I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 162: Borrow a helicopter


Knowing that Yingliu's plan is to detonate the dangerous containment, the investigation bureau's heart hangs to the top.

Some rooms in the bureau are still imprisoning shadow creatures, who would have thought that they would still have the power to fight back.

In the Bureau of Investigation, Director Lei, who was in the dark confinement room, listened to the interrogation content through earphones, and after a long silence, he said:

"I suggest that the shadow creature be killed immediately, and it cannot be left behind."

"But..." Some people hesitated. They are all living sources of information. If something happens in the future, they can be taken out and flogged to obtain some information.

Not long after, the Bureau of Investigation personnel held a meeting to discuss and decided to change the method of confinement to a seal.

Sometimes, as long as you know your plan, you can carry out detailed targeting.

Aren't you able to instantly compress the quality and break through the blockage of light objects? Then let's change to a more thorough way of confinement—seal.

Sealing has always been a measure taken against certain extremely dangerous items.

As long as Shadow Stream members are exposed to level 6 light attribute items, they will have a burning effect. Therefore, the investigation bureau’s previous plan to detain Shadow Stream members is mainly based on Level 6 and Level 5 items, forming a blockade in terms of quantity, not seal.

Now the Bureau of Investigation has changed its thinking, focusing on the Kemon Shadow Grabber, stuffing a few shadows back into the bodies of some bugs, and then directly sealing their consciousness and bodies with strong sealing items.

The shadow stream members never dreamed that Kemeng's shadow catcher was so domineering that he was stuffed into the shadowless bug body at once.

Before that, only their subjective consciousness drilled into other people's bodies, and no one else forced them.

Luo Yuan brought a large jar, which was filled with formalin liquid, and the strong smell made people sick.

A few worms were thrown into the formalin jar, and the worms immediately stared blankly, as if time stood still.

Luo Yuan put the lid on, put the formalin jar on a shelf, and closed the door.

The janitor took out two yellow seals and stuck the cross seals on the door.

"Time to stop the tank, any thing soaked in formalin in the tank, its time will be suspended." Luo Yuan explained, it is a third-level item, the function is quite BUG, but unfortunately the capacity is not large, It can only hold some small things, so the level cannot be improved.

Then there is the seal at the door, which is a fifth-level sealed item.

"Door seals, as long as you put a seal on the door of a closed-loop room, the things inside can't escape, and you can only crack the seal outside, but sometimes the things inside are too violent and can break out of the door, but Shadow Stream is powerful. The place is parasitic, so they can't get out of the sealed room."

While explaining, Luo Yuan explained the contents of Kemenkop.

As an E-level personnel, Luo Yuan didn't know so many things, but benefited from Kemon, his level of contact with items today is also higher.

At present, there is only a secrecy link for first-level things. As for the psychic fruit tree that has been promoted to the first level, new items are added to the investigation bureau every day, and the number of the item can only be checked.

Not many people know about it, and those who know have already been amnesticized in the bureau, and their names are unknown.

Luo Yuan didn't remember the psychic fruit tree at first, but today he vaguely connected the original tree species with those psychic fruits through his superiors, but he didn't know if it was true.

While Luo Yuan was thinking wildly, the Whale City Investigation Bureau began to conduct a follow-up investigation on Whale City.

The Shadow Stream organization wanted to detonate those dangerous containment objects, they must have made preparations in Whale City, otherwise they would not have the confidence to send bait into the investigation bureau.

After chasing out the remaining members of the Shadow Stream organization, none of them can be let go.

Most people went to the fifth floor of the shopping mall to do synaesthesia, trying to find some clues.

As the most direct contact person in the case, Kemeng has a higher success rate of synesthesia, but the higher-ups don't want Kemeng to go to the front line to investigate.

But Kemeng insisted on investigating, and his superiors couldn't stand it, so they agreed and let him join the investigation mission.

Kemon's reason is nothing else, Yingliu is trying to endanger the entire Whale City, regardless of the people living in the city, Kemon can't just sit back and watch his city fall into disaster.

These shadow stream members must be punished.

"Chief, I have a way to quickly find out where they are." Kemeng had a flash of inspiration and called the chief.

"What method?" The director said seriously, and now there is a signal from above that all matters involving Kermon must be given the green light and given the greatest attention.

"Take a helicopter and fly around Whale City." Kemeng paused, "I have a map of demons, which can monitor people who are malicious to me. The monitoring radius of the map is about two thousand or several hundred meters."

Kemeng couldn't figure out the specific monitoring range, but the approximate range was 2,500 to 3,000 meters.

The director didn't understand what Kermon wanted the helicopter to do, but when he heard the map of the devil, he realized it in seconds.

This thing is really a magic weapon for chasing evil.

No matter how far you run, as long as you are still in Whale City, fly a plane and go around, no matter where you hide, you can find it.

"Good idea, you take the elevator to investigate the roof of the bureau first, the plane is on the apron on the roof, and wait for the protection personnel to arrive." The director did not forget to arrange protection personnel to guard Kermon, now that Kermon is the treasure of the bureau, there must be no mistakes.

If Kemeng is killed by Shadow Stream members, it will be a loss for the whole world, the director can guarantee it.

Kemeng hung up the phone and immediately walked to the elevator. Luo Yuanyuan, who was beside him, heard the warning in the earphone, nodded, and escorted Kemen into the elevator.

The Bureau of Investigation is a tall building located in the Science and Technology Development Zone, so the floor itself is also very high. Kemen took the elevator up for the first time and glanced at the number of floors in the elevator.

There are negative forty layers of negative layers, and up to 90 layers upwards.

Click 90, and the elevator door closes slowly.


-6 slowly jumps up, the numbers jump one by one, jumping faster and faster.

The elevator was a little stuffy. Captain Luo broke the silence and exchanged tips on synaesthesia with Kermon to avoid embarrassment.

Originally Captain Luo was the captain of the No. 49 investigation team, but now he has become a protective person, but he has no complaints, everything is for the ideals in his heart, and there is no need to complain.


Arriving at the 90th floor, the elevator door slowly opened, and the enclosed space was completely opened up, allowing the light from outside to flood in.

Stepping out of the elevator, a gust of wind from a tall building blows towards her, making the coat on her body rattle.

The elevator door behind him closed slowly, and the "90" on the display screen dropped rapidly.

Kermon saw the black helicopter on the tarmac, got on the plane and waited for a while, and the elevator brought all the protection personnel up.

When everyone boarded the plane, the helicopter hummed and took off, and Kermon muttered the name of the demon map with a weird pronunciation.

A gust of cold wind blew by, and the temperature inside the helicopter seemed to drop a few degrees.

"This thing is an evil item. The entrance ceremony is a bit evil." A-level personnel Tang Jin murmured, watching Kemeng stretch out his hand and a cloud of black air flowed out.