I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 204: break (repair)


"Don't worry, I'm with you."

In Orange Star's conference room, the voice of artificial intelligence suddenly sounded.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the familiar electronic sound.

At least, the situation has not deteriorated to the point where they least want to see it.

"Mother Orange, can you discipline those artificial intelligences so that they don't spread the nightmare disease, otherwise they will only make the situation worse." The dean coughed and asked the top artificial intelligence in the country.

Mother Orange replied: "Actually, I don't quite understand the things in the dream world. I haven't dreamed so far."

"Those little guys, I will issue a warning, but whether they listen to my discipline is another matter. After all, I have nothing to do with Meng." Orange mother sighed helplessly.

Researcher Li Shen listened to Mother Cheng's humane sigh, his expression remained unchanged, making it difficult to know what was going on in his heart.

Other researchers spot blind spots: "Mother Orange, haven't you ever had a dream?"

"No." Mother Orange denied.

"Orange Mother, as the head of artificial intelligence, is working all the time, it is difficult to understand in dreams."

"Those weak artificial intelligence and intermediate artificial intelligence can dream. Is it because they don't have enough data to process?"

Everyone discussed this matter carefully, the more they discussed, the more dangerous they felt.

Did Mother Orange really not dream

There are other dream cases of artificial intelligence, and everyone has a question mark in their hearts.

What if Mother Orange is interested in dreaming and has bad thoughts after entering the dream.

For a while, everyone didn't know what to discuss.

"Let's step up the strategy. Next, we will ask the game research team to give a report. We need to know the progress of the strategy for the virtual game "World" and what difficulties we have encountered so far."

The Orange Stars shifted the topic to the game, avoiding this sensitive topic.

Mother Orange is silent. In the invisible Orange Star network, endless data is collected and scattered in the network. Non-electronic network information creatures cannot understand Mother Orange's thoughts.

The conference was held for a while, and as the researchers released the game progress report, the difficulty of the virtual game "World" was once again put on the table.

"Currently the top leveling group is only level 65, leveling is very slow, we have lost the best time to track down the kobolds."

"The higher the level, the more materials and trial and error costs are needed, and we need labor to develop ways to play games."

"My suggestion is to open five million players and work hard to clear the game for the cause of all mankind."

When this suggestion was filmed, all the researchers frowned.

At this time, it is not good to expand the crowd into the game, they are afraid that the black ghost will go crazy into the city and confuse human beings to become believers.

A good way to resist becoming a believer is to physically disconnect the Internet, so that the black ghost cannot continue to confuse people.

"Isn't this game jointly developed by our game engineers, and it's so difficult to follow the strategy?" The old director frowned.

"This is already playing according to the progress of the original strategy. After all, the virtual game is a way to take the long line and hang the big fish. The early stage is fast, and the normal leveling speed will resume after level 50. There is no way to quickly level up, only slowly. Grind the plot slowly, or spawn monsters wildly."

This meeting made the old dean unable to make up his mind. The more open the number of people to enter the virtual game "World", the more likely something bad will happen.

Now the game world is also very dangerous. From time to time, there are followers of evil gods bewitching high-level creatures, and the strategy is slow. I don’t know when I will be able to reach the boss of the second week.

Gloomy clouds hang over the orange star, and most of the researchers are not confident about the future.

In the end, Orange Star decided to further open the quota for normal people to play "The World", and gave 5 million tests.

As soon as the application number of 5 million was released on the Internet, he was immediately confronted by orange star players.

"After finally waiting for a game permission, it turned out to be the permission of "World". I am stupid."

"If you don't have a game to play, you're going to be crazy. No matter what game it is, as long as you can enter the virtual game world."

"Look at what you said, isn't the face pinching game not a virtual game?"

"Pinch face games are not considered official games. Except for face pinching, there is too little room for personal activities, and there is no function for interacting with netizens at all. It is too lonely."

Orange Star hasn't figured out how many games have been affected yet, the virtual games have been closed, and all gamers are bored.

This has led to more and more people actively dreaming, as if dreams are their second life.

As for the evil god or something, it has passed by the sky many times, and every time they have no danger, it becomes natural after getting used to it.

In the bedroom where Liu Siting lived, she woke up in the middle of the night, breaking out in a cold sweat.

The whole body is still feeling exhausted, even in her dream she still needs to rest for a long time, she hasn't been so tired for a long time.

The ability to travel through the mirror is not an ability that ordinary humans can control, and Liu Siting vaguely understands this.

She doesn't want to be a human anymore, she wants to break through the limits of human beings, and then keep running for Cthulhu to complete that great cause.

It was midnight, and the light outside the window shone into the bed. Liu Siting sat by the bed and picked up the tablet.

This is a tablet specially made by the Orange Stars. It only has a news program, no speech function, and no other entertainment items. It is suitable for those patients who are imprisoned and going crazy.

Clicking on the news, Liu Siting saw that the institute once again recruited five million players from across the country.

"Five million..." Liu Siting blinked her eyes. Out of her professional habit, she calculated while considering the market sentiment.

"There are no other games to play now, no matter how dangerous it is, there will be curious people who will take this path." She feels that this is a perfect moment to mess with Orange Star.

The higher-ups have no way to deal with the messy things in the dreamland, and there is another lace news about a large number of game NPCs entering the dreamland.

Chaos is the dream that Liu Siting pursues, but her abilities are not suitable for fighting, but adapt to turning points, leading the team to slowly manage the spread of dreams and missionary affairs.

She slept for another night, and when she felt that her body's energy had almost recovered, she began to organize clothes and food in front of the closet, stuffing these things into a small backpack.

In such an intelligent era, once he escaped, he would definitely be listed as a wanted criminal.

Liu Siting's half-crazy thinking has lost the rationality that a normal person should have. She just wants to escape from prison and gather those believers who are living outside.


In the bathroom, the bathtub was filled with water, it even overflowed and flowed all over the floor.

Today's second update is completed