I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 192: The power of ding ding


Octopus City, a hidden rental house.

"Ding Ding!"

The master of human trafficking watched the video, jumped up suddenly, hit the corner of the desk, and fell to the ground.

There were a few tied children on the ground, looking terrified.

Suddenly, the door was breached, and a group of armed soldiers entered and arrested the terrified child trafficker.

"Ding ding."

The surgeon who watched the video was also taken aback, with a lingering sense of crisis.

Downstairs, the armed police who just rushed over were about to burst the door.

The criminal surgeon hurriedly put on black clothes and went out. As soon as he went out, he saw soldiers all over the aisle and was stunned.

The sense of crisis has come true!

A group of soldiers rushed forward and arrested the man.

Except for the two of them, if criminals from all over the country, or even the world, happened to watch Kemeng's bell video, they would feel a sense of crisis and think of the past criminals.

They became panic-stricken, always feeling that there was a police guard outside the door, and that there was a police lying on their stomachs in their bedroom.

Outside a convenience store.

A dark-skinned young man just stole something and went out, leisurely watching the video, and happened to brush the video on the other side of the ocean.

Video name: "Ding Ding"

The playback volume is 3.34 million.

After clicking on it for more than ten seconds, the protagonist of the video rang the bell, and the clear and crisp sound was obviously without magic power, but it penetrated into his ears.

"Ding Ding!"

The dark-skinned young man jumped up suddenly, with an inexplicably strong sense of crisis.

He swallowed the small snack that he had just arrived in his mouth, and looked around, looking suspicious.

I don't know why, but I always feel that the pedestrians on the road will transform into violent policemen, jump out and press his neck, and rub it on the ground for seven minutes.


The black boy hurriedly moved away from pedestrians, for fear that others would turn into policemen.

After walking half the street, the sense of crisis in my heart was no longer so strong, but I still felt a sense of fear.

Especially when a policeman roared past, his heart beat faster, and he felt like his heart was about to jump out.

Pound, thump.

His heart beat so fast that he couldn't breathe normally, and when the police car left, he broke out in a cold sweat.

After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and ran back to the original convenience store.

Walking into the store, I saw a lady at the cashier of a convenience store, took out the coins in her pocket, and said, "Hey, I was wrong. Now I will make up the money. Please forgive my previous petty theft."

Putting the money on the cash register, ignoring the confused cashier lady, he ran all the way out of the convenience store. After walking for a while, he suddenly felt relaxed, and 90% of the sense of crisis lingering in his heart dissipated.

On this day, the police officers from various police stations on Koi Island were extremely busy.

There are many more people who surrendered today, whether it is petty theft, big theft, robbery, murderer, etc., they all rushed to surrender before today.

This unusual event attracted great attention from the Bureau of Investigation, and after a fast-track investigation, it was discovered that the source came from a video—"Ding Ding".

The people of the Bureau of Investigation found out that the person who posted the video of "Ding Ding" was the boss of the Bureau of Investigation—Kemon.

Now Kermon is a member of the first echelon of the Bureau of Investigation, and his hidden treatment is up to the standard of an S-level member. In terms of importance, it is more important than most S-level members.

"It turned out that Kemon was to blame, so it's fine."

"In my opinion, this is not a disaster, but a blessing. There are so many people who turned themselves in, and society has become more prosperous."

In Koi City, in the temporary meeting hall, three S-class members held a brief meeting to discuss the phenomenon of group surrender that is emerging today.

I didn't know that it was the ghost of Kemeng before, and everyone was very nervous, thinking that it was a warm-up before the big offensive launched by overseas illegal forces.

After knowing the ins and outs, everyone is relieved.

After a while, another message appeared on the mobile phones of the three S-rank bosses.

"Ding Ding Crisis Impact Summary Report 2.0"

The previous 1.0 report mainly focused on criminal groups who surrendered collectively, but the current 2.0 report relaxes the observation scale and expands the crowd to all walks of life.

Such a report certainly cannot be extremely detailed, but it can briefly know what is happening around the world.

"The sense of crisis among the non-criminal population is not deep, and the sense of crisis disappeared in about half an hour."

"The sense of crisis of criminals can last for a long time, and the sense of crisis is much stronger than that of non-criminals. The effect of jingling bells is significant."

"The birth of a sense of crisis makes the audience think about introspection..."

"According to incomplete statistics, the number of divorced people in divorce registries around the world today increased by 25% compared with the day before..."

The three bosses flipped through it for a while, and were shocked by the energy generated by a six-level thing.

At the beginning, the testers set the ding ding bell as level 6, mainly because its function was relatively useless and its influence was limited. Even if the sound of ding ding was heard, the sense of crisis would disappear with time, and it would not affect human life.

At the same time, its combat ability is not particularly good. Its bell will make the enemy more alert and move more cautiously, making it more difficult to defeat.

But seeing the impact of Kemeng making it into a video today broke the expectations of the insiders on Tinker Bell.

The impact is too great.

It has good and bad effects, but overall the benefits are mostly good, and that's enough.

at the same time.

The man who caused the surge in the number of surrenders across the country did not realize how far-reaching he was unleashing.

When Kemen received a call from Director Lei of the Bureau of Investigation, he realized how serious the situation was.

"Today... a lot of people surrendered?" Kemen opened a new video in surprise.

The name of the video is just the word ding ding, separated by a space, which is very simple.

The content is not funny, but a dry evaluation, ringing the bell.

In Kemon's view, it was obviously a video with no funny elements, but because of its special attributes, it had a large-scale impact.

Kemon took out the small bell from the storage scarf, rang the bell, and listened to the sense of crisis in his ears, thoughtfully.

The resistance of the people is too weak, so the sense of crisis lasts longer.

Unlike Kemon, once the bell stopped vibrating, the tinkle that remained in his mind would have no sense of crisis.

"Speaking of which, I have to thank you. Now that the police stations around the world need a lot of manpower support, our investigation bureau also has to work secretly to protect those supernatural criminals from jumping out to do things." Director Lei smiled and said.

After hanging up the phone, Kemeng took a look at his video views. Good guy, as of 11:00 pm, it has climbed to 19 million views. The spread is too high. Almost everyone will share it after watching it once. , and then come back and swipe again.

What a terrifying amount of playback!

You must know that this was taken by him casually, and he did not make exquisite editing.

Pull out the task list of the system, and the task shows that it has been completed.

"Resistance +50"

With a ding, Kemon's resistance officially broke through 300 points and reached 330 points.

Stack the thickest resistance, all the way to black!