I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 286: Push method


It is not without reason that people from the Investigation Bureau regard it as a test item for the size of spiritual perception.

It has layers of infinite sensations one after the other, and only those with a high enough spiritual awareness can see more doors, otherwise they will only see two layers of doors.

Kemon stood in front of the Infinity Gate and could feel something behind the hole in the doorknob.

Now the people of the Bureau of Investigation have given up testing the Infinity Gate, wasting electricity and manpower.

"How, can you feel something?"

"The door inside is closed?" Kermon asked.

"We have opened too many doors. Now we only close the first fifty doors, and the last fifty doors are not closed." Director Zhang replied.

In order to test the Infinity Gate, the bureau opened it too many times. It was too troublesome to repeat the process to close the door, so the back door was not closed.

Kemen leaned over to the doorknob, took a picture of the door opening with the camera of his finger, turned on the flash to look inside, and then looked at the screen in his hand, and he saw a red wooden door.

But once the mobile phone camera is a few centimeters away from the door opening, and it cannot capture the scene behind the door opening, it will only see darkness.

At this time, Kemen hadn't opened the door yet, so he put away his phone and looked at the door opening with his own eyes.

When my eyes were ten centimeters away from the door opening, I saw darkness, but I could vaguely see the illusion of a red door.

Put your eyes on the door opening, and you can clearly see that the next door is closed inside.

The reason why it is closed is of course for the convenience of the spiritual perception test across the continent.

Kemen stood still and pushed the door with his hands. This door has no handle, and the handle has been broken by the owner's naughty son for a long time.

Later, the homeowner removed the doorknob and this incident happened. He couldn't even go to the toilet, and finally ran to the neighbor's house to use the toilet.

Gently pushing open the first door of the Infinity Gate, as if opening the gate of a new land, Kemon saw the same wall, the same red front door, and the same doorway without a handle.

There is no place to squat, no place to shower, that's the world behind the door.

Pushing open the second door, the feeling of breaking the door came again, stepping into a new area.

Every time a door is pushed, there is a feeling of breaking into it.

Looking back, one door after another was opened, leading to the living room of others.

Inside and outside the door, two worlds.

But the emergence of multiple doors separated the two worlds by multiple boundaries.

Kemon didn't continue to push, it didn't make any sense to do so, it would only fall into the previous stalemate.

After closing the opened door, Kemon returned to the first infinite door.

Touching the red wooden door, the feeling of something behind him still vaguely suggested to him in his heart that he could see that thing when he opened the door.

This feeling is very wonderful.

"Behind the door, there should be other things."

"It's just that we can't push the door in the usual way, we need a new method."

Kemeng paused, "As for the method, it is similar to the method of croaking a frog, mobilizing the spirituality of the body, and pushing the wooden door with the palm of your hand."

Zhang Ju and Director Lei on the side listened and nodded silently, "It makes sense."

"I didn't think of it before, and now it sounds like a possibility."

Now the people in the bureau are focusing on the process of Kemon's ability to acquire the frog-calling ability, and let determined people use low-intensity hidden items to test.

After a day and a night of testing, someone finally vaguely touched the threshold, proving that the method taught by Kemeng is feasible.

This method has also been studied by the S-level bosses in the bureau who like to study, and it is preliminarily judged that its essence is a new method of using spirituality.

Synaesthesia uses human spiritual perception and enhances perception.

In the same way, humans have spirits, and when the spirituality is mobilized, the function of the throat is strengthened, and Kemeng released an inaudible frog cry.

Now, based on his spiritual experience, Kemen deduces that the way to open the gate of infinity is related to the hand.

But Kemeng couldn't mobilize the spirituality in his body. When mobilizing the spirituality before, he used the picture of meditating on the green moon frog, but this time Kemeng didn't have any reference in his mind.

As a last resort, Kemon tried to use the sound of frogs first.

If it doesn't work, then find some special items and study how to mobilize spirituality to strengthen hand functions.

Closing his eyes, his mind kept thinking about the appearance of the green full moon, and the cry of the frogs. The spirituality of the body was highly mobilized, and it seemed that some kind of abnormal ability surged out of his throat.

He opened his mouth and rolled his throat, pushing the door with his hand.

The door was pushed open, but behind it was the same wall, the same door.

Kemen opened his eyes, "Sure enough, it's useless to use frogs."

It is necessary to find a method to mobilize the spirituality of the hands and strengthen the functions of the hands.

After investigating the mystery of the Infinity Gate, Director Lei pulled Kemeng's clothes, pulled them away from the bureau, and whispered, "Amon, Director Wu, I miss you very much."

Feeling that this is not attractive enough, Director Lei added: "We don't have special abilities in the hands, so we can pick them up slowly in the game. You can use the hidden items here, and you should be able to create a set of abilities."

Kemon has exactly this intention, he has no tasks here, and he is in a free man posture, it is time to go back.

That night, the Zhang Bureau knew that Kemeng was going back, so he immediately invited Kemeng to a private banquet, so he stayed for a dinner before leaving.

Originally, the chapter bureau wanted to hold a beautiful send-off banquet, but in order to keep a low profile, they didn't do it, so they could only invite a few people for a small gathering.

"Amenduo will take care of you in the future. The gate of infinity on our side will always be open to you. Remember to come back if you have a breakthrough."

Before Kemeng left, Zhang Ju mentioned something very reluctantly, for fear that Kemeng would forget him.

After this trip to guard the gate, Kemeng no longer stayed in Zhangshi too much, and returned to the long-lost Whale City.

Back in Whale City, it was already night, and Kemen was right, went home to wash and sleep, and fell asleep.

In the dream, after Kemen woke up, the first thing he did was the gate of infinite synaesthesia.

The door of infinity is located on the blue star, and after the door of infinity, Kemeng can see the appearance of the red wooden door on the wall.

Outside the wooden door is the living room facing it, with an old square TV, wooden tables and chairs, old wooden sofas, and pictures of door gods on the walls.

Further synaesthete with the things behind its door.

Behind the door opening, there is a red door, another red door, endless.

Kemen realized that it was not enough to use the identity of the evil god. The information revealed by the red wooden door was the door of infinite nesting dolls. No matter how synesthetized, the upper limit was already there, and there was no end.

Kemen had a feeling that only by pushing the door in reality could he open the real wooden door and see the real thing behind the door.

So sometimes, synaesthesia is not a panacea.

Some information tends to be intentionally misleading, even if you have strong synaesthesia.