I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 184: All shut down (3rd update)


Not only Liu Siting felt the changes in the rules of the world, but some Orange Star people with keen senses also noticed subtle changes in the whole dream after the evil god entered and exited.

I can’t tell exactly what the change is. The person who first posted the new discovery to the dream forum was the death player. After he made a bold death attempt, it found that it couldn’t die.

"Extraordinary, there is a bug in the dream world. I turned into an ant and was stepped on by someone. There is nothing wrong with it. It is very vigorous."

"That's it? The story is made up, right?"

"Those who don't believe it can try it, it's absolutely not a lie."

Most people don't believe it, but with more and more related posts.

"Undead", "Cthulhu comes out to shop again", "There are advantages and disadvantages to expanding the crowd.".

Among them, the topic of immortality has become the top topic today. Countless netizens never believed it until they confirmed that it was true, and everyone became even more excited.

Not being able to die is the most embarrassing thing. Being unable to die in a dream makes many players who dare not die think of dying.

Anyway, if you can't die, it's better to make your brain bigger, or it will be awakened by the game cabin.

If the brain hole doesn't work, log in to the face pinching game and change a character. When you dream again, your body will be replaced with a new one.

"I can't die. It's so cool. I just need to become an ordinary fish and dive into the deep sea. Anyway, I can't die."

"I seriously doubt that the dream world is a game world. Every time the evil god comes out to go shopping, it is a round of version updates. What do you guys think of what I said?"

"Version update is okay."

"No, what happened to the Cthulhu today? It feels like it retracted before it appeared. Could it be that it was seconded by others?"

"The evil god is something you can see whenever you want?"

"No, why does it feel like the evil god is worthless in front of you? Those who have seen it are now lying in the hospital for mental treatment."

There were rumors about the evil gods flying all over the sky, and the wind of the discussion gradually turned to the evil gods, and they were puzzled by the appearance of the evil gods.

The term "evil god" is a word that appeared in an official paper. Later, the researchers of the dream forum used it too much. Everyone knew that the terrifying existence passing by in the sky was an evil god.

Research Institute.

Since the evil god quietly appeared and left tonight, the researchers couldn't sleep, their eyes were red and bloodshot, and they scratched their heads.

"Cthulhu, why did he appear for such a short time?"

"According to reliable sources, there is no death experience in the dream, and the upper limit of pain has been lowered."

"Such a change shows that the evil god is merciful? No, we must think of the evil god as the worst, and we can't expect it to do good things."

In fact, there is still a spare topic in the conference room that has not been brought to the table, that is, the understanding of "game version update" that is very hot on the Internet.

Every time the evil god appears, it is a round of game version update node. At this time, some unknown or known changes will occur in the dream world.

"If you compare dreams to games..."


When everyone said this, they became silent.

If it is a game, then everyone's consciousness has logged into the game

So what are they in reality

This topic is too convoluted, and if you study it in depth, you will get caught up in it, and your thinking will become confused, so everyone didn't talk about it positively.

"Urgent report! The urban virtual game "Orange City" has undergone a change. A large number of NPCs have left their original positions, are out of control, and have made action designs outside the plot. Now it is suspected that "Orange City" is out of control."

The alarm sounded, and the Orange Star people who attended the meeting stood up abruptly, unexpectedly, "Orange City" was out of control.

"Why did the NPC leave his original position?" Someone asked.

"Isn't this simple? Think about that old detective game." Li Shen closed his eyes in pain, and pressed his eyebrows to the tightest point.

When it comes to detective games, everyone becomes silent, as if the mute button has been pressed.

Think, think again.

It seems that researcher Li Shen is right, it may be caused by the nightmare disease, someone spread the nightmare to the virtual game "Orange City".

"what to do?"

"Stop the machine first, and then think about how to deal with the aftermath." Li Shen opened his eyes and said.

The game is down, no one wants such a rough treatment, but if you don't do it, it will aggravate the spread of nightmares.

Not long after, all online players of "Orange City" were forced to quit, and a "game suspension for update" announcement popped up.

"What the hell, why can't you play all of a sudden?"

"Open the server for me, Orange Star Network is so good, you actually told me to stop updating the server, are you kidding me?"

"I have a bad premonition, the game that stopped serving last time is still vivid in my memory."

"The last time the service was stopped was "World"."

The player's hunch was right, and no player expected the official reaction to be so intense. After "Orange City", all virtual games issued notices to suspend server updates and suspend support for online Internet.

Without the online function, everyone can only play stand-alone games.

On various social platforms, players who cannot play games have emerged.

"All games are down, what happened."

"Blind guessing is that thing. It's almost inseparable. Please be careful not to type randomly."

"What is it?"

"That's the thing, you can't say it, everyone knows it."


The asterisk is out again, and the daily masking words are online.

After the player "Size" was forced to retreat, he thought that something had happened to him, so he sat on the balcony and waited for the police robot to catch him.

After sitting for a few minutes, before the robot plane caught him, Sze knew that he hadn't been found yet, so he felt a little excited.

This time, he spread twenty-five artificial intelligences in one breath.

He could have told more if it hadn't been too laborious to tell the story.

Logging in to the Internet, Si Ze saw that every comment area was full of complaints from players.

Seeing that no one was playing games, Si Ze stood on the balcony and laughed, feeling very happy.

Si Ze doesn't take playing games for fun, seeing other people can't play games because of him, he feels refreshed in his heart.

I casually flipped through the Dreamland forum, and the comments inside were not as violent as outsiders, and they were all reasoned and well-founded analysis of the main reason behind the official actions.

"I didn't even get to the point. Does anyone know that artificial intelligence enters the dream?" Si Ze murmured.

Si Ze typed the post by voice, but after the post was typed, he deleted the words and did not click to officially publish.

Because he realized that he couldn't publish it by himself, that would be like throwing himself into a trap and handing himself over.

"I can't go in, I have to see how big this thing can be." As one of the promoters of artificial intelligence dreaming, Si Ze rationally restrained his inner excitement.