I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 40: first contact


Whale Police Department.

Drip drip.

In the alarm center room, the phone rang frequently, and hundreds of operators answered the phone. They wore earphones and patiently listened to the calls of the callers. This is part of the busy daily life of Whale City.

An operator picked up the phone in front of him and said, "Hello, this is the 110 call center."

"Hello, there is a person here who fainted. He looks like a fugitive wanted by the whale police for half an hour. I don't know if it is him. Come and take a look. My location is..."

The operator was taken aback when he heard what the other party said.

The wanted criminal fainted

Why does it feel a bit nonsense, but the other party reported the specific location calmly, so the operator had no choice but to report the alarm information according to the rules.

Not long after, this message was sent to the mobile phones of the investigators.

In Whale City, three plainclothes men wore glasses. What they saw in the glasses, the room was covered with a pale golden light.

On the road paved with golden light, some black stains can be seen occasionally, but those stains are intermittent and not coherent.

"The brilliance of the sun will disappear at night, we must find his location as soon as possible." A man with a beard said solemnly.

"Captain Luo, someone reported to the police that they saw the fugitive fainted on the ground." A young man came over with his mobile phone and said.

Captain Luo looked at the juniors in the team, "Are you sure?"

"The other party may have changed, we have to hurry to the next victim." Another person said solemnly.

"Go, go and have a look."

The three of them spoke, and then took the police car to Kemen's house.

A few minutes later, Kermon greeted three plainclothes policemen and one formally dressed policeman at the door.

"You called the police?" Teammate Luo looked at Kemeng.


In Captain Luo's glasses, the road surface here was shining with gold, and some black stains emerged, which were incompatible with the gold.

These stains are still fresh, proving that someone from Shadow Stream has indeed been here.

"Upstairs?" Captain Luo saw some fresh stains leading to a door.

"He fainted, and he's at the corner of the stairs." Kemon explained, and opened the door voluntarily.

The three looked at each other without speaking.

But the invisible atmosphere suddenly became tense, and all four of them took out their pistols.

"Put the drone to check." Captain Luo ordered.

"Yes!" In the police car, a small drone flew out of the window, flew into the gate at a steady speed, turned on the flash, and aimed the camera at the top of the stairs, and saw a man lying on the ground, his shadow was reflected on the wall On, deep and black.

In the car, the policeman controlling the drone approached carefully and aimed at his face.

"It's him, Captain Luo!" the policeman shouted.

Captain Luo turned on the walkie-talkie and reported: "Nothing, nothing, the suspect is found here, the location is..."

"Got it." A voice came from the intercom.

Putting down the walkie-talkie, Captain Luo began to ask Kermon about what had happened.

"He was standing there looking at the rental announcement, and I happened to recognize him. Then when he went upstairs to look at the house, I secretly knocked him out. That's how it happened." Kemen explained.

Captain Luo looked at him suspiciously. Such a dangerous person was knocked out like this

Don't have any defenses

He thought it was a false alarm, but he was convinced that it was that person from the footage sent by the drone.

The landlord who is harmless to humans and animals in front of him does not seem to be simple.

As far as Captain Luo knew, the fugitive was very cunning and difficult to catch, let alone such a low-level method as sneak attack from behind.

Not long after, several police cars sped up and stopped near Kemeng's house.

Soldiers with guns, plainclothes police, and a large number of people appeared around Kemon, and cordoned off.

Some curious passers-by were kicked out and not allowed inside.

At the convenience store on the first floor, the Chen family's mother and daughter were also persuaded by the police not to approach here, and temporarily waited outside the cordon for news that they were catching fugitives, and they could go back to continue business after catching them.

When Chen Momo came out, she saw Kemeng chatting with the police next to a police car, and wanted to go and have a look, but she was not the caller, so she was not allowed to stay nearby.

It is reasonable for Kemen to wait for news outside the cordon, but Captain Luo did not let him go. He felt that Kemen was not easy, and he wanted to ask him something later.

Captain Luo carefully took out a box from his arms, opened the box, and a wave of heat rushed to his face, as if the temperature around him had risen by about ten degrees.

Kemen saw that the small box was made of jade, and a small badge with a diameter of two centimeters was placed inside. The surface of the badge automatically emitted light.

Kemon felt very hot just looking at that badge.

Captain Luo held the badge, looked at the police officers and soldiers rushing over, and said, "Ready to capture."

"Stay here, don't move around, I still have something to ask you." Captain Luo told Kemeng to stay by the police car.

"Yes." Kemon nodded, his eyes were fixed on the badge on the opponent's hand, and his face was full of curiosity.

What is that thing.

If there is a big-faced cat here, Kermon only needs to look at it for fifteen seconds to know, but the big-faced cat is still upstairs.

The police supported Captain Luo, held guns, and slowly went up the stairs to arrest people.

After a while, the policemen were sweating and came down carrying a black transport bag. The fugitive was probably packed into the bag.

Kemon didn't see the capture process, but only knew that the badge was very hot, extremely hot, reminding him of the weather outside in the southern summer at about forty degrees.

After Captain Luo came down, he walked around the vicinity with the hot badge box, and then returned to Kemon.

"Did he come into your house?" Officer Luo asked with sweat profusely.

"No." Kemon shook his head, his body gradually began to sweat.

"That's right, I walked the entire staircase just now, and he probably didn't go up." Officer Luo closed the small box, and the heat disappeared for the most part.

However, the residual heat in the air did not dissipate so quickly, and Kemen inevitably began to sweat.

"Officer, what is that, why is it as hot as a stove?" Kemen pointed to the small box in Captain Luo's hand.

"You want to know?" Officer Luo looked at him.


"Then tell me how you knocked him out." Officer Luo wiped the sweat off his neck with a towel, and observed Kemeng's expression while wiping.

Kemon had a curious expression on his face, without any fear.

The psychological quality is very strong, but compared to the personality problem, Officer Luo wants to know how Kermon knocked the opponent out.

"I was holding a big doll, hit him on the back with the doll, followed up and hit him on the back of the head with the doll, and then knocked him out." Kemen explained again.

Why can't we get around this problem.

Kermon thought to himself that he was a little impulsive. Instead of knocking out the fugitive, he should lock the door on the first floor, shut him up, and then call the police.

But people have been stunned by him, the matter has been done, and there is no room for regret.

Now the police officer Luo has been pestering how to stun the fugitive, probably because he realized that Kemon was unusual.

"Is it difficult for him to get close?" Kemon asked.

"Very difficult." Officer Luo nodded and said, "Sneak attacks cannot be successful without special skills."

When Officer Luo was speaking, a plainclothes policeman next to him interjected, "That doll should be a special item, can you show us?"

Having said that, it is almost a showdown.

Talk to normal people, they won't talk about such unconventional topics.

But there is obviously a problem here in Kemen, it is difficult for normal people to sneak attack on that cunning man.

The police have encountered citizens like Kermon who occasionally obtained special items before, and they have experience in handling them.

After finishing speaking, the plainclothes felt that speaking like this was too serious, so he said in another way:

"We will register it and don't want your things. In case something bad happens one day and it is related to your things, you will be responsible."

"If you think you can't handle it, you can hand it over to the police, and you will get a reward. Don't worry too much. The country does not lack these things, so don't force it."