I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 242: It's the turn of the food elimination technique (Part 3) (Revised)


No one wants to eat indescribable dark dishes, the contents of that pot can only be disposed of.

Kemeng asked Shirley to hang the scientific kerosene lamp above the dark cooking pot. The light from the flame heart shone on the dark cooking pot, like the dawn breaking through the darkness. The water began to boil and the reaction was violent.

The indescribable thing stopped shaking immediately, but the syke-like vagueness did not disappear, it still existed.

The water in the black pot is bubbling, and it has not been restored to its original form. The extraordinary power in it is competing with the scientific kerosene lamp.

On one side is the scientific side, and on the other side is the indescribable. The expressions of the onlookers changed slightly, and they felt a strong sense of confrontation rising in the pot. They fought hard, but couldn't tell the winner.

"The scientific kerosene lamp has met a strong enemy."

"The phenomenon of confrontation, I didn't expect to witness it with my own eyes." Luo Yuan murmured, his eyes sparkling.

The confrontation phenomenon used to be something that happened to the special items in the bureau.

Under normal circumstances, a special item has absolute suppression and can affect the rules of other items.

Just like the scientific kerosene lamp can invalidate the rules of other items and return to their original appearance.

But when it encounters an object that is not weaker than its suppressing power, the two sides will produce a confrontation phenomenon, one side presses, and the other resists the pressure, giving a strong sense of confrontation from the senses.

"Turn away the lamp, so as not to cause accidents in the dark cooking pot or kerosene lamp." Director Lei reminded.

The result of the confrontation is often not a good thing, usually at the cost of a certain item shattering, which reduces the suppressing power, and is firmly suppressed by the victorious item.

Originally, Director Lei gave this pot a grade six or five grade, but with the kerosene lamp as a foil, it suddenly became different, and its internal grade may be infinitely higher.

Scientific kerosene lamps can seal many things, even secondary things.

The dark cooking pot can stand up to the kerosene lamp without losing the wind, and the side highlights its power.

Shirley looked at Kemon, saw the master nodding, immediately put the lamp on the other side, and covered it with an opaque black cloth to block its light.

Without lighting, the special items on the scene gradually returned to their original functions.

The food in the dark cooking pot also twisted again, and twisted more cheerfully than before, as if celebrating the other party's escape.

Kemen wanted to try some common ingredients to see what kind of strange food it would produce. Now that there is such a thing, it still doesn't affect Kemon's decision.

Dispose of the contents of the pot first, and pour it all into a giant bowl.

The black pot is covered upside down, and the bottom of the pot does not stick to the juice, and there is not a drop left.

Re-arranging the pot, there is no more disgusting smell in the pot, and there is no inexplicable food.

Kemen brought a batch of ingredients, a osmanthus fish, green onions, ginger, peppers, potatoes and other items.

Put it into the pot and fill it with half a pot of water, and the clean water will cover the ingredients that Kemon injected.

According to the knowledge of Big Face Cat, the Dark Cooking Pot has the function of automatic processing, which is very suitable for lazy people. It does not require outsiders to bother to think about how to process ingredients, and it can cook automatically.

Kermon had already set up a camera to take shots of the dark cooking pot being processed.

Kemeng had a hunch that the popularity of this pot of videos would be higher than those of Wuxiajian and Dingding.

Its indescribable feeling is far beyond the limit that the human brain can accept, but how about it will be seen later.

Cover the pot, the dark cooking pot buzzed, and there was a strange sound.

I couldn't tell what the sound was, but I always felt something was swimming, like the sound of fish swimming.

"Kemon, what do you do with the remaining dark food?"

The team of investigators withdrew early to a place three or four hundred meters away, which was far away.

Kemon turned to look at the indescribable food in the big sea bowl, and the wriggling mosaic tentacles were beckoning to Kemon.

"fall down?"

"This won't work, it will pollute the sewer system of our whales, and special items must be used to eliminate it." Director Lei called remotely, not wanting to get close to that pot of things.

"Then..." Kemon had an idea in his mind, and he thought of the big-faced cat's mouth.

The famous food disappearing technique, netizens jokingly call it a food elimination machine, what you feed will destroy whatever you feed.

Of course, big-faced cats don’t eat everything, and they absolutely don’t eat anything that isn’t meat.

And the indescribable food in this bowl obviously possesses certain characteristics of meat quality.

"I'll feed it to the cat."

"Feed the cat? Which cat would eat this kind of thing, oh wait, I understand." Director Lei suddenly realized that it must be fed to the big-faced cat.

The big-faced cat is really hardworking, not to mention contributing knowledge every day, and it has to eliminate food that no one eats.

But Kemon believed that the big-faced cat would not blame him, because it had stopped thinking, and its body only kept the meowing of conditioned reflex.

Kemeng asked Tangyuan to carry the Haiwan back to the bedroom and summon the big-faced cat.

The big-faced cat has a dull expression, its head is looking at the sky at forty-five degrees, its eyes are round and round, and its small mouth is slightly curved.

It still didn't know what kind of disaster it was about to face, Kemen held his breath, and put the indescribable sea bowl in front of the big-faced cat.

The camera stood at attention and aimed at the big-faced cat, and the filming started.

Kemen read a wave of lines of cause and effect in front of the camera, and then let Shirley take over the filming work. He himself went out to breathe, and came back after he had breathed. food.

He took a spoonful of the strange mosaic and handed it to the big-faced cat.

In the soup spoon, the tentacle-like thing writhed wildly, and it didn't expect what kind of terrible thing it would encounter next.

The silver spoon contained the black and indescribable strange food, and gently poked it into the small cat mouth of the big face cat

The spoon entered the mouth without any resistance, as if the feeding was completed in an instant, Shirley dragged the spoon out with half doubts, and the indescribable food on the spoon disappeared.

Really wiped out!

The big-faced cat doesn't even frown when it eats this kind of food. It is worthy of the mouth of the food disappearing technique, and it eats whatever it puts in.

Shirley even fed it a few times, and the indescribable food was easily wiped out by the big-faced cat, leaving no residue.

After eating it so many times, a strange buff naturally appeared on Big Face Cat.

I saw that the pattern of the big face cat has become more complicated, with several more colors, it looks like a patterned cat, not as pure as before.

Kemon knew that this was a temporary buff, and as long as he didn't eat this strange thing, it wouldn't last forever.

Outside the house, the dark cooking pot completed the automatic processing steps, and there was a delicious feeling from itself. It seemed that an extremely delicious fish was cooked in it. Before the pot was opened, people began to drool.

The investigators stood far away, drooling silently, and when they realized that they were drooling, they took the initiative to slap themselves in the face to dispel that terrible thought.

3. Complete the check-in.