I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 137: No one knows how to kill wolves better than them (Part 3)


After transferring the knowledge, Liu Siting really went crazy and passed out directly.

My brain didn't explode, it's okay.

Kemon invaded the other party's dream with a backhand, absorbing the dissipated and chaotic knowledge.

As for the chaotic information that had been integrated into her consciousness, there was no way.

Liu Siting is destined not to be a normal person. What awaits her in the second half of her life is a life that combines chaos and rationality.

Kemen retreated quietly, and when he opened his eyes, he saw R'lyeh as usual.

Starfish and Coral, two creatures with super thick blood volume, are still fighting close to each other, and the wounds heal quickly, and it is almost impossible to see which of the two has the upper hand.

Kemen watched for a while, then ran to see the construction project of the dream player.

Tens of millions of people are concentrated in the plains for construction, and the construction of the science and technology zone has made great progress.

The building insiders in Kemeng’s synesthesia material area already have something in the manufacture of circuits and other instruments, and are preparing to transform into automated production.

Kermon was about to take a deep look, when suddenly he felt that something had come to La'lyeh.

Blinking his eyes, he canceled the synesthesia screen, looked through the darkness of R'lyeh, and saw a ghost in the shape of a black cloak flying in.

The black ghost's body was filled with a decayed and gloomy aura, and the clothes on his body seemed to have not been changed for decades.

The ghost apostle was very excited to see Cthulhu awake.

Then, humbled, it began to report to Cthulhu on the development of believers in recent times.

There are already two hundred and fifty-six fanatical believers with Cthulhu at the core, which is the main reason why the black ghosts have not come to Cthulhu to report the situation recently.

They are too busy, traveling all over the place, training the uncivilized and foolish people, and they really can't spare themselves to report the situation.

It wasn't until the black ghosts gathered on land that they realized that everyone hadn't reported to work, so they immediately sent a ghost that wasn't corrupt enough to go to La'lyeh.

The ghost, whose aura was not corrupt enough, shivered, and reported work tremblingly while enduring the torment from the coercion of the evil god.

Kemon could feel sickly pleasure from it, it was so uncomfortable that he wanted to die, but he was showing a look of enjoyment.

The black ghost said that human adventurers are stubborn and difficult to domesticate. After finally domesticating a batch of them, they play with them to evaporate from the world.

They don't want to domesticate human adventurers anymore, it's too wasteful of resources, it's better to spend time on native monsters.

Although the monster can't remember the memory of the previous life after death and rebirth, it is better than those believers who play the game of evaporating from the world.

The black ghost asks the evil god Cthulhu whether to take action against the human adventurers and suppress them. After all, the gods behind the human adventurers get rid of those fanatical believers for no reason, hindering Cthulhu's unblocking of the great cause.

After Kemen heard this, his face was expressionless, but he already knew the nature of the adventurer's disappearance in his heart.

Transforming into Cthulhu believers naturally has to be supervised in reality so that they cannot preach.

In this regard, Kemon's opinion is to continue to domesticate!

If it was before, Kemon's opinion was that it would no longer be domesticated, but this time it is different, players are an important resource.

Liu Siting has been given a heavy responsibility by Kemeng. If she doesn't die, she can do a lot of tricks.

Although these human believers are temporarily trapped and unable to play a role, they can be kept to play a role in the future.

Kemeng passed a thought, using the power of manipulating fear to control the body of the black ghost, giving it a thought to continue domestication.

The black ghost trembled all over, and great fear was generated in his heart.

The cloak became more tattered, the smell of decay became stronger, and the whole body exuded a cold feeling.

An indescribable fear weighed on his heart, and the rationality of the black ghost was almost crushed.

Continue to domesticate humans, you can't stop, no matter how difficult it is, you have to go on, the black ghost understands, but his body is also close to the verge of collapse.

Kemen stopped in time, and the black ghost did not die.

The black ghost waited in place for a while, feeling weak and strong, as if it had become stronger.

It expressed its gratitude from the bottom of its heart, and then wandered away from R'lyeh.

Kemen watched the back of the black ghost and nodded secretly in his heart.

In terms of loyalty, the black ghosts are indeed a group of people who have dedicated themselves to moving towards the great cause of unblocking.

It was also at this time that Kemen heard an illusory murmur.

To be fair, sacrifices have come quickly recently.

There are two hundred and fifty-six believers. If the base becomes larger and larger in the future, it is estimated that there will be believers offering sacrifices every day.

Space-time stone powder, let's say it is rare, and it also has monsters in Xinshou Village who can sacrifice it, giving people a feeling that it is not difficult to collect.

To say that it is not rare enough, among the 256 believers, only one group held a sacrifice today, it seems quite difficult to collect.

Kemon accepted the other party's sacrifice, and part of his consciousness parachuted into a low-rise building village.

Kemen saw a group of little monsters wearing black robes, which covered their upper bodies, and only the corners of the robes exposed their toes.

They were barefoot and without shoes, with sharp toenails and black mud in their fingertips.

Kemen couldn't see their whole bodies, so it didn't matter, all his followers would wear it like this when holding sacrifices, in order to ensure that they didn't look directly at the evil god.

It is possible that spiritual intuition can also be enclosed in black robes and masks, further avoiding the risk of looking directly at evil gods. This is Kemeng's new understanding.

These little monsters in black robes sang loudly: "Great Cthulhu... the old ruler... the sleeping god of R'lyeh..."

"We are a family of dwarves, and we hope that the great Lord can give strength to all the old, weak, sick and disabled."

"For better or worse, we accept it."

"This is a perfect sword, the most beautiful sword in the world!"

The dwarf raised a dagger and threw it into the village well.

Ke Meng glanced at it, and it was perfect at first glance, it really was a perfect sword.

Without hesitation, Kemeng had a thought, and the gray mist surged, and the sword disappeared.

According to the request of the other party, Kemen felt all the old, weak, sick and disabled in the village.

Having said that, the other party's request is really ruthless, as soon as it is heard, it will kill the wolf.

Eliminate the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, and those who can't survive will die as soon as possible. The dwarves who survived become stronger. Coupled with the middle-aged and strong men in the village, the whole village is full of elite soldiers.

No one knows better than them what is herd immunity of vulnerable groups, it's too ruthless.

These dwarf wolves are not the group of prairie wolves who sacrificed the book of tricks. They are a new race with a more ruthless personality.

Kemeng waited for a while to make sure that the other party did not make any new requests, and then carefully felt the emotions of the dwarf werewolves. The members of this village did not feel childish, at least subjectively.

The emotions of the elderly, the weak, the sick, and the disabled fluctuate greatly. Some disabled people are secretly dissatisfied, and some elderly people are secretly looking forward to it. Maybe it will turn around to be decades younger and regain youthful vitality.

The ideas were not unified enough, and there were only seven dwarves who were opposed. It seemed that the village voted in a form of voting in which many votes overwhelmed the minority, and the opponents passively accepted the group's decision.

However, Kemen is an evil god, how could he indulge these people who know better.

Everyone has to accept random buff magic!

In the next second, all the dwarf humans felt inexplicable power surge in their bodies.

Some dwarves encountered strong backlash, unable to withstand the pressure, and turned into a ball of bones.

The healthy, adult dwarves were terrified, for they, too, felt strange forces rising within them.


After a long time, the dwarf tribe survived and became stronger, but half of them died forcibly.

The surviving dwarves were silent, with tears in their eyes.

After a while, they wiped away their tears and came to the resurrection altar in the family, waiting for the newborn to appear. The tears on their faces were dry, as if they hadn't flowed.