I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 211: simple survey


The first round of tests was very long. Swipe the screen to pull down, and the numbers also rose from single digits to double digits, three digits, four digits, and five digits.

At the time, the first version of the door was called the "Red Wooden Door," and since it was opened thousands of times, always with the same door behind it, the Counterintelligence Investigation Bureau personnel renamed it the "Infinity Door."

At that time, the counterintelligence and investigation bureau did not have so much energy to test this door. When the 10,001th door was opened, the door opening work was suspended, and the first floor was completely closed. Empty, but the building was not demolished and has been preserved until now.

The above is the file of the first round of safety testing, and the second round of testing was led by the Special Affairs Investigation Bureau.

"Second round of testing: start pushing doors from the 10001st door..."

Kemen kept scrolling down, and below it was an infinitely growing number. When the investigators reached six figures, they stopped the task of pushing the door, and re-evaluated whether the door pushing test of the infinite door was meaningful.

It is not difficult to push the door endlessly, but the difficult thing is that the person who pushes the door is tired, and every time he pushes the same door, his mentality changes.

Moreover, the more times you push the door, the longer the passage the door will open, and the time and cost of transporting food and water sources will gradually increase.

You can't let the door pusher starve to death in the door push channel.

Moreover, the process of pushing the door is very boring, and the environment is narrow.

Later, the people of the Bureau of Investigation changed to drones to push the door, and the unmanned equipment replaced the investigators to carry out this hard work, starting the third round of door pushing tests.

Since then, the number of door pushes in the third round of testing has been extended countless times, and Kemeng keeps swiping down, no matter how he turns, he can't turn it to the end.

Looking at the scroll bar on the right, the small cursor is as small as a cow, and its layer number may have broken through to the eight or nine digits.

Kemen clicked the back button to exit the page, and took a long breath.

As Director Wu said, this door is really an infinite door. Behind the door are the rules of infinite dolls, which are repeated without end.

Putting down his phone, Kemen wanted to find something to do.

As for the gate of infinity, I feel that it is not easy to handle. After opening so many layers, I failed to open the last door. Kemen went, and it may not help.

It's better to wait for the opportunity to go to the Octopus Market for a business trip in the future, and then observe the elegance of the Gate of Infinity.

Looking for Luo Yuan of the same team, Luo Yuan said helplessly: "Amon, I have nothing to do recently. I have a week off after finishing the sad wind and blood incident last time."

Dui Luo's words are full of helplessness. In fact, he doesn't want to rest either. Once people are free, they tend to be bored and think wildly.

In the matter of the blood of the sad wind, Kermon dug up the radio later, but because the radio involved hidden existence and human power was limited, the investigation had to be suspended.

"However, if you insist on applying for an investigation, the director will not force you to stop..." Captain Luo had something to say, so he almost made it clear.

Team Luo knew that Kemon could listen to the whispers of hidden existences, and his rationality was so strong that it was outrageous. He secretly speculated that Kemon might obtain new rational items that could increase his rationality.

With such a powerful strength, honestly speaking, there is no need for the investigation bureau to worry about him going crazy.

Maybe everyone in the Bureau of Investigation has gone crazy, but Kemon isn't going crazy either.

Kemon called the director and asked what tasks he had recently.

Director Wu was silent for two seconds, and replied, "Why don't you investigate that Jialixi?"

"Director, it's been less than half a day since I came here for the interview, and you know this?" Kemeng asked in surprise.

The director should be a person who manages a lot of things every day. He has a lot of affairs, and the interviewer is asked to go out, so he shouldn't alarm Director Wu.

"Anyway, I'll leave this matter to you. Do it well. Don't wrong a good person, and don't let any bad person go."

The director hangs up the phone with a headache, looking at the Kemon's deeds file on the desktop, the interviewer conflict incident at noon today is impressively listed.

This is the information recorded by "that existence" on the Internet. Anyone who is marked as a key protection object in the area visible to the camera will be stared at by "that existence".

If you don't keep an eye on it, what if an assassin comes one day and kills him.

You must know that the human body is very fragile, and a heavy sniper can shoot a person to death.

It is difficult to find those special items in the security check. Some professional mercenaries do not take the serious route and become murlocs to sneak in from the bottom of the sea. How to prevent them? There is no way to prevent it.

"How about it, what did the director say?" Luo Yuan asked curiously.

Kemon shrugged: "Let me investigate that Galici."

"Who is Galici?"

"It's just a rich man in the interview crowd today. I guess he has committed some crimes. His concept doesn't fit well with our investigation bureau." Kemen clicked on his phone to accept the Galici file sent by the Secretary of the Bureau.

The dossier contains traces of Galici's activities on the Internet, as well as general files from kindergarten to university.

Luo Yuan hummed, although it sounds like the level of the incident is not high, but there is finally something to do.

He @All Members in the group: "Start work, let's investigate a suspicious person together."

Kemon put Galici's files in the group for people to download and watch.

Twenty minutes later, Cheng Le and Dr. Liang took their seats one after another. Both of them were wearing ordinary daily clothes.

"This man doesn't seem to have any taint." Dr. Liang said doubtfully, "The only thing that can be called a taint is his family background. His father runs a casino."

"If there is a stain, it is impossible to apply for an interview through the investigation bureau's online channels. Just look at these superficial files. Let's go and go to his house to have a look." Captain Luo had already obtained a search warrant through normal channels before the two of them came. .

The four of them came to the parking lot downstairs, and drove buzzingly towards Galixi's villa home.

According to online archives, Galici has moved out and no longer lives with his family. The house he lives in is a villa bought by his father.

Galici was last seen on traffic surveillance cameras on the road near his villa.

A few minutes later, the car stopped in front of Galici's villa.

The security guard at the gate thought it was a visitor, and said, "My boss doesn't see anyone today."

Team Luo showed a search warrant to the security guard at the gate, "We are from the Bureau of Investigation. We suspect that there are suspicious special items in this house that have not been evaluated. Search."

The security guard seemed embarrassed, so he sent someone to search his boss, and what would he do if something happened to the boss.

He thought a lot in his head, but he didn't dare to stop these people, after all, it was a search warrant from the Bureau of Investigation, which was higher than the local police station in terms of rank.

"Wait a minute, I'll call the boss." The security guard apologized.

"Relax, it's just an investigation, it's not a big deal." Captain Luo said casually, while Ke Meng, who was seated with him, was staring at the statue in the garden of the villa, not paying attention to the security guard.

The security guard was sweating and called the owner of the villa through the internal phone.

beep beep.

Half a minute passed and no one answered the phone.

The security guard was puzzled, so he called again.

beep beep...

Still no one answered.

"What's going on, the boss hasn't gone out yet, is he asleep?" The security guard changed his phone and called the housekeeper in the villa.

A professional villa, with both a housekeeper and a professional maid, they all have phones, and they will definitely answer the calls.

But the security guard found that today was unusual. The call to the housekeeper was not connected, and the busy tone on the phone kept beeping.

In the next second, the phone tone changes to a fixed voice:

"Sorry, the call you made is temporarily unanswered..."