I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 328: Skill self-development system


Hundreds of clear sword lights gathered together to form a beautiful galaxy, piercing through the body of an NPC and rushing into the sky.

The professional instructor who taught swordsmanship opened his eyes wide, looking at the wound cut down the middle of his stomach. He never thought that one day the master would be killed by his apprentices.

Yes, some of these unfamiliar adventurers were his apprentices who hid in the crowd and launched an attack.

So far, the last mission-type NPC in the third main city is blood-stained on the wall, and there is no more NPC with the attribute of issuing missions. The remaining NPCs are passerby characters, specially used as background boards.

Passer-by NPCs have no spirituality, and their faces are numb. Only when players ask, will they answer something they know based on their own background boards.

But the vast majority of passer-by NPCs cannot answer questions normally, because the game designer did not set a background for them when setting them, that is, there is no historical past.

A person without history is like a past experience without life, a blank slate.

The players are now attacking the city and taking it down, slowly recuperating.

Some diligent players continued to practice moves in the wild, and practiced the same sword move over and over again.

For example, a Cthulhu believer that Kemen paid attention to did not go to kill monsters, but faced a wooden post, holding a long knife with both hands, and slashed vigorously from his head to the ground, one knife after another, one knife after another.

"What is this doing?" Kemon put a question mark in his heart.

In the attack on the third main city just now, Kemeng had already seen clearly that it was completely crushed by numbers, coupled with intensive skill bombing, even if the NPC was a blood cow, it would be brutally grinded to death by the players.

Kemon is not a player in the game, and has never been leveled, so it is not clear how many types of their skills there are.

Looking at a group of players practicing sword moves and saber techniques at this moment, Kemeng's spirituality felt something unusual.

This kind of mechanical movement seems to have a certain artistic conception, as if as long as it is practiced to the depth, it can comprehend a kind of instinct.

Kemen watched for a while, and found a sense of joy in the Cthulhu believer players.

Feeling it silently, Kemon finally realized the meaning of that emotion.

"Slash skill proficiency +1?"

"What kind of practice method is this?" Kemon continued to observe.

The players didn't know that a big boss was secretly watching them practice their skills. If they knew, they didn't know how they would feel.

After observing for half a day, Kemon changed hundreds of perspectives in a row. After collecting enough information, he finally understood the reason why human players rounded up NPCs.

I didn't dare to kill mission-type NPCs before, mainly because I was concerned about the various rewards and skills transmission methods on them.

Now, after a month and a half of in-depth development, players have their own way to develop skills, the monopoly of learning methods for skills has been broken, NPCs are no longer the only skill instructors, human players only need to be patient and face a certain skill every day. If you practice the action continuously, you can practice the action into a specific skill and have skill damage.

After breaking the monopoly of NPCs, the players, under the radical suggestion of researcher Li Shen, decided to kill all the mission-oriented NPCs on the land, grab their equipment and things, and strengthen the human team.

With the fall of Novice Village, the players became more and more excessive. Until today, they uprooted the third main city and set off for the fourth main city.

"This is really an epic plot. Did the game planner originally design the game plot like this?" Kemon sat in the silent R'lyeh, secretly lamenting the unexpected direction of the plot in his mind.

But Kemen watched for a while, and then remembered the content of the Orange Star high-level meeting he had watched a month and a half ago.

At that time, the researcher had already decided to abandon the NPCs and become self-reliant.

In other words, this is not the original intention of the game planner, but the direction of the game jointly led by the researchers, which took the game process to an unplanned route.

And the main reason for all this is probably the side effect of group missionaryism caused by Cthulhu believers.

The Orange Star people are not stupid, they realize that NPCs may be polluted by evil gods, and immediately draw a clear line with NPCs, which directly reduces the speed of the black ghost's preaching on land.

There is no NPC to preach, the number of black ghosts is limited, and the number of players is tens of millions, so it is impossible to take care of it.

"This is really Xiu'er, who developed the method."

Kemeng watched the practice process of several players. The process was quite boring, just repeating a set of movements and turning them into skills.

After practicing a skill, if you want to increase the skill damage, you can only rely on a little bit of proficiency.

With this self-developed routine, players freed their imaginations, and Kermon saw a lot of weird poses.

Kemeng even saw a man and a woman practicing double cultivation in the grove. He wondered if they wanted to practice double cultivation.

After watching the players' coquettish operations, Kemeng also began to think about life.

I definitely can't practice moves, he can't even move, there is no way to reproduce their practice methods.

"It needs to be targeted, and we can't let them go too smoothly." Thoughts began to spin in Kemen's mind.

As a Blue Star, Kemeng would not have targeted them specifically, but as long as this BOSS body is sealed for one day, there is a risk of being attacked.

It is not impossible for the legendary plot kill to happen. Kemen must first figure out one thing, whether there is a plot kill.

But if you want to know if there is a plot kill, you have to ask the game designer of Orange Star, or an insider related to the game development.

"Target the players, and capture those who know about the game." Kemon finished thinking about the two short-term goals in his mind, and began to accept the sacrifices from the believers.

Some believers are wild monsters, and some believers are players. Kemon accepts the sacrifices from the players first, and then finds ways to hint at them.

How to hint

Kermon opened his eyes and saw a bright area.

Most of the places where believers conduct sacrifices are related to darkness, or neutral, and there are very few pure places like this that are full of light.

But no matter how pure this place is, after Kemeng's consciousness descended, it still became dim and dark.

An inexplicable cold wind arose for no reason, and the hearts of a group of believers were chilled.

The believers knelt on the ground, not daring to look at the sky, trembling.

At this time, a believer began to speak, holding an object emitting a thick black mist in his hand.

"This is a pearl of evil thoughts, which can perceive the inside and split into two personalities. I think the great Ke can always split into two personalities. In the future, another sub-personality can be placed on the substitute to bear the ancient god's burden for you. seal."

"Hope something like this helps you!"

The bald "Broken Mist" wore a hood, held a black orb in his hand, stepped forward step by step, and threw the bead into the pool of light-attributed water.

However, after Mr. Ke came, the pool of the Holy Light attribute no longer had the light it had before, and became dim, with gray mist rising.