I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 159: Become someone who can shine


At this time, the focus of everyone's eyes changed, no longer looking at the elevator, but looking for the mosquito inside.

Kermon stared at the mosquito and scooped it up with both hands.

The mosquito immediately lost the power to fly and fell to the ground.

And Kemeng's left and right hands had shadows, and when he opened his left hand, it was a small mosquito, fluttering in the palm of his hand.

With a flick of his hand, Kermon flung it back to the shadow's body.

Opening the other hand, a huge black shadow crawled out of the palm of the hand, trying to rush into Kemeng's clothes, but Kemeng flicked his backhand, fished it from the air again, clenched his fist, and the shadow was locked into his palm again .

Director Lei watched Kemeng's movements of grabbing, throwing, and grabbing like flowing water.

"Caught it?" Director Lei was a little uncertain, feeling too relaxed and not real enough, as if living in a dream.

"Caught it." Kemon nodded.

The capture process is dizzyingly fast and feels unreal.

If people from the Investigation Bureau are to catch it, they must first force it into position with lighting objects. If it cannot form a 360-degree encirclement without dead ends, the Shadow Stream person can escape quickly from the body, slippery like a loach, no, Shadow Stream Slipperier than loach.

For example, this time, the Shadow Stream members used the mosquito to escape. If Kemon didn't take a sudden look, maybe it would really let it escape.

After capturing the shadow, the next thing becomes simple, take the person back to the Bureau of Investigation for interrogation, and use the dance of freedom to influence its heart.

However, things did not go as smoothly as Kermon and others imagined.

Kemen had just walked out of the shopping mall with his hands in his arms, when suddenly there was a loud noise from the shopping mall behind him.


It sounds like an explosion, but it's not like a gunpowder explosion, the sound is muffled.

Kemon intuitively thought that it was not a gunpowder explosion, but something else.

Subjectively, it gives people a sense of evil.

"what happened?"

"Commander, is there anything wrong with the staff guarding the Wuying people on the fifth floor?" Director Lei clicked on the walkie-talkie.

"Report to Director Lei, the guards haven't responded to the message, and they are sending drones to check." The soldier commander's urgent voice sounded from the walkie-talkie.

"I'll be there right away." Director Lei frowned and walked towards the temporary command vehicle nearby.

Kemeng went back to the mall to have a look, but he was stopped by Director Lei.

"The situation on the fifth floor is unknown, just wait." Director Lei was very steady and did not rush forward.

Kermon also waited for a while, watching the reconnaissance screen of the drone sent back from the laptop computer screen in the command vehicle.

In the toilet aisle on the fifth floor, a thick green mist rolled over.

There were originally four guarding soldiers in the toilet aisle, but now all four soldiers fell to the ground, fainted, and their faces turned green.

The drone passed over the soldier's body, entered the toilet, and saw a dark green inside the toilet.

Especially in the fifth cubicle in the men's toilet, the guards also fell to the ground, the small camera on their clothes was stained with green liquid, and there was a strange green thing on the neck, beating like a sarcoma.

At this time, the sarcoma squeezed into the investigator's body, and a network of green blood vessels was exposed on the surface of the skin. The whole person became very strange.

The investigator suddenly opened his scarlet eyes, with a green light in them, grinning at the corners of his mouth, and let out a weird laugh.

He reached into the toilet, fumbled for a while, and found a glove covered in green liquid.


"It's a parasite!"

Director Lei looked at the weird blur on the screen, and immediately knew how serious the situation was, and finally knew why the guards were breached.

Originally, the guards carried a self-protection amulet and a small laser pointer. The laser has the power of light and the characteristics of a high-temperature laser.

His amulet can deploy a protective shield in times of crisis, but from the perspective of the camera, the original silver-white amulet is now covered with green thick liquid, and it seems that it has not had the desired effect.

When Kemen saw it, he was also furious.

The people of Yingliu made two-handed preparations, while getting out and changing owners, while leaving traps for the investigators to step on the mine. Now that an investigator has died, it is really sad.

In the camera, the investigator with green eyes picked up the laser pointer on the ground. The laser pointer was stained with a thick layer of green liquid. I don't know what it is.

But Kermon looked at the drone's live camera and vaguely saw some hallucinations.

The shadowless man lay on the ground, his body turned green without warning, and a large ball of green slurry exploded, soaking the entire wall and guards.

A round green object flew out of the explosion and pierced the investigator's neck, ending the hallucination.

That's how death happened.

"Director Lei, this kind of thing should be regarded as a kind of evil creature." Kemeng remembered his crystal scalpel, which can damage both evil spirits and soul objects.

"What do you want to do?"

"To be honest, I got a scalpel that can remove spirits when I got up early today." Kemen patted the scarf, revealing a short and delicate scalpel.

The scalpel is crystal clear, and under the sunlight, the inside of the handle refracts colorful light, shining like a diamond.

"Its kind of parasite is indeed an evil parasite. It is good to have the effect of removing spirits, but the knife is too short, and you have to be close to fight. It is too risky. Let me do it." Director Lei As an A A member of the first class, he has many good things on him.

Ke Meng originally wanted to try the throwing effect of the scalpel, but when he heard that Director Lei was going to make a move, he thought that the other party was an A-level member, and the effect should be more obvious than him, so let Director Lei make a move.

"Attention everyone, evacuate the building immediately, don't stay on the fifth floor!" The voice of the commander spread through the earphones of every soldier through the walkie-talkie.

In the lobby on the first floor, those squatting on the ground immediately received the message and were sent out.

The soldiers from the fifth floor to the second floor quickly went downstairs, and soon came to the first floor to guide the people.

At this time, the drone in the toilet on the fifth floor was caught by the green-skinned investigator, crushed with a slap, and the signal was interrupted.

The technicians immediately switched to another drone and saw four soldiers lying on the ground at the door of the toilet. Everyone who watched the video was anxious.

At this time, Director Lei moved.

Director Lei took out the toy stick, turned it around with his right hand and left hand, and made a weird and slightly childish gesture.

Luo Yuan, who was in the same group, saw Director Lei showing his power with fiery eyes.

"Transform!" Director Lei softly shouted at the toy stick.

I saw the toy stick suddenly opened, and a bright light flashed out, shining like a small sun, blinding everyone's eyes.

Kemeng squinted his eyes, and when he opened them again, Director Lei had disappeared.

"Where are people?" Kemon asked.

Luo Yuan pulled Lakmon's clothes, "Look at the surveillance."

Kemen turned his head to look at the screen, and saw a white light flash, and then there was an unconscious soldier on the ground at the door of the toilet.

In the next second, a white light lit up around him.

Looking back, the light disappeared, leaving an unconscious person on the floor.

A second later, a light flashed, and there was another soldier on the floor, but no one was seen.

Another second later, there was another person on the floor, and this time Kemen finally saw Director Lei.

His whole body glowed with pure white light, and his actions were like light, which disappeared almost in the blink of an eye, leaving only a momentary light and shadow on the retina.