I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 212


The security guard stopped the colleagues and asked them to call the boss, the housekeeper, and a certain maid respectively to see if their mobile phones could be connected.

There were four security guards in the security post. They called with puzzled faces, but they received a fixed voice prompt that "the number you dialed is temporarily unanswered".

While sweating profusely on the phone, Dr. Liang and Cheng Le in the car were both yawning and feeling bored.

This investigation task is obviously a very common case, either financial fraud or murder.

Well, if it involves a murder case, you still have to be serious, and you can't relax your vigilance just because it is not a special item case.

"Why haven't you finished the phone call? It's been too long." Cheng Le, who was sitting in the back seat, muttered.

"Maybe the boss is planning how to escape, Team Luo, let the police station seal the customs first."

They have a search warrant and they can force a search, but that's violent, unless there is clear evidence that there is evidence of homicide or something special that has not been recorded.

It would be good for everyone if Galici could be called out to investigate in a peaceful manner.

At this time, four security guards walked out of the security post, "Officer, my boss's phone is not connected, and the housekeeper and maid are also on the phone. Go in and have a look, something may have happened."

In the mind of security guards, it is more comfortable to call them police officers, and they are not used to calling them investigators.

After hearing this, Luo Yuan looked at his three companions. The two companions were in a daze, thinking that this was an ordinary case.

Kemen nodded, and said solemnly: "There is indeed something wrong with it, it's not an ordinary case."

"Let's go!" The eyes of the three of them were serious for a moment, and the boss had already spoken. This must not be an ordinary case.

The four of them drove into the villa. There was a spacious asphalt road in the villa, with small gardens on the left and right sides.

Among them, the small garden on the left has a fountain pool, and the artificially pruned plants form a low labyrinth. In the center of the labyrinth is a fountain pool with a ring-shaped stacked structure.

A stone statue is placed on the fountain pool ring on the top floor. The statue looks very weird. It has a frog-like head, two giant frog eyes are rounded, and the mouth is wide open. The fountain water gushes out from the frog's mouth. out, flow back into the pool, and flow away from the drain at the bottom of the pool to form a water cycle.

"This statue looks so evil." Cheng Le looked in the direction Kemeng was looking at, and happened to see that strange frog statue. The upper body was a frog's head, but the lower body was not a frog's body, but eight tentacles in the shape of an octopus. Tentacles have round octopus sucker tissue.

The physical characteristics of the two creatures have references corresponding to reality. After mixing and matching together, it is obviously not beyond the imagination of human beings, but it brings them a slight sense of disgust. They are naturally disgusted with this kind of anti-human design.

"There is a problem, there is definitely a problem." Cheng Le affirmed again.

Dr. Liang rolled his eyes and said, "In normal times, how dare you say yes with such certainty."

"Anyway, Amon said yes, so there is." Cheng Le chuckled.

Kemeng ignored the complaints of the two, got out of the car, and asked the four security guards directly, "Don't you feel depressed when you look at the sculpture?"

The security guards looked at each other, "Sometimes it feels very strange, that is, when I play with my mobile phone, I always feel that I can hear frogs, but there is no plan to raise frogs in the villa, so I can't find any frogs."

"Also, one time when I was patrolling by the fountain pool late at night, I felt something was looking at me, could it be that sculpture." The security guard asked suspiciously.

The other two security guards were confused, "What are you talking about, why do I feel like there is nothing?"

"There was really something looking at me. I wasn't sure at the time, I thought it was an illusion, but now people from the Special Affairs Investigation Bureau are here. If there is nothing special here, how could they come to investigate? I'm sure, it's that building There is a problem with the statue." The more Security A said, the more certain he became, he found a psychological support for his theory, and became more confident.

"Okay, okay, open the door quickly and see what's going on inside." Team Luo saw that the main entrance was in front of him, saving lives was the most important thing, so he opened the door first to see if there were any wounded inside.

The security guard swiped his face and opened the door, and with a ding, the silver main entrance hall slowly opened, revealing a magnificent hall.

Huge crystal chandeliers hang from the ceiling, emitting beautiful and luxurious lights.

There is a huge black wool blanket on the floor with a strange pattern drawn on it. It is a picture of a frog swallowing the moon. It can be seen that the owner of this villa likes frogs very much.

But the frog on this blanket is a normal frog, not the octopus frog in the manor.

There are also some patterns carved on the two huge columns in the hall, but the patterns on them have no specific reference objects, and the patterns are relatively abstract. I don't know what the sculptor is painting.

The security guard stepped into the main entrance of this villa. For some reason, he felt that the place was too quiet, and he felt an indescribable sense of oppression, pressing his chest.

The four investigators felt more deeply than they did, and could clearly sense the rotten smell in the air here.

Ordinary people can't smell it. This is similar to the induction on the sixth sense, which is created out of nothing and predicted in advance.

If it is two or three days late, the rancid smell may fill the house.

Luo Yuan made a pause gesture, "I'll make a call to my superior and prepare a case."

Luo Yuan and his party originally planned to conduct ordinary investigations, but their expectations for Galici were at the level of ordinary criminal cases at best.

But after entering this villa, Luo Yuan felt that it was not an easy place, at least it was a murder case involving special items.

Kemen patted the scarf, and glutinous rice balls and white sugar came out.

Crystal was still sleeping, and Kemeng didn't move her for a while.

The four security guards were startled when they saw the golden fur ball and the white-haired sand sculpture appearing instantly, and almost suffered cardiac arrest.

"You guys go out and wait for the news. No matter what happens, don't come in." Luo Yuan drove the four security guards away after finishing the call.

"Yeah, you guys are busy." The four security guards fled immediately without a trace of remembrance.

Ordinary people who dare to stay at this time are either bold or downright stupid. They don't have the guts, nor are they stupid enough to run away first.

Following the rotten smell in the air, Kemon stopped on the stairs in front of the hall, looked up and then down.

"It's down there." Kemon walked downstairs with his long legs.

Glutinous rice balls and white sugar followed closely, Luo Yuan and the other three also took out attack and protection items and carefully investigated.

Their task has also changed from investigation to protecting Kemon. Although Kemon doesn't need their protection, preparations still need to be made.

"Amon, you keep this for emergency use." Luo Yuan handed a small stone in his hand to Kemon.

"This is?" Kemen took the stone, the whole body of the stone was pure blue, glowing with a clear light.

"Crush it with great force, and you can instantly transfer people to a specific location." Luo Yuan said.

This thing is not Luo Yuan's, but a prop used by the Bureau of Investigation for Paul Kemeng. He felt that something was wrong here, so he decided to give it to Kemeng in advance, fearing that he would not be able to react.