I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 232: Your courier (repair)


Outside the maze, as Mi Jingyun said, you can't die outside the maze.

Kemeng's spirituality did not issue a warning, and using the wraith as a shield to push it out was just Kemeng's performance for safety.

The cat-faced wraith had his hands clasped behind his back by Kemeng, and Kemen held the opponent's hand with one hand, and then held the wraith to walk outside the wall.

"There is nothing outside the maze."

Outside the maze is a flat blank space, the farther you go, the more white it becomes, and behind it is the wall of the maze.

Kemen walked for half an hour and came back. There was no other reason. There was really nothing outside the maze, and there were no wraiths chasing him. It would not be a problem to stay for 24 hours.

Ke Kemeng didn't come here for dogs, it's not interesting to squat for more than 24 hours.

Steady and Gou don't mean the same thing. Although these two words can be synonymous most of the time, Kemeng really feels nothing to be afraid of when he is bitten by a wraith. Their bite is like tickling.

The level of the cat-faced person is not enough. He is a mob in the low-level area. Naturally, the imprisoning props will not be too strong to make people despair, which is very reasonable.

So Kemeng went back to the maze, took the initiative to touch the porcelain cat face and the wraith, and ran wherever there was a wraith.

The wraiths didn't know how powerful Kemeng was, and they rushed forward one by one, but they were beaten by him so that their own mother couldn't recognize it.

"Lead the way, where there are vengeful spirits, bring them all to me." Kemen was tired after fighting six times in a row, so he changed his mind and let the vengeful spirits take the initiative to bring the vengeful spirits over.

The six wraiths looked like little grieving women who had been squeezed to death. The cat's face was covered with black circles, and it looked at Kemeng with resentful and vicious eyes.

Kemen turned around and glared at them fiercely, "Quick, don't dawdle."

The wraiths slipped away, and Kemen's side became quiet again.

Ten minutes later, the wraiths really called for people to come back, and there were a dozen of them in one call.

Without saying a word, Kemen beat all the wraiths to the ground and became the overlord of the maze.

A normal low-level player entered this maze and should live in fear for 24 hours, but Kemon was different. Punching and kicking even twenty was not his limit.

"It's really boring. It would be great if I knew the location, right..."

Kemen stretched out his hand to call, and read the name of the demon map in his mouth.

As the thoughts moved, a gust of dark wind swirled around Kemeng, and the black grievances on the body of more than twenty resentful spirits were all rolled up, circling around Kemeng, and finally all the black wind was drawn into the sky above Kemeng's palm .

The wraiths trembled, feeling the lowering of the superior's will, which was an existence stronger than them.

The black wind disappeared, and a mass of black parchment with sporadic sparks stopped in Kemon's palm.

The resentful spirits stare blankly, what is it that gives them such a strong oppressive force, but after seeing the real thing, they feel that there is a gap between ideal and reality.

It wasn't the great wraith as imagined, but a parchment tainted with demonic breath.

Kemen unfolded the parchment, and the red dots crowded the entire black parchment map, which was shocking.

"So many vengeful spirits are malicious to me, is this a script design?" Kemon guessed the truth.

Kermon also wants to design the script, and now is a good opportunity to crack the world of the script, and because of the incomplete text, many walls have collapsed, revealing many bugs.

Some walls are like random doors in space, stepping in with one step will teleport to another labyrinth area.

Specifically, you can watch the transformation of the demon map. Once there is a large spatial displacement, the distribution of red dots on the map will also be greatly renovated, and the changes are obvious.

"It turns out that the space of the maze is designed in this way." Kemon has walked a lot, and he has a general understanding of the maze.

The vengeful spirits beside him also changed their attitudes, opening the way for Kemeng. Whenever they met the vengeful spirits who couldn't open their eyes, they would beat them up, and then followed Kemeng to open the way.

Kermon turned around, and suddenly found a place called the exit.

The exit is the large cemetery in the center of the labyrinth. There are no wraiths in the large cemetery, but there are thousands of tombstones, and each tombstone is engraved with the name of the deceased of the cat-faced man.

The most central tombstone without words has a passage leading to the ground. Standing at the door, Kemon felt a strong thought—this is the exit.

As long as you go on, the tragic script will be closed and you will return to reality.

Kemeng didn't go out, and plunged into the maze to fumble around again, and after roughly figuring out the rules of operation of the whole world, he walked into the underground stairs of the great cemetery.

Opening his eyes again, Kemen saw that he was back, and the sky outside the window had already darkened.

"How long have I been in?" Kemon looked at the wall clock on the wall, it was nine o'clock in the evening.

Sleepy from noon to nine o'clock in the evening, it's okay, but I'm a little hungry.

The resistance is very strong, but it is also a numerical resistance reduction. He can barely go hungry, but he can't do without eating.

Eat some noodles first, and then wait for the full-time chef to cook an edible dinner as quickly as possible.

After a meal, Kermon wiped out the meal.

Also at this time, the phone rang.

"Kemeng, the toad courier has arrived at your house, pick up the courier."


Kemeng hung up the phone and hurried to the outside of the house, just in time to see a big black toad standing outside the house. The two big toad eyes seemed to emit cold light, and it looked weird.

People who didn't know thought that the evil creature came to visit, but Kemon knew it was an official messenger and didn't drive it away.

Seeing Kemon, Toad said, "Your courier croaks."


Toad spit out a large mouthful of phlegm, and in the saliva was a small silver suitcase.

The phlegm quickly evaporated away from the toad's mouth, and the silver box shone brightly under the light, as brand new as ever.

"I'm leaving." The toad didn't stop, its body descended into the lawn, the circles of ripples disappeared in an instant, and the lawn surface returned to its original state.

The cold atmosphere in the air also returned to nature, but the silver box lying on the ground was once stained with toad's saliva, and Kemen couldn't help but think of that mouthful of phlegm.

Sometimes it's really not good to have too much gnosis. Kemen will think of phlegm when he sees the silver box, and he can't get rid of it no matter what.

I went closer to check the silver box, and sure enough, there was another small note on it. The note was very dry, without a trace of moisture.

The sputum of Hama Express is not real sputum, otherwise the note would have been soaked.

The note said: "How to open the box: Violent box opening/synthetic password."

It's the same routine as last time, no one tells the password, and the recipient needs to sense the password himself, or open the lock violently.

Kemon could choose to open the box violently, but he was curious about what password the other party left for him this time.

Quietly looked at the silver box until he had hallucinations, and the silver box appeared in a bright hall.

The man in bandages put ten sheets of special paper into the silver box, a pen, and five bottles of ink.

"It's not enough to have paper without pen and ink." The man in the bandage said to himself. There was no one around, but Kemon knew who he was talking to.

Close the lockbox, lock the password 66666, and paste a small note.

Finally the man in the bandage smiled at the suitcase, and the hallucination faded away, gone.

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