I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 139: Like a sword fairy


Kemen held the sword and shouted "Bianchangchang" again, and the short sword became longer again, and it grew to a length of sixty to seventy centimeters.

The eyes of Tangyuan, White Sugar, and Saltworm opened their eyes again, staring blankly.

Kemen didn't know what they saw, but they were blinded.

You must know that the resistance of the glutinous rice balls is also very high, which shows how attractive this sword is.

Kemen yelled "Bianchangchang" again, and the long sword became longer again, reaching a distance of one meter.

Is there no limit to variable length

Kemen shouted several times in a row, and the sword in his hand grew to a length of two meters.

It's a bit too much, Kemen is carrying this big long sword in his hand, it's hard to imagine how to fight with a long sword.

The venue is a bit small, so we don't do the length test for the time being. Kemeng began to say "Shrink Shrink", and the sword immediately began to shrink.

After reading it several times in a row, the perfect Wuxia sword shrank to about ten centimeters, and it did not shrink any more.

Kemen took a ruler to measure its length, and it was really ten centimeters.

At this time, the sand-salt bug was still looking at Kemon, but he was getting hungry again, and gradually remembered that he hadn't eaten sand yet.

"Ahhh—" the sand-salt worm let out a strange scream, which was very unpleasant.

"Okay, I'll let you eat the sand, don't bark." Kemeng opened the box, and the sand-salt worm got out of the pet box without saying a word, and went straight to Bai Grantang's feet, where there was a pile of yellow sand.

Bai Granang watched as the white sand-salt worm rushed into a pile of yellow sand and rolled, swallowing the yellow sand with a big mouth.

The sand-salt worm does not eat sand very fast, and the pile of yellow sand under Bai Granang's feet is enough for it to eat for a few minutes.

Kemen brought a white bowl and asked the sand and salt insects to put salt in the bowl if they wanted to.

Anyway, Kemeng has no intention of eating it for the time being, Tangyuan said that it can contract the salt pulled out by the sand-salt bug.

Tangyuan recently watched food videos on her mobile phone, and found that salt was added to every dish she cooked, and she hadn’t seen any dishes without salt for the time being, so Tangyuan knew that salt was edible.

Ke Meng has no objection. As the saying goes, a dog can't change that. The glutinous rice balls are still canines in essence, and there is nothing wrong with them.

Bai Granu looked down at the sand-salt worm eating sand. To be honest, he was a little scared at first, but as time passed, the sand-salt worm did not show any strong aggressiveness. The fear in my heart also faded.

The little sand sculpture turned its eyes, shook its wings lightly, slightly controlled the direction of the feathers, and accurately shook the sand onto the eyes of the sand-salt worm.

The sand-salt worm was still opening its eyes, but suddenly its face was covered with sand, and its body twitched violently, shaking, the sand was shaken off, and the sand that could not be shaken was swept away by its eyelids.

Bai Shatang felt very interesting, and shook his wings lightly, playing with the sand-salt insects in the way of sand falling from the sky.

Seeing this, Kemeng secretly took out his camera and took pictures of the sand sculpture teasing insects.

I thought that Bai Shatang would look aggrieved, but it turned out that Kemeng was thinking too much. Bai Shatang's mentality is still very good, and he has already started to play tricks.

After the sand under the feet was licked up by the sand-salt worm, the sand-salt worm climbed onto Bai Shatang's bird's claws and licked the sand on its claws in various ways.

Bai Granang shook its wings and scattered small sand, and the sand-salt bug immediately turned its head to chase the sand.

The white sugar controlled the speed of shaking the sand and circled around.

The sand-salt worm also followed the sand and was played in the drum by the white sugar.

The golden fur ball glutinous rice balls on the side continued to play with the mobile phone, and the voice of "add a spoonful of white sugar and a spoonful of edible salt" came from the mobile phone, watching it with relish.

Kemeng stared at the camera beside him, taking video material in an open and aboveboard manner.

After filming for a while, Bai Shatang found that the evil god was staring at him to make bugs.

Bai Granang was a little embarrassed, and buried her head in her wings, pretending that no one else could see it.

The sand and salt bug slid around, and suddenly found no sand, and screamed.

But it has already eaten sand today, so its appetite is satisfied, and it no longer screams, but climbs on the paws of the white sugar, gets into the feathers of the bird, and regards it as its new home.

Kemen originally thought that this was the end of the material, but when he saw the sand-salt worm crawling into the feathers, his eyes lit up immediately, and he zoomed in on the camera to experience a new experience of shooting the sand-salt worm at close range.

Bai Shatang naturally also heard the approaching footsteps of Kemeng, and knew that Kemeng was staring at it, so Baishatang didn't dare to move anymore.

Shirato could also feel the feeling that the little bug fell into the feather.

It wanted to shake the bug away, but the evil god was staring at it, it didn't dare to move, and could only let the bug be arrogant.

The sand-salt worm originally wanted to live in the feathers, but found that with its body movement, the feathers were plucked by it, and then there was more sand in the feather crevices.

Seeing the sand, the sand-salt bug was overjoyed and started licking it directly.

This is a wonderful paradise, and it will always live here.

As long as you move, you can eat, and you will never have to worry about food in this life.

But Bai Shatang felt very itchy, and the other party pushed forward, it was too unbearable.

Shaking its wings violently, it shook off the bugs and at the same time spilled a piece of sand.

The sand-salt worm was thrown away by the white sugar, but it did not forget its original intention and continued to squirm towards the white sugar.

First lick all the sand on the floor, then climb up along the paws, and then shake the white sugar, repeating back and forth.

Kemeng filmed for a while, and after the footage was repeated, he stopped shooting and went to the living room to instruct glutinous rice balls to cook noodles for breakfast. He sat on a chair and planned how to shoot the footage of Wuxiajian.

After breakfast, Kemon came to the Bureau of Investigation to test the Flawless Sword.

In the professional testing room, Kemeng took out the Flawless Sword from the scarf. The moment the dagger was born, the eyes of the young ladies in the testing room were staring straight at the dagger.

In their eyes, the silver sword with a golden handle was shiny, exquisite and beautiful, like a shortened silver dragon, calm and restrained.

"What a beautiful sword!"

"How handsome!"

The eyes of the girls are constantly wandering between the sword and the person. Not only is the sword beautiful, but the person holding the sword is also very handsome.

Kemeng stated in advance the characteristics of the flawless sword, and the person holding the sword will also be imbued with the aura of perfection, so the appearance bonus in their eyes is the bonus of the flawless sword.

The two young ladies seemed to understand but half understood, but no matter what they said, their eyes were still fixed.

Kermon put the sword on a professional scale and got a weight of 100 grams, which is very light.

After Kemeng loosened his sword, the aura of perfection faded away, and the eyes of the two girls looking at Kemeng gradually returned to normal, and they found that Kemeng was not as perfect as imagined.

"Why do you feel that he is not perfect enough, is it really the role of the sword?"

Although the perfect appearance has faded, Kemeng is not ugly, and is still quite attractive. The faces of the two young ladies flushed, and they were ashamed of the staring eyes just now.

Kemeng didn't care, picked up the sword, and muttered something.


The short sword became longer, and the surface of the sword refracted the light. The precious light was transparent and shining, as if a sharp sword energy was gushing out.

The eyes of the two young ladies lit up again, and they felt that Kemeng was like a sword fairy at this moment, with a temperament beyond the dust, detached from the world, so perfect.