I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 207: Scientific Kerosene Lamp (Part 3)


This kerosene lamp is called an unidentifiable item by the players. At first glance, the attributes are full of question marks, and there is only a short text introduction: "It is an immortal scientific lamp."

"Scientific items?" Kemon took the kerosene lamp.

The kerosene lamp is like a gourd with a thin waist and a big belly, with a toad-mouth lamp head on the top. There is a knob on the side of the lamp head to control the wick, which is used to control the brightness of the kerosene lamp.

Carrying a black kerosene lamp, Kemon was illuminated by the kerosene flame. He felt that this lamp had a very strong power, but this power was not lethal and was not aimed at him.

Kermon blinked and patted the storage scarf, trying to call out Big Face Cat.

But the scarf didn't respond at all, like a dead object, no matter how much you patted it, it was useless.

"What's going on?" Kemon put the lamp on the ground and patted the scarf again, but it still couldn't be used.

There is no consciousness of a scarf in the brain, and the so-called storage space cannot be seen.

The glutinous rice balls rolled on the ground, barking.

Through the connection between master and servant, Kemen knew what the glutinous rice balls were called.

Since the kerosene lamp came across, the crystal stone in the house has lost its shining light.

It is a decorative effect crystal, as if sealed.

Bai Shatang shook her wings, not knowing what was going on, subconsciously shaking the sand, feeling that her master was in a bad mood.

Crystal Girl is still sleeping, digesting the newly acquired power.

Kemon was indeed in a bad mood, and he couldn't call out the big-faced cat, which was fatal.

Kemen thought for a while, and decided to take this kerosene lamp as a quarantine measure and seal it up first.

First put the kerosene lamp in a utility room, let Bai Shatang guard it, and then dial the phone in the corridor to the investigation bureau.

Director Lei of the Investigation Bureau thought for a few seconds, "Since it is a lighting item, you should stay outside its lighting range for a while and see if you can reuse the storage scarf."

Director Lei has sufficient research on lighting items, and knows that lighting props are nothing more than those points. There are special regular powers within the lighting range, as long as you leave the light.

Kemon stayed in the corridor for a while, and he really felt the consciousness of the scarf gradually returning, and he could vaguely perceive the storage space.

The big-faced cat was photographed casually, and the big-faced cat fell to the ground and stood still. The expression on his face has not changed for thousands of years.

Seeing that the big-faced cat was still acting stupid, Kemen felt a little relieved.

He carried the big-faced cat to the utility room and stared into the cat's eyes for fifteen seconds.

Strange knowledge added!

It was as if seeing the misty light emitted by the cat, and the knowledge in the brain sublimated.

Kermon blinked, then looked at the steadily burning kerosene lamp.

"Scientific Kerosene Lamp"

"The area illuminated by the kerosene lamp is an absolute scientific field, and any non-scientific items are in a sealed state, and the kerosene flame will never be extinguished."

"The scientific definition depends on the lantern bearer, or if there is no lantern bearer, it depends on the previous lantern bearer."

"The longer it is used, the hatred magnetic field will gradually form, attracting the hatred of intelligent species."

Got it, that's why.

Kermon's scarf is an unscientific item. The scarf was illuminated by the kerosene lamp just now, and the items inside could not be taken out.

The scientific definition is taken from the lantern bearer. During the sacrifice, the lantern bearer is a believer. In Kemen’s bedroom, Tang Yuan picks up the lamp and becomes the lantern bearer.

Then it was Kemon's turn to take over the kerosene lamp, and Kemon became the bearer of the lamp. In Kemon's consciousness, the scarf was an Extraordinary item, so the scarf couldn't be used.

"This thing is quite subjective." Kemen commented.

This thing is very powerful, and it is a very powerful prop.

To test its application to the scientific definition, Kermon had the dumplings once again act as lantern bearers.

After waiting for a few seconds, I patted the scarf, but the scarf still couldn't take out the items.

"Tangyuan also thinks that scarves are unscientific items, does science mean not understanding?"

Kemen murmured, analyzing the definition inside.

Tangyuan was originally an extraordinary creature, but its world view was inherited from Kemeng. After all, Tangyuan lived in the city since she was a child, and the things she came into contact with were all the culture of the human world. The concepts of the two are basically the same.

"Bai Sha Tang, you come to carry the lamp," Kemen said.

Bai Granang looked at her wings, how to mention them

It flapped its wings, and the sand and salt insects fell to the ground with a large pile of sand, crawling around, and discharged a little white salt by the way.

White Sugar hooked up the kerosene lamp with his claws, and Kemen patted the scarf again, but there was still no response.

Bai Shatang has lived in a dry desert since he was a child, and his world view is different from that of Kemeng.

Those strange powers are normal things. After arriving in the city, the cars, mobile phones, Internet and other things inside are very abnormal in Bai Shatang's eyes, and they are all blind spots of his knowledge.

Kermon waited for a few seconds, and the scarf had a vague consciousness that it could be used.

He patted the scarf casually, took out some dry food, and used the scarf to put the food back into the storage space.

Taking out the phone, I wanted to check the time, but found that the screen of the phone was black, and no matter how hard Kemen pressed the power button, it couldn't be turned on.

At this moment, Kemon's expression changed slightly.

"Using kerosene lamps, different worldviews will have different effects." Kemen took out a notebook full of dangerous spells and wrote a line of notes on it.

Kemen then recorded the progress of Liu Siting and other believers:

"Liu Siting broke out of the confinement of the city and developed animal believers in the wild. The results are remarkable, but it is very dangerous to confront Orange Star. Whether she can survive is a mystery."

"It is the first time to use the harvesting soul skill on a player, and there will be no follow-up."

Closing the notebook, looking at the ordinary notebook, it is filled with an aura that contains the curse of destroying the world.

Smiling and putting the notebook back into the storage scarf, Tang Yuan had already taken over the kerosene lamp. Kemen restarted the phone, just in time to receive a call from the guard. Director Lei of the Investigation Bureau had arrived at the door.

Going out to welcome Director Lei into the house, Director Lei looked at the kerosene lamp and took a few photos with his mobile phone.

The accompanying testers took out special items, one carried the lamp, and the other used the special item, but it turned out that the special item could not be used.

The testers tested step by step, in the empty manor, and in the underground shooting range with the lights off.

After several rounds, the professionals from the Bureau of Investigation have measured the range of the lights.

"The effective radius of the light is 50 meters, which has nothing to do with day and night."

"Once the light is blocked, items in the shade will not be affected."

"Scientific ideas depend on the lantern bearer..."

After the people from the investigation bureau finished the test, the irrelevant people waited to return to the investigation bureau. Director Lei stayed behind to touch the kerosene lamp. The love in his heart was overflowing, so he almost begged Kemeng to give it to him.

"Kemon, this thing is easy to absorb hatred, I thought you are also a steady person, you probably don't like attracting hatred." Director Lei tentatively said.

This item is really attractive, it is equivalent to a powerful range-type control item, Director Lei is very excited.

"Director Lei, of course I don't need to be a target to attract hatred, but my pet can do this for me." Kemeng smiled and declined.

After hearing this, Director Lei nodded regretfully: "That's right, you now have another crystal bodyguard, which can take on the responsibility of attracting firepower."

After chatting for a while, Director Lei left Kemeng's house without taking the kerosene lamp, and gave the temporary grade of the third-level thing, and decided whether to upgrade the internal rating based on its record.