I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 145: The orange star face pinching game is launched (3rd update)


In the dream, Kemeng continued to communicate with Liu Siting, the chief believer among human beings, to see what she was doing.

Kemen has already cleared the chaotic information left in her mind, and the remaining knowledge that has been integrated into her consciousness cannot be cleared, it depends on her personal creation.

As soon as Kemeng went online, he saw Liu Siting playing in the water.

She has initially realized that during her period of losing her mind, the evil god gave her knowledge beyond the current era.

That is a piece of very magical knowledge, completely different from the current Orange Star technology, it is a technology that travels through the water with body and soul.

In order to achieve this technique, the soul and body first need to be extremely close.

What Liu Siting listened to was not clear, some knowledge came out naturally, and after thinking about it, I felt that some of the content was very confusing.

As soon as I thought of those chaotic knowledge, my mind started to be muddled again, I was unconscious, thinking about things, and sometimes I fell on the bed and didn't know what to do strange things.

Kermon watched for a while, then canceled watching.

That knowledge is not so easy to digest, and Liu Siting has to slowly comprehend it.

The process of comprehension is destined to take a while, and Kemon turned to look at the construction of the dream world.

Kemen looked around, and the World Tree and Tongtian Tower had become taller, the number of people involved in the construction had doubled, and the construction speed had also doubled.

The plain area is still built in a dense factory type, and the industrial system has really been perfected from scratch.

Without the industrial system, Orange Star people don't know how to develop.

Kermon did not prevent them from developing industries. After all, this is the safest route. As long as they develop along the line of technology, sooner or later they will be able to create things like airplanes and rockets, and then fly into the sky.

But what will be in the sky, Kemon thought for a while, but there is nothing.

The dream world has been distorted by Kemon into a joint dream, and many things are essentially the dream projections of each player.

But because it is too complicated, no one can control these things, only the evil gods can unify these things.

Is Kemon thinking about what to add to the sky, or doing nothing

It was also when Kemeng was thinking. The face pinching game made by Orange Star was officially launched for a day. Countless players became game characters through pinching faces and then dreamed in the game.

The player "Luo Xiaobei" used her superb manufacturing knowledge to restore the structure of a supersonic aircraft in the face pinching game, and then she turned into an airplane and dreamed in the game.

The feeling of becoming an airplane is really different. Luo Xiaobei used to be a fierce little loli, but at the moment she is very calm, as calm as an electronic machine with no emotions.

She could feel that her body became very three-dimensional, and strange things grew out, and various forces were transmitted from the internal organs of her body.

Fuel burns, and a lot of heat is expelled through the ass engine, propelling the body forward.

Luo Xiaobei lived in the form of an airplane for the first time, and almost hit the ground with her head. Fortunately, she raised the nose of the plane in time, and the plane took off and flew into the blue sky.

On the ground, some players were dumbfounded when they saw the plane that suddenly appeared.

What is this

The industrial level directly reaches the aircraft level

Luo Xiaobei had no other distractions, only thinking about how to control her body, and didn't care about the opinions of the people on the ground.

In reality, she is an engine researcher. Although she can't restore the starship with her knowledge, the ancient aircraft and the like are really easy to come by without any trouble.

This is also the reason why she can quickly build a fuel aircraft in one day. With enough knowledge, she can do everything very quickly.

The plane flew in the sky for a while, and her calm electronic thinking made her thoughts extremely fast and sharp. From the initial discomfort to adaptation, Luo Xiaobei felt that she had changed.

After she became familiar with the sense of direction, she began to slowly feel the movement of various parts of her body, increased the horsepower, and climbed upwards.

Her body is an airplane, and she doesn't need to breathe oxygen like a human, so she can fly high all the way and gradually break through the sound barrier.

In her eyes, supersonic technology is a very simple technology. When building the aircraft, she also considered the airflow application of the airframe. The excellent shape design has minimized wind resistance.

When Kemeng was inspecting the players, he happened to see Luo Xiaobei's debut.

"Why is there a plane all of a sudden?" Kemon was confused.

Carefully feel the breath of the plane, it is actually a player, not a cold dead thing.

Kemeng can perceive Luo Xiaobei's emotions, calm emotions account for 95%, and the remaining 5% are distracting thoughts as a human being, but the proportion of distracting thoughts is too small, they are crushed by calm emotions, and cannot become dominant mood.

A circle of white umbrellas appeared on the plane. It was a supersonic sonic storm cloud. It was the shock wave surface generated when the object caught up with the sound waves emitted by itself, increasing the resistance of the air to the object.

"Now players, even the role of airplane is open?" Kemeng watched it for a few seconds, and immediately realized the great interest contained in it.

Originally, He wanted to let a hundred flowers bloom in the dream, and all elements could be accommodated in it. Now Orange Star seems to have initially realized this dream.

Kermon secretly sensed the perspective of the plane. There was a white mist in front of the plane, and the speedometer had accelerated to eight times the speed of sound.

Eight Sonics!

If there were people in the plane, they might have been crushed to death.

But there is no one in the plane, the whole plane is her body, this is the legendary integration of man and machine!

The plane broke through the clouds all the way, overcame the gravitational force brought by the land itself, and gradually approached the end of the clouds.

The dream world is not a planet, but in order to allow everyone to walk normally, Kemeng designed the land with its own gravity, forming an environment similar to a gravity field.

After a while, Luo Xiaobei's supersonic plane broke through the clouds at the top, and the sonic boom cloud slowly disappeared, and for the first time he saw the sky above the clouds.

A piece of gray-blue, clean as if washed, without impurities.

That is the background board made by Kermon. Theoretically, this layer of space is endless, and the plane can fly continuously.

Looking at the blue sky, Luo Xiaobei felt a rare feeling of bewilderment.

This kind of disorientation often occurs in the space fleet, and it is a hurdle that the new generation of Orange Stars need to overcome. Luo Xiaobei is not a member of the space fleet, and this is her first experience.

"So there's nothing up there." Luo Xiaobei sighed, but she continued to fly.

Maybe it's because I didn't fly high enough

Luo Xiaobei glanced at her speedometer. The speed of the plane is so fast, and the engine material is also rapidly worn out.

She shut down the engine and let the plane fly by inertia.

The speedometer did not change, and the flight direction did not change. It is estimated that the external friction force is close to zero, and the gravity of the land can no longer restrict her from leaving the land.

Unrestrained, free and happy.

Luo Xiaobei's heart was both excited and calm. The two emotions should be contradictory, but they appeared on the plane at the same time.