I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 169: The world tree is on fire


"Oh! Feleki, look at his imagination, the space carrier has been assembled, think about what stupid things you have been doing recently, and keep building the world tree?"

"Damn, if you despise me like this again, be careful that I will secretly slap your ass with this wolf paw!" The big bad wolf Feleki widened his eyes and raised his wolf paw.

"Get out!" Elder sister Ji Li jumped up, and slapped his brother on the wolf's head, sending him flying.

Ji Li stood on the edge of the round tree base of the World Tree, raised his elegant wolf head, and howled loudly at the giant space carrier in the distance.

The sky was gray, and the sun was hidden in the clouds. Since the last time the horrible evil god passed by, this dream world has had more strange weather, and the sun is no longer around the clock.



A flash of lightning fell, and the world was instantly dyed white, even Jiri himself was startled.

The white light disappeared, and Brother Wolf's distraught voice came from behind.

"Oh no!" Brother Wolf screamed.

"What's the matter, my dear Feleki... Uh, I don't think this is a joke, it's not funny at all." Sister Wolf turned her head, half of her words got stuck in her throat, she paused, and changed her tone.

"Actually, I don't think it's a joke either."

Feleki looked sad, and the wolf's eyes reflected a strong red fire.

Yes, in the eyes of the two wolf players, the base of the World Tree was struck by lightning, and the wood ignited a raging fire.

"The fire has to be put out, hurry up, everyone move!" Although the World Tree project has stagnated, as a world-type wonder in the dream, there are still a small number of architectural art lovers who stick to their hearts and build it all the way to the end.

Seeing that the World Tree was on fire, the Orange Star players couldn't bear it, and rushed to put out the fire.

But what to use to put out the fire, the base of the World Tree is too clean, it is full of wooden blocks at a glance, only a small number of player gathering camps have puddles, but there is no such thing in the edge area.

The players were very aggrieved looking at the burning fire, and wanted to save it again and again.

"No, we have to find a way to put out the fire, we can't wait any longer!"

Feleki's body was trembling, and he couldn't sit idly by. This was a painstaking effort, and he watched it being built step by step with his own hands.

This is not only his hard work, but also the hard work of all the participants in the World Tree project.

"Which friend is approaching the awakening period, you must go to the dream forum to announce the news of the fire when you go back, so that everyone can dream quickly, please, please be sure to bring water!" Feleki shouted loudly.

After shouting, he immediately turned around and ran down, walking along the spiral staircase of the World Tree.

The base of the World Tree is very high, already 300 meters, and the radius is even more outrageously large. It is not that fast to run half a lap along the stairs.

As the wolf player ran, he looked at the huge metal weapon building in the distant forest—the space carrier.

The whole body of the space carrier Alan is silver-gray, and its overall appearance is close to a cuboid. There are round and square lines all over the body. It is the door of the electromagnetic orbit acceleration ejection chamber. All the orbits are integrated inside, so the appearance Missing those long tracks.

If ordinary players don't have time to put out the fire, they might be able to launch planes from the space carrier and transport water to the World Tree.

As long as there is water, players can use the building ability to continuously absorb water cubes and throw them on the fire.

Or you can transport the sand over, take sand blocks continuously, physically cover the fire source, and isolate oxygen.

A minute later, before Feleki ran down the World Tree, the hatches of the electromagnetic orbit of the space carrier suddenly opened.

Whoosh whoosh.

Dozens of planes flew over, descended from the sky, and threw down the water tanks brought out of the human food storage area of the space carrier.

Near the fire source of the world tree, a large number of players have gathered. When the water tank exploded on the ground, everyone grabbed the water with their hands and grabbed the water cube.

In fact, the air also has water molecules, but the ability to grasp and judge the construction requires liquid water, and the liquid state is not enough, and the quality of the water needs to reach a certain level.

After having water, the players constantly use their mental power to convert into water cubes and throw them into the fire.

But the fire is too big to be extinguished with just water.

The trees of the world tree are very pure. They are pure wooden cubes. When the fire is burned, the burning speed increases linearly.

When Feleki transported the sand up, everyone converted into sand cubes to speed up the fire extinguishing.

Kemon, who was far away in R'lyeh, also noticed the abnormal movement of the space carrier.

By switching targets, Kermon sees the firefighter player perspective.

The torrential fire burned directly into the sky, and the center of the flame was more than ten meters high, which was really spectacular.

"This world tree seems to have stopped working recently, and it was struck by lightning again today. It's so miserable." Kemen looked at the players busy and felt that they were as small as ants.

But precisely because of the insignificance of human beings, they walked out of a technological line that can step out of their home planet, changed their lives through technology, and changed the shortcomings of the smallness of the ethnic group.

Kemon admired such a race from the bottom of his heart.

In half an hour, the fire on the World Tree went out.

But it was also in this half hour that a large number of players fell into a dream, turned into flying animals and flew to the top of the World Tree to quickly support them, and made a strong contribution.

Even though the fire had been extinguished, they did not leave, but stayed on the World Tree to chat, or watch the beauty of the space carrier.

Everyone is looking forward to the take-off of the space carrier, but the energy required for take-off is too great, it has to wait in place.

"At the beginning, the space carrier was assembled in space, but now there is an atmosphere, and the weather changes unusually, taking off is risky." Some players began to worry about whether the Alan could fly through the flat and weird atmosphere.

"Actually, I hope that the evil god will not pass by at this moment, otherwise the space carrier will be scared stupid."

The Orange Star people know that the space carrier is not a real machine, but made by the consciousness of human players.

As long as the evil god passes by, it will be affected 100%.

So everyone thinks that Alan is a warrior and a spiritual role model.

Kermon observed for a while, but the space carrier hadn't taken off yet, and the energy was getting more and more stored.

After watching for several hours, the mothership did not take off, but an illusory call came from my ears.

The call sounded far and near, calling Cthulhu's super-long god name across time and space. If the sacrifice was not accepted, the sacrifice ceremony would be interrupted.

Reminiscent of the last report of the black ghost, the people who held the sacrifice this time should be the player group.

Thinking of this, Kemon's heart became hot, and he accepted the call of the sacrificial ceremony.

After a trance, Kemen saw a closed secret room with a large water basin in the center.

Near the water basin, there is a summoning array pattern paved with space-time stone powder, and each candle burns with a strange green light.