I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 149: Evil Whispers (Part 3)


The barren hills after the bombing were full of dead energy, but the mountains were full of new vitality. The two auras coexisted, blending and chaotic.

In time, the dead may be buried, and newborns will replace the hills here.

What Kemon has to do now is to ignore those new vitality, and fully feel the perception behind the dead energy.

The more you go up, the thicker the dead air will be.

But at a certain point, the dead air suddenly dropped by one point.

Kemen took a step back and stood firmly on a piece of black soil.

"What's the matter, Amon?" Luo Yuan also stopped and looked around vigilantly.

There are guards on this mountain, and some other investigation teams, they all looked over and touched them quietly.

Not for anything else, just to see how the full gnosis master behaves.

It is rare to be full of gnosis these days. Although the Bureau of Investigation can make people in the ninety-nineties enter the full gnosis level after possessing psychic fruits, not many people with high gnosis dare to eat psychic fruits. precious, will not risk eating the fruit.

Just living is already very difficult, why bother to improve gnosis.

At present, only people with low gnosis want to eat spiritual fruit, and people with high gnosis have no idea of trying it.

"It's very dead here, it may be the source of the birth of vampire bats." Kemen closed his eyes, knelt down and touched the scorched earth, his hands were covered with black powder.

Empty his mind and feel the energy here, Kemeng vaguely saw the flashes of gunfire, flames, high temperature, and burning vitality.

These images were perceived by Kemeng while watching the live broadcast, and now he perceives a new breath, which is the smell of jealousy.

Jealousy is burning, burning with madness.

Are they burned out

Kemeng's eyebrows tightened slightly, and an illusory burning sound came from his ears, and the burning sound became louder and louder.

The vitality is burning, and the fire of jealousy is getting stronger and stronger. The combination of the two creates another emotion—disgust.

The perception was interrupted here, and the scene environment was destroyed beyond recognition. No matter how powerful Kemon's synaesthesia was, it was powerless.

"How?" Luo Yuan asked.

The others listened attentively and sneaked closer, wanting to know the perception of the master full of gnosis.

"Jealousy was ignited, but when it was burning, disgust was born..." Kemon was not sure.

"Are there no chaotic whispers?" asked Cheng Le from the same team.

"Huh? Let me think about it." Kemen frowned greatly.

Yes, he missed one of the biggest doubts, which is the confusing information left by the hidden existence.

Even the burning of jealousy can be felt, the confusing information left by the hidden existence.

"No." Kemon shook his head again.

But in order to ensure that it was not leaked, he still stood there and felt it quietly.

Without new synaesthesia, it is too difficult to perceive.

"I need the recording from last night, does anyone have it?" Kermon asked.

Luo Yuan made a gesture, called the investigation bureau, and transferred a recording file.

"No, I want the original recording, the copy is not authentic." Kemon shook his head.

Everyone looked at each other and could only wait.

After a while, Di Ping rushed to the top of the mountain by helicopter.

Captain Di had already fallen asleep, but was woken up in the middle of his sleep, and specially sent a memory stick, which contained the original recording file, that is, the first-hand recording file.

During the live broadcast last night, the signal was unstable, but the recording equipment located in the white ball was not affected, and the sounds of the explosion and the environment were recorded.

"Amon, you have to be careful, if you get kidnapped, just wink at me, and I promise to slap your face with the copy of rationality." Di Ping half-joked, and handed out a monitor earphone.

"I will." Kemen nodded, and handed the copy of rationality to Di Ping, who decided whether to slap Kemen in the face.

Putting on the monitoring headphones and tuning to the time period when the bat swarm was born, there was a popping sound in the headphones immediately.

The crackling sound is dense, it is the sound of bat wings flapping, and the ultrasonic waves emitted by bats in flight.

The professional recording equipment of the Bureau of Investigation can record ultrasonic waves, but the frequency of sound waves that can be heard by humans is between 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz, and ultrasonic waves are higher than 20,000 Hz.

Ordinary people can't hear ultrasonic waves, but Kemeng is a member of full gnosis, born with a high sixth sense, and vaguely senses the sound formed by the convergence of ultrasonic waves.

A hoarse, chaotic, jealous, and evil voice suddenly appeared.

It is very secretive. If you don't listen to the original audio from a special point, you may not be able to hear the evil whispers clearly.

Those evil whispers are very small, slurred, and the word order is chaotic. It is by no means the official lingua franca of Jinlizhou, but a language that has never been heard and is similar to Jini language.

Listening to such manic and evil words, Kemeng's body gradually became agitated, and some inexplicable emotions rose up, both jealousy and cynicism, wishing to have powerful power to destroy those superior people.

"Destroy, destroy, destroy..."

"Injustice in society, differences between people, as long as there is power, all can be destroyed, and the world will be unified..."

"Accept me... you will become stronger..."

The evil words took root in Kemeng's heart, and he couldn't understand at first, but the power of language conveyed the evil thoughts, and he understood even if he didn't understand. The whispers in his ears became more and more excited, and Kemen's body became active.

From the perspective of the outside world, Kemeng's eyebrows are tightening, and he exudes a strange temperament. It is not known whether Kemeng has heard the words of confusion.

"This is not right." Kemeng thought, denying the bewitchment of the evil whisper in one sentence.

Invisible power gushes out from Kemon's body, suppressing the evil influence and restoring most of Kemon's rationality.

The chaotic whispers stopped abruptly, and only the sound of explosions remained in the earphones.

He opened his eyes, took the manuscript of rationality in Di Ping's hand, opened the book and quickly read the text inside.

The brain cooled down in an instant, and the manic body also cooled down, entering the sage mode of having no desires and no desires.

"Resistance +0.1"

The system appeared, and Kemeng successfully resisted a wave of mental interference.

"How is it?" Everyone looked at Kemeng, scratching their ears and cheeks, anxiously.

"I heard an evil voice." Kemeng took a deep breath, and was about to elaborate on the content, when both Di Ping and Luo Yuan made silence gestures.

"You can't tell the secret information, go back to the bureau and tell it in the Holy Light Pond." Di Ping said solemnly.

"Alright." Kemon stopped talking.

Kemon rested for a few minutes, and continued to listen to the monitor earphones at the origin, feeling the chaotic whispers.

This time the chaotic whispers were still there, but the voice was a little weaker, not so loud.

He failed to confuse Kemon just now, and the hidden power contained in the bat's ultrasonic wave seemed to weaken every time it was activated.

Kemen followed the same pattern and used resistance to fight hard. After the resistance passed, he took a look at the copy of rationality and regained his rationality as soon as possible.

Rational copying can make people calm. Although people will become calm after being bullish, Kemon believes that resistance can resist this effect.