I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 175: Wonderful Broken Fantasy (Part 3)


The netizen with the sand sculpture profile picture is called "Black Spearman", and his real name is Xing Yunyi. In reality, he is a multiplayer sports enthusiast.

He usually likes to chat online when he has nothing to do. When he meets a girl he can chat with, he will invite her to outdoor sports, and they will go outdoors for running, climbing, and exercising.

"Black Gunner" looked at the Penguin software, which has an expansion function, which is specially used for making friends with strangers.

This time, he randomly expanded the list of girls with sand sculpture heads, who always typed with the word acridine, giving them a cute feeling.

"Black Spearman" is already brainstorming about the other person's appearance, petite and cute, or a girl with a baby voice, or maybe even an Internet connection at home

No, no, in Jinli Island, it's too rare to have just connected to the Internet at home, so he really can't make up his mind.

It's still the kind of cute new girl whose family is strictly controlled and is not allowed to touch the Internet, and who has only recently started to use the Internet.

While thinking about it, he initiated the karaoke suggestion.

What pleased him was that the girl with the white-haired sand sculpture head agreed, "Okay, you sing first."

"Black Gunner" faced the phone with a honey smile, looking forward to the girl's voice more and more in his heart.

"Black Gunner" clicked on the recording button and sang a relaxing tune into the phone, which is a new hit song in recent years.

These days, you can't use too old songs to tease girls, lest you can't keep up with the times.

"Black Gunner" is an uncle who likes old songs, but now the younger generation doesn't like those old tunes, so "Black Gunner" won't sing those old songs to girls.

After singing a small climax, click send.

After a while, "White Sugar" sent a sentence: "Listen well!"

Seeing this, "Black Gunner" grinned, and with a smile on his face, he typed to urge Bai Shatang: "I'm done singing, now it's your turn."

"Well, I haven't sung before."

"Don't renege on the debt, what about the agreement we made before?" "Black Spearman" knew that the other party was shy, so he couldn't be cowardly at this time, he had to keep pressing.

After a few words of urging, Bai Shatang girl agreed with half push and half.

It is also at this moment that the temporary chat time for making friends is up, and if you want to continue chatting, you have to add them as friends.

"Black Spearman" sends a friend application to the other party. At this point, as long as the other party passes the friend application, he can continue to chat.

If it doesn't work, just change to another netizen and don't hang yourself on a tree.

Outdoor sports are all about what you want and what you want, right

""White Sugar" has approved your friend request, hurry up and chat with her! "

Seeing this line of text hints, "Black Spearman" had a happy face.

After waiting for half an hour, "White Sugar" sent him a 28-second voice.

"White Sugar": "Singing for the first time, ah!"

From her acridine, "Black Spearman" felt the wind of cuteness blowing towards her face.

Her voice must be very nice.

"Black Spearman" clicked on the other party's voice, the wave-shaped voice rippled up and down, and the phone rang strangely.

"Acridine, acridine, acridine, acridine—"

"Black Gunner" listened to the sound playing on the phone, and his expression gradually became strange.

No, why does it feel so special? Is this a human language


The more you listen to "Black Spearman", the more unpleasant it becomes, and the eyebrows are squeezed together.

It's a strange pronunciation, but how do I feel... unexpectedly cute.

Yes, this cuteness is not a matter of strange pronunciation.

She is that kind, a very special kind, a rare and listenable kind, clear and touching, and goes deep into people's hearts.

After listening to the sound of the sand sculpture, "Black Gunner" actually heard a lovely melody from it.

"Is this your voice? It's cute."

"Black Spearman" didn't know what to do, she seemed to be dazed, and was driven by the white sugar, and she always thought she was cute.

After chatting for a while, "Black Spearman" remembered about outdoor sports again, and began to ask in which city Bai Shatang worked.

"I'm in Whale City." Bai Shatang responded quickly.

"What a coincidence, I'm also in Whale City, do you want to take a walk, I'll take you." "Black Spearman" is not in Whale City, he himself is in Octopus City.

However, the two cities are relatively close, and you can arrive there by high-speed rail without trouble.

"Walking... No way." Bai Shatang thought that he was in the home of the evil god, so naturally he couldn't run around.

The "Black Spearman" didn't know, but thought that the two sides hadn't talked about that opportunity yet.

So "Black Gunner" changed his goal and posted some fitness photos about himself.

Strong biceps, beautiful mermaid lines, well-defined body muscles, full of male hormones.

"How?" "Black Gunner" said with some pride, thinking that the other party would most likely be interested in outdoor sports.

"I have a unique understanding of fitness, and I can teach you some little knowledge about weight loss."

"White sugar":"???"

"What's wrong?" "Black Spearman" saw the three question marks from the cute girl, and was a little uncertain about the tone.

Was he frightened by his rash behavior, or was he too excited

"No, you're not a sand sculpture?" Bai Shatang typed.

"???" This time it was the turn of the "Black Spearman" to be confused, what, who is the sand sculpture, me

"I want to ask, aren't you a sand sculpture?" Bai Shatang stared at the head of "Black Spearman", confused, not knowing which step went wrong.

"I... still don't quite understand, is this a new meme?"

"Black Gunner" paused, always feeling that the cute girl was swearing, but he didn't have enough evidence.

What if they were just joking

"It's the avatar, isn't the sculpture in the avatar you?" Bai Shatang typed.

This time, "Black Gunner" really couldn't understand.

Did the times become too crazy? He couldn't keep up with the other party's thinking.

"Black Spearman" stared at the phone screen for twenty-seven seconds and realized that the other party was not cursing, but wanted the original picture.

"The sculpture in the profile picture is a picture I found before, and I used it because I thought it looked very unique. If you want the original picture, I'll go and find out if the original picture is still there." After "Black Spearman" finished typing, I feel that I must have grasped the other party's thinking this time.


Bai Shatang initiated two consecutive replies.

"So, where is your real photo?"

"Black Spearman" was lost, feeling that he was really old and couldn't keep up with his train of thought.

"I can't speak clearly in words, so why don't we just have a video interview, we can chat right away if you have any questions." "Black Spearman" said in a different way.


"Black Gunner" saw the cute girl's reply, his little heart was pounding, and he clicked on the video call application.

The other side.

Beside the pool, Bai Shatang rolled his eyes and slipped to the indoor toilet to accept the video call.

In Bai Shatang's eyes, this is a handsome carving master whose avatar represents everything.

Then after clicking on the video, Bai Satang saw a piece of floor.

But the appearance of Bai Shatang was transmitted through the selfie camera.

The "Black Spearman" on the opposite side looked at the white-haired sand sculpture animal in the camera, with snow-white feathers, small eyes, and big doubts. It stood like a golden rooster, tilted its head and opened its mouth, screaming.

Very strange voice, cute pronunciation, as if asking him why he didn't open the camera.

"Where are you, White Sugar?" He asked anxiously.

"Acridine! (I am)"

At this moment, the "Black Spearman" actually understood the opponent's words.

Damn, the opposite is really a vulture!

"Black Spearman" rushed to his heart, and the fantasy of the cute girl in his heart was shattered, and he fell to the ground.

A few seconds later, Bai Shatang found that the phone had interrupted the video call.

A friendly reminder from the system: "You need to add the other party as a friend to initiate a chat."

"White Sugar" is confused, is there a bug in the software