I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 147: Skyfall Whale


In the deep sea of the dream, there is a prehistoric monster lurking inside, which looks like a big whale, and it is motionless in the deep sea, falling into a deep sleep.

It has been a long time since the human being drowned at sea appeared in the dream. The mission of the big whale has become a problem left over from history, and it has been staying in the deep sea on standby.

Instead of waiting for Mr. Ke's call, it waited for a group of strange steel monsters first.

The steel monsters don't have the skin and flesh that animals should have. They have huge searchlights on their foreheads, which emit dazzling beams of light and explore in the abyss.

The large whale was spotted two hours later by two searchlights.

At first, the submarine didn't realize that it was a big whale. It was only wondering what it was, but it couldn't see the end.

It took a minute, but the photo didn't reach the end. It happened that a submarine player came over and met the player.

After communicating with each other, they realized that this thing is so big and boundless.

Then the two began to speculate that it might be the giant sea-swallowing beast that everyone had been looking for for a long time.

At present, there are some special people in the dream, they live in the world of flesh walls, the ceiling is the flesh walls of animals, and there are fluorescent substances flowing in the blood vessels, illuminating the small world.

The players who were born later have never seen the world of flesh walls, and are very interested in the sea-swallowing monster. Now that they have found this strange thing, the players are getting excited.

After that, more and more players dived to the bottom to see how big the deep beast is.

The giant deep sea beast didn't wake up and continued to sleep.

After a while, a deep-sea player woke up from his dream and excitedly posted his experience on the dream forum.

"Found the giant monster of the deep sea!"

There are no fancy titles, and the simple and straightforward title has attracted the attention of a large number of players.

"It's a pity that there are no pictures, sorry."

"I tried my best to ram the deep-sea monster. Although the submarine crashed, I didn't die. Fortunately, I am not a carbon-based creature, otherwise I would have been drowned to death."

"Is it really becoming popular that I stop being a human?"

"I have a bold idea, I'll pinch a sea, maybe I will refresh on the head of the sea, and then fall into the sea."

"Brother, if you can talk, talk more, you are a talent!"

"Understood, let's create a new character and face off against the sea."

"If you pinch the sea, it must be orange! Please!"

The players kept coming up with coquettish ideas, and they already thought of making an orange sea and a blue sea to line up.

Orange Star's face-squeezing game is very free, and all the game materials of the virtual game are open, and you can pinch whatever you want.

The orange sea is easy to pinch. In less than ten minutes, someone pinched an orange sea. There are orange plankton in the orange sea. They are the reason why the sea is orange.

It wouldn't be an orange sea without these plankton.

The first seawater player "rowing a boat without oars" landed in the dreamland, and landed on land as the sea, turning into a huge orange flood, constantly scouring the ground.

The player "rows a boat without oars" feels that his consciousness has become very strange. After all, this is the first time he has dreamed as sea water.

In the virtual game, his consciousness will not change significantly, but after entering the dream, he immediately feels the infinite extension of body perception.

It seemed that wherever the orange sea water touched, it was his body.

The rowing king is a cautious person, but he still underestimated the change in feeling after turning into sea water.

Countless plankton were swimming in the orange sea water, and as the swimming progressed, his consciousness also moved, and as the terrain washed away, it turned into a flood.

This reminds Mr. Boating of collective wisdom. The zooplankton in the orange seawater is his consciousness aggregate. Wherever the zooplankton in the seawater swims, his consciousness will expand.

It's weird and uncomfortable, but it feels good, not so bad that you want to die.

How long does it take to transform from human thinking to non-human thinking? Mr. Boating has no idea. He can only control the proportion of zooplankton in a collective direction so that they can gather sea water together.

But this kind of operation is too difficult, the terrain factor dominates, the sea water is constantly expanding, and the tide is falling.

Along the way, some human players were submerged, grunting, and eating water.

People who can't swim have been drinking water, and boaters naturally feel that drowning people are suffering.

But how can he save them? Mr. Boating has not found a good solution for the time being. He is still adapting to the thinking of the sea.

Also at this time, the first player drowns in the orange flood.

The big whale in the deep sea of the dream finally felt the call of the mission. It suddenly opened its eyes, and it only took a moment to move from stillness to high speed. Without any preparation, it rushed to the sea surface immediately.

The submarines circling around it were knocked open one after another, the outer wall collapsed and cracked, and the huge water pressure squeezed the internal structure, cracking inch by inch.

The blue water also poured into the interior of the submarine and was submerged by sea water.

But the consciousness of the submarine is not dead, they are already a new species of man and boat, and they are still alive.

Shine the searchlight upwards, and the big whale has disappeared in the light, and the speed is surprisingly fast.

When Kemon was about to wake up, a passerby player saw a big whale jumping out of the sea, and the huge whale body covered the entire sky and sunlight at once.

Its body is so large that a small piece of land is shrouded in its shadow.

The big whale doesn't know what restraint is, and acts according to the rules. When it senses that someone is drowning in the sea, it immediately jumps out to save the person.

A thought passed, and the orange flood on the land was immediately locked.

Although the orange water was a land flood, it was recognized as sea water by the entire dream world. The old whale didn't think much of it, and opened its mouth directly towards the orange sea water.


The large whale hit the land, causing a huge earthquake.

And because of the huge body pressing over, the players who had nowhere to run on land were crushed and died instantly.

The buildings along the road couldn't stand the huge force and were crushed into powder.

The mouth of the whale hit the raging orange water on the land, opened its mouth wide to suck in the water, and sucked some of it away.

The big whale rolls its body on the land, like a fish coming ashore, jumping tightly with its head and tail upturned, and using the strength of its waist to bounce backwards.

It is very powerful, and it is an extraordinary creature designated by Mr. Ke. Its bounce is thousands of meters high.

It failed to fall directly into the sea, and when it fell, it fell to the land again, causing a violent earthquake.

The land was once transformed by Kemon's consciousness and cannot be destroyed, so the impact of the big whale has no effect on the land.

But the players were miserable, and another batch died suddenly.

Fortunately, this method of death is instant death, and the pain is only a short moment, which has little impact on the spirit. After resurrection, I only feel lingering fear.

Kemen saw the big whale making a fuss on the land, and he couldn't stand it anymore.

Let it go on, how many people will die.

After thinking about it, Kemon backhandedly invaded the United Dream World.

Mobilize the spiritual power of the dream world itself and move the big whale back into the sea.

Kemen then looked at the orange flood. There were many plankton in the flood. They were originally very spiritual, but the moment Kemen appeared, their swimming routes became chaotic.