I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 253: blood tester


The stone ghost mask can turn the wearer into a vampire, and those who are not determined will have a strong desire to suck blood. These are all the information that the big face cat has reminded.

It was a matter of human life, and Kemeng gave out the information about the stone ghost mask. The investigation bureau also respected the information about the big-faced cat, and screened out an investigator who was extremely determined and physically disabled in just one day.

Some injuries can be treated with medical items, but this investigator's injuries are not ordinary. He was violated by an illegal organization, and his body became very slow, like an old man.

He has taken MRI, X-ray, CT, etc. Doctors think that its organs have failed, but the internal organs are already the standard of the elderly at a young age.

The difficulty is that medical items are also difficult to treat. The bureau's judgment is that the investigator has been affected by a negative BUFF, and it is difficult to completely eradicate it.

"Foreign blood family members have self-healing properties and eternal youth, which may be able to cure his internal organ failure." Director Lei explained while looking at the volunteers in the distance.

His name is Weekend, and his surname is Zhou, with a final character. If there is no such word as Weekend, the name sounds pretty good.

Weekend is the captain of a detachment from Octopus City. His will is as firm as iron. After receiving the command from above in the earphones, he gently cut a small hole with a knife, squeezed out two drops of blood and fell on the stone ghost mask.

The blood drops penetrated into the stone ghost's mask, and the mask immediately turned into a blood-red light.

Team Zhou looked at the blood-red mask, and felt a strong desire to suck blood in his heart, wanting to suck blood.

Beside Team Zhou, there is a transparent safe box, which contains several bowls of different types of blood.

There are chicken blood, rabbit blood, pig blood, dog blood, and cow blood.

Human blood is not in the safe, but if Team Zhou cannot withstand the pressure, the Bureau of Investigation will take out the artificial blood donation bags prepared.

Zhou Dui put on the mask slowly, and the mask closed on his cheeks, itching, as if something strange flowed from the face into blood vessels inside the skin, then penetrated into Zhou Dui's brain through the blood supply channel, then flowed into the arteries along the capillaries, and entered the heart , and then enter the blood supply parts of the body.

Zhou Dui is a slow person, when the blood-sucking desire suddenly rises in his heart, his first thought is not to rush.

Wait until the power of transformation spreads all over the body and penetrates every organ. On weekends, I move my fingers, then slowly stand up, raise my arms and legs, and feel the blood flow in my body.

No, there is no sense of blood flow in the body, as if the blood has been sucked dry by the piece of meat.

While eager to suck blood, Team Zhou slowly experienced the feeling of being reborn. The organs were indeed different and more active than before. At the same time, they kept sending out the signal "I want to suck blood" to compensate for nutrition and energy.

This strong will runs from the brain to every organ. If you are not firm, you will definitely be controlled by this strong desire.

But Captain Zhou was really not in a hurry to suck blood. Relying on his usual slow habits and strong willpower, he lay down again, sat quietly on the seat, and planned to suck blood again in half an hour.

No matter what, you can't let desire lead you by the nose, and you must stick to your heart.

It was also at this time that the itchy feeling of ants crawling came from the skin again. It was because the body was exposed to the ultraviolet rays of the light, which made the body a little uncomfortable.

"How is it? Are you feeling unwell?" Director Wu asked through the microphone.

After a few seconds, the weekend replied: "I want to smoke, but I want to wait half an hour before smoking."

"Can't move now?" The director asked again.

"I want to move."

So half an hour later, everyone saw the weekend slowly opening the safe.

As soon as the safe was opened, a strong smell of blood rushed into his nose.

Originally it was just ordinary animal blood, but at this moment, the smell of blood was magnified more than a hundred times invisible in Zhou weekend's nose.

A strong desire burned in his heart like a flame, even if he was a slow person, he couldn't help speeding up the blood drawing.

He randomly picked out a bowl of blood, and he just chose pig's blood, and drank it in one gulp.

Gulu Gulu, the pig's blood flowed into the mouth, quickly flowed into the digestive tract, and then the blood was quickly sucked away by the digestive tract.


Team Zhou's forehead was full of blue veins, but he tried his best to restrain himself and sat back.

At this time, Kermon received a video analysis from the technical team.

"Team Zhou's face has undergone a youthful change in just half an hour, his skin has become smooth, tender and fair, and his temperament has also improved..."

At the end of the video analysis, there is a comparison of two pictures, one is the scene photo of the Zhou team half an hour ago, and the other is the picture taken a minute ago.

Team Zhou has become whiter and more handsome. This is a change visible to the naked eye, too obvious.

"As expected of a blood race, he has become handsome so quickly."

"Xiao Zhou looks very uncomfortable, do you still want to suck blood?"

"Technical team, bring Zhuhong and give Xiao Zhou a try." Director Wu ordered.

Pig red is also pig blood, but pig red is usually cooked blood.

The drone buzzed, wearing a small plate, handed the cube-shaped flakes of pig red to Team Zhou, and buzzed away again.

Team Zhou looked at the pig red in the bowl, picked up a piece, and put it in his mouth.

How should I put it, it doesn't feel annoying, but the desire to suck blood has not been relieved in any way.

Xiao Zhou shook his head, and the Bureau of Investigation handed over a cup of boiled water, a cup of milk tea, a plate of fried pork and rice.

Xiao Zhou swallowed it one by one, the boiled water did not cause any problems, but the milk tea made him vomit, the same goes for fried pork and rice, he felt like vomiting after eating it.

"Normal food can no longer be eaten, but pig red is an exception."

Then began the mental question-and-answer test, and a professional psychological team judged the other party's thinking.

Kemeng put on his sunglasses and saw light black smoke rising from the top of Xiao Zhou's head.

He tapped Director Lei's elbow with his hand, and Director Lei also put on his sunglasses, seeing the pale black smoke on Xiao Zhou's head.

"It should be the blood-sucking desire that gave him some bad thoughts." Director Lei analyzed.

The psychological team's earphones moved slightly, and after learning this level of information, they changed their ways to ask the other party if they wanted to drink human blood.

Team Zhou was silent for a few seconds, "Just now, I thought about how I would feel if I sucked human blood, but I just thought about it in my heart and didn't take any action."

Everyone at the scene carried a large amount of human blood, and Xiao Zhou's body was eager to suck blood.

But Xiao Zhou can feel that this body can suck no matter what kind of blood it is, and it doesn't necessarily need to be human blood.

So at this moment, he is trying his best to restrain his inner desires, thinking that he can still be saved, and this is also the main reason why the black smoke above his head is only as thin as silk.

After a while, Xiao Zhou sucked up the rabbit blood, dog blood, chicken blood, and cow blood in the safe. He sucked each portion dry in one gulp, looking like a very hungry wolf.