I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 29: The beginning of a dream


After the two sisters left the research institute, they separated one after another and went back to their respective homes.

When she got home, she posted the daily news about her nightmare in her social accounts.

"It's terrible. I didn't expect such a terrible thing to happen while sleeping in the game "World"."

After a while, someone below asked: "Milk, what dream did you have?"

"I slept in the game and dreamed that I fell into the blue sea and died forever. Do you know how uncomfortable I am? I hate this "World" game company!"

"Can't you quit?"

"I want to quit too, but they don't have an exit button at all. Now I have reported it to the local research institute. They will investigate this game company and give me a reasonable explanation." "White Milk" replied in the feed road.

After a while, friends who knew her all spoke at the bottom to comfort Miss Bai.

Some players privately messaged the white milk girl, wanting to know the details.

After all, this kind of thing that cannot exit the virtual game is too illusory and unreal. In reality, no company can bypass the supervision of artificial intelligence.

The white milk girl received private chats from some friends and some players. She herself was a little angry, and there was a sullen feeling in her heart, and she would not be happy if she didn't vent it out.

Just in time, she took this opportunity to confide her depression to those curious friends and netizens, telling the terrible things that happened in the dream over and over again.

While telling the story, she hacked the "World" game company by the way, suspecting that the company had already embarked on an anti-human path, and told everyone not to play that game, remember to be careful and careful.

Someone heard this, and ran to play "World" curiously. This is a new game, and not many people play it yet.

At present, Orange Star's virtual game market has solidified, and it is difficult for new games to stand out. After all, in terms of content content, old games have been created for decades and are constantly updated. The content gap of decades cannot be compared with new games, and the world view is very different. big.

Some people didn't believe it, thinking that Ms. Bai deliberately made up stories to attract attention.

Some relatives and friends believed her and did not intend to touch "The World".

However, some relatives and friends think that she is stupid for playing games, how could she not have an exit button.

The news released by White Milk was only spread in the circle of friends, and not many people knew about it. The "World" game was not affected and continued to run as steadily as Mount Tai.

And the researcher of the Institute of Omnics also entered "The World" at this time, preparing to test what the two sisters said during the day that the game sleeps and the horror dream.

Researcher Li Shen opened his eyes and was at the starting point of Xinshou Village.

He didn't do the novice task, and he didn't sleep. Instead, he ran to the outskirts of Novice Village to watch a group of people attack the kobolds.

The people in their research institute have long noticed the battle outside Xinshou Village. The kobolds actually fought with the players for a whole day and night.

The people from the game company are now being dragged to flog the corpses. Why do the mobs in a mountain village near Novice Village have such strong combat effectiveness? Their combat effectiveness is almost at the level of twenty or thirty.

What's worse, the two kobolds who were in charge of adding blood didn't seem to need to return to magic, they kept adding blood to the group of companions, causing the players to be unable to attack for a long time.

The kobolds are a bit tired now, they haven't eliminated the adventurers after fighting for so long, they want to return to the kobold mountain village.

But the players don't want to let them go, it doesn't matter even if they are downgraded, they use the numbers to hold back the kobolds.

Kobolds have a strong ability to increase blood, and their level is much higher than that of Novice Village. However, players believe that as long as the top team improves their level, they will sooner or later wipe out this group of kobolds who don't know what to do.

"It's very problematic, these kobolds." Researcher Li Shen stood and watched from a distance.

People from the game company tried to modify the body data of these kobolds in the background, because they were inexplicably strengthened and possessed strength that they shouldn't have.

However, the engineer of the game company said that after tampering with the data of the kobolds, the data in the background has returned to normal, but the kobolds in the game world are still so powerful, without any weakening.

Therefore, the people in the research institute began to focus on the kobolds and detect its running code in real time, but the engineers couldn't find any abnormal codes, as if what happened in the game was not the same game as the game running on the server.

This is not something Li Shen wants to care about. Now he wants to test whether sleeping in "World" will cause the problem of terrifying reincarnation dreams. If there is no exit button, it is really a serious matter.

Go back to the hut in Novice Village, lie on the bed and click the button for deep sleep.

"Book three hours of deep sleep"

A line of subtitles appeared and then slowly disappeared.

As the subtitles disappeared, the researcher also closed his eyes, his consciousness became drowsy, and the sound of sea waves seemed to come from his ears.

Strange, where is the sound of sea water

A strange thought flashed in Li Shen's mind. He opened his eyes and saw the blue sea, which was endless.

The waves moving up and down are turbulent, and if you are not careful, a big wave will hit you.

Blue water, deep sleep.

Li Shen woke up in an instant, and it was very likely that this was the reincarnation dream that Miss Bai mentioned.

The researcher was patted in the face of the sea water, and was thrown into the sea water by the current.

But he didn't panic, and took the initiative to use swimming to guide his body to float to the surface and breathe.

Unlike the two female players, he can swim and swim across the sea in other games. This small difficulty is nothing.

"Exit key, exit key, system system, where did the system go?" Li Shen tried to call out the system panel while floating.

As a result, the game cabin system seemed unable to hear Li Shen's brain waves, and the system interface never popped up. He had no way to exit the game.

At this moment, Li Shen felt that the situation was not good.

Deep sleep in the virtual game, but did not exit the interface, which means that he is floating in the sea until the machine actively wakes him up.

At this time, under the sea, a big shark swam over.


For the first time, a researcher experienced the pain of being swallowed alive.

The inhuman pain invaded the whole body, and the pain was very strong. This kind of pain has exceeded the upper limit of the somatosensory setting of the virtual game.

Deep under the sea, a huge whale opened its eyes and slowly swam to the surface, ready to catch the player in distress.