruit tree? With the size of a single tree, it is difficult to support investigators across the country."

There are many people in the bureau who need to improve their gnosis. They are not investigators, but low gnosis who have been screened out and can only do some logistical work.

With this tree, as long as those who do logistics work want to be investigators, they can hope to improve their spiritual awareness and then participate in the investigation.

Seeing Director Lei look over, Kemeng shook his head: "I don't know."

Subtext, Big Face Cat did not give this kind of knowledge.

"Well, since you don't know, test it." Mr. Lei ordered someone to pick the fruit and slice it for research.

There are many fruits on the tree, take a slice, take one to another soil cell, dig a hole, and put the fruits in it.

Then the tester began to test the watering link.

Kemon didn't know how to water it either, he only knew that emotions were needed to water it.

In this regard, Director Lei has profound experience.

"We also have some emotion-driven items in our investigation bureau. Some things need to be driven by rage, some need despair, and some need happiness."

Because of experience, the tester also knows how to water.

When watering, as long as a certain emotion in the heart is continuously strengthened, the activation effect will be achieved.

Kermon watched from a distance, and saw a tester with an ordinary face take out an old photo from the lockbox. The photo was gray and he couldn't see what was there.

The moment the photo was taken out, the tester burst into tears, his face was very sad, and there was a faint cry.

Director Lei explained: "It's a crying photo, which was produced in the room of the suicide couple. The photo has become a special item. As long as you hold the photo and look at it, you will think of very sad things."

"I see." Kemon nodded.

"As for the side effects, it is that you will gradually fall in love with the person in the photo. After using it for a long time, you will suffer from depression. In theory, you can change the person once you use it. You can't let the same person use that photo all the time." Director Lei is very familiar with this. Tell Kemon the function of the sixth-level things.

The tester cried in front of the psychic fruit tree. The psychic fruit tree shook its branches and leaves, and the branches and leaves were a little brighter.

The tester cried for half an hour, and his eyes were red from crying. When he came back, his eyes were dull and he was deeply affected.

A new person from the investigation bureau came forward and cried, and the psychic fruit tree finally grew a new flower and produced a red fruit.

But Kemeng didn't continue to read, but took out the hidden bark to do a simple test.

Because hiding in the bark has side effects, it is not suitable for long-term testing, so Kemen stopped the test after familiarizing himself with how to use it in front of a tree.

Regarding the bark hiding, Director Lei rated it as a five-level thing, because it can shield perception, and even infrared detection is invalid for it.

After measuring the hidden bark, Kemen returned to the psychic fruit tree area again, and saw that some fruits had grown back on the fruit tree.

In another soil room, the psychic fruit in the soil actually sprouted.

But the conditions for watering are very harsh. All the testers who participated in the sacrifice of a certain emotion showed a lack of interest and were depressed, as if they had lost something in their hearts.