I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 133: Foreign Objects in the Mountains and Forests (Part 3) (Revised)


"You reported it, and the investigation bureau doesn't confiscate it 100%. As long as you have the ability to control the pet, the investigation bureau doesn't have to take it in and let you raise it yourself." The companion glanced at him, "If you have to keep it secretly, you are not afraid that one day you will be caught. Discover?"

"As long as you don't tell me about this kind of thing, I'm not afraid." Nie Bochao shook his head and took out his phone to take a picture.

Such a spectacle must be photographed.

After taking a few shots, backpacker Nie Bochao noticed that the big bird was looking over.

Then the backpacker saw the big white-haired and yellow-sand bird, which seemed to be frightened, and quickly descended.

"What's the matter, fell down?" The three backpackers murmured, and then quickly ran over there.

In fact, Big Bird was frightened. In its eyes, humans are evil gods. When the three humanoid evil gods focused on it, Bai Shatang panicked and slipped back to Kemeng.

Kemen was still patting the sand on the grass, thinking that the white sugar was tired from flying, so he didn't say anything.

Tang Yuan continued to play on her mobile phone, and canceled the mute, and lowered the volume to a moderate level.

Bai Shatang was sweating profusely, and three evil gods saw it, but it should be fine, after all, the owner is also an evil god.

It is so timid that it doesn't even dare to talk to its owner, and the glutinous rice balls are addicted to pesticides, and the white sugar doesn't dare to disturb it, so these words are held back in their hearts.

A few minutes later, Kemon finished framing the scene.


Footsteps sounded in the jungle, and Tang Yuan, who had a keen hearing, parted his mind to observe the forest, and immediately saw the three humans who had just emerged.

And the three backpackers also happened to see Kemon, the large plush golden ball behind Kemon, and a big white eagle.

"what's the situation?"


"No, didn't you see that furball is playing with the phone?"

Nie Bochao heard the prompt from his companion, and immediately looked at the fur ball.

A few dog hairs are tied to a capacitive pen to play games. They move very fast and are alive, not dead.

The big white bird retracts its head into its wings, like a turtle with its head shrunken.

At this time, Kemen heard the three talking to themselves, and looked up to see the three strangers with surprised expressions.

There are people in this place.

But seeing that the other party is carrying a professional outdoor sports backpack and wearing off-road shoes, it is estimated that he is a wild survival enthusiast

Kermon tapped the camera in his hand with the end of his scarf, and the camera disappeared out of thin air.

The three of them were a bit courageous at first, but when they saw the camera disappear from Kermon's hands, they immediately lost their courage.

"Then what, we're just passing by, haha...you go on, we won't bother you." Nie Bochao smiled, and immediately retreated.

I don't have any special items in my hand, but when I see other people have special items, and there are two strange pets beside me, it is impossible to say that I am not afraid.

The three of them retreated two hundred meters slowly until the bushes obscured the view of both sides. They were relieved to see that the other party did not chase after them.

"Who is he, there are so many special items?"

"It's the first time I saw a special item in reality. Did you two see it? The camera disappeared instantly. It's amazing!"

As Nie Bochao said, his eyes were a little red, and he was extremely envious, but he couldn't get it.

The three went all the way and returned to the original climbing route.

The original plan of Nie Bochao and the others was to find a mountain in the outskirts of Whale City, camp in the wild, and experience the feeling of surviving in the wild.

Of course, it is not the kind of survival that is made by drilling wood to make fire, but simply to experience the atmosphere of camping outdoors.

But now Nie Bochao's mind is full of thoughts about that big white-haired bird, and the more he looks at it, the more he likes it.

The pure white feathers, pure and flawless, are definitely treasures.

What's more, it can also drop sand, and it can become a landscape at home.

Nie Bochao was thinking wildly all the way, and he didn't even pay much attention to what the two companions beside him were talking about.

It was getting late, and the sun was about to set.

Taking advantage of the sunshine, the two found a flat ground on the mountain to spread their tents, collected wood, and lit firewood with a lighter.

Nie Bochao was alone with nothing to do, thinking about the bird in his heart, not being able to get it, very annoying.

"I'm going to look for game, you stay here and don't move, wait for me to come back." Nie Bochao said.

"Okay." The two watched Nie Bochao's back disappear into the jungle.

Nie Bochao went for a walk in the bushes alone, talking about looking for game, but he was still thinking about the bird in his heart.

However, the man with the scarf didn't look like an ordinary person at first glance. It is impossible for an ordinary person to snatch him.

Why do others have so many things, but he doesn't

Nie Bochao was a little stunned by his thoughts, and didn't notice the rustling sound in his ears.


The strange sound seemed to be the turf rubbing against the rough surface, making an unpleasant sound.

Nie Bochao subconsciously looked over and saw pairs of red eyes blinking on the treetops.

The sun went down, and night came.


Suddenly, a man's voice came from the mountain.

When the two climbers heard the call, they looked at each other, and immediately took out their mobile phones and called Nie Bochao's.

beep beep.

Dozens of seconds later.

"Your call is temporarily unanswered..."

The two climbers were a little panicked. This is the wilderness, and usually nothing happens. Once something happens, it will be very difficult to deal with.

"It's over, nothing will happen."

"Anyway, call the police first." The companion said with an ugly face.

Kemen drove slowly towards Whale City.

Two hours ago, the appearance of the three climbers stunned Kemeng, but Kemeng had no other thoughts at the time.

Just see it if you see it, anyway, Bai Sha Tang is the protagonist of the next video, it doesn't matter if it is seen by passers-by.

Kermon set off for home after filming the material, unaware that the climber died in the mountain.

As soon as he drove to the toll booth, Kemon saw four police cars speeding away, and he didn't know where the police incident happened.

Kemen went home to eat, edited materials, and uploaded sand sculpture videos.

Uploaded videos pass in seconds and do not need to be queued for review.

It was the second time for Kemen to experience this zero-wait review speed and felt very comfortable.

Feel free to send the video link to the fan group, and then @all staff.

"@全部人员, a new video has been posted, this time it's a real sand sculpture evaluation."

Class Accumulation Nether Duanzi TV: "Stop doing special assessments and science popularization?"

Weak Chicken Xinmeng: "Isn't it the evaluation of the new pet?"

A salted fish who can only call 666: "I saw it, the bird raised by the group owner is so big."

How about the name: "???"

It doesn't matter if it's big or not, but there are more question marks from the group of friends.

Kemon was also drunk, so he could really drive anything.

There is one more chapter.