I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 7: Evaluation of Big Face Cat (Revised)


Kermon clicked the accept button, and the task was hung on the list.

Click on the task details, and it says that the video has not been released. It does not indicate the task completion deadline, as if it can be done at any time.

The reward for the task is resistance, Kemon clicks on the word resistance, and the explanation given by the system is also quite brief:

"Resistance: Reduce the negative impact of adverse environment on oneself"

This task only adds a little resistance. He doesn't know how much a little resistance is, anyway, it's better than nothing.

Kemon began to think about how to complete the task.

"Assessing strange things, I only have two strange things in my house."

Kemen looked at the dog basin in the bedroom, the puppy was sleeping peacefully in the basin, and the other strange thing was a big-faced cat.

Big-faced cats look strange, and young puppies don’t look strange. There is not much difference between puppies and ordinary dogs when they are born.

Maybe a week later it will have a noticeable difference, becoming a guard dog of elite monsters with the ability to grow gigantic.

Kemon was surprised at its growth rate, but he immediately felt relieved when he thought that it belonged to the game world.

In the game world, a week is enough for players to advance a long storyline, and the puppy's growth rate is very reasonable.

Kemeng thought for a while, and decided to use the Strange Knowledge Cat as the test object.

The appearance of the strange knowledge cat is strange enough, and its appearance has its own strange stalk elements, so it will definitely attract a group of sand sculpture netizens to watch it on the Internet. It should not be difficult to reach the demand of 10,000 views.

Kemen walked to the second bedroom, where there was a large long table, and behind it was a hand-made cabinet, in which several small hand-made hands were stored.

Fix the camera and point it at the long table.

Kemen carried the big-faced cat together with the basin to the table, and then covered the big-faced cat with a cardboard box upside down to cover its figure.

Pressing the recording function of the camera, Kemeng recorded the opening remarks to the camera.

"Hello everyone, I'm Kemon, and today's test is a strange cat."

Kemen removed the cardboard box, and the white-haired cat with a big face immediately appeared in front of the camera lens.

The big-faced cat stared at the camera with dull eyes.

"This is a strange cat. It looks a lot like the mur cat that recently appeared in the ghost animal area of station B, but its appearance is not the focus of today's evaluation."

Kemon took the gloves, pressed the big-faced cat's head with his fingers, and pointed to its cat's mouth.

"Every small dried fish that enters its mouth will disappear for no reason. There is no intermediate process of eating, which is very incredible."

"Next, let me show you..."

Kemeng took an unpacked bag of dried fish, and put a piece of dried fish into the big-faced cat's mouth with chopsticks.

In addition to dried fish, Kemen also experimented with frozen pork in the refrigerator, which also disappeared.

"Look, big-faced cats only eat meat, if you also have a big-faced cat, please be careful not to feed it with your hands..."

After shooting the video, Kemen spent half an hour editing the video and picking the background music.

There is no complicated evaluation process in the video, and there is no need to add any special effects. After editing the video, just cut a frame of the video as the cover, and then put some cover text, and a simple evaluation is completed.

After finishing the video, Kemeng was about to upload the video to Station B, when he suddenly thought of the function of Big Face Cat and canceled the operation of uploading the video in time.

The big-faced cat has a core ability, and creatures who look into its eyes for fifteen seconds can gain strange knowledge.

If Big Face Cat is put on the Internet, will the audience have strange knowledge about the background of Big Face Cat

Kemen wrote down the doubts in his heart in his small notebook.

In order to verify the possibility in his mind, Kemon decided to test the video effect with some people.

Testing is necessary, not just to complete the task, but also to satisfy Kemon's inner curiosity.

If you want to complete the task of 10,000 views, Big Face Cat is the most suitable object, with its own meme elements.

Cub puppies look too ordinary, and the audience retention rate is low, so it is difficult to attract 10,000 views.

However, curiosity is the main driving force behind Kemon's actions, and the task rewards are secondary.

After thinking about it, Kemendeng QQ played Chen Momo.


"I don't eat chicken, I'm taking online classes, and I'm afraid of being called out by the teacher." The girl replied.

"Oh, let's talk about it when you are free. I want to invite you to watch my new video."

"Okay, what type of video, eating and broadcasting? Daily vlog? Unboxing evaluation?" Chen Momo was like a treasure.

"It's a pet unboxing video, I'll send it to you first, call me after watching it," Kemon said.

Downstairs, the convenience store cash register.


"Video downloaded"

Chen Momo put the phone on the table, and her two little white legs swayed slightly under the table.

Even though the mask hides the cute face, the eyes look watery and moving.

"[Pet Unboxing] Strange Evaluation"

Chen Momo clicked on the new video sent by Brother Amon, and knew that the object of today's evaluation was a pet cat.

"Brother Amon bought a pet? When did you buy it?" Chen Momo whispered.

When Kemeng opened the cardboard box, the white Mur cat stood in the middle of the cat bowl, which surprised Chen Momo with a "huh".

She was curious when the landlord bought the pet, but that wasn't the point.

The point is the cat's appearance!

Fat body, silly expression, looking at the sky at a forty-five-degree angle, with the sand sculpture aura of the ghost animal area of station B.

Chen Momo's head is a little dizzy, this cat looks too much like the recently popular mur cat at station B.

Seeing this sand-sculpted emoji cat, Mo Mo's mood also transformed into the mentality of watching a video in the ghost animal area.

At station B, ghost and animal videos have a profound culture, in other words, they are full of sand sculpture flavor. Ghost and animal videos make people smile, and they are often the audience's choice to relieve boredom. Chen Momo also likes to watch ghost and animal videos.

Chen Momo watched Kemeng feed the cat in a serious manner, and performed the food disappearing technique in a serious manner, and he was amused by him.

"I didn't expect Brother Ameng to have a talent for being funny." Chen Momo laughed happily.

After watching the video, Chen Momo dripped Kemeng.

Kemen seemed to care about her very much, and replied in seconds: "Do you have any strange feelings after reading it?"

"Yes, the cat is very sculpted and funny, and the video is also well shot. Please upload it to station B quickly. Is it a real cat or a fake cat?" Chen Momo replied.

"I'm a fake cat." Kemeng typed five words, and asked Chen Momo's feelings about watching the drama from another angle.

After reviewing from multiple angles, Kemeng believed that Chen Momo did not produce any strange knowledge.

After testing the girls downstairs, Kemen found five old classmates who had a good relationship to test the video, and asked them if they felt strange after watching the video samples.

The old classmates gave similar answers, thinking that the strange feeling is the feeling of ghosts and animals, and they have no tendency to generate new knowledge.

Seeing this, Kemen felt relieved.

Since watching the video won't generate new knowledge, let's put it on the Internet. He still has to complete the task of evaluating the video.


Seeing that Brother Amon didn't ask any more questions, and seeing that it was time for class, Chen Momo immediately switched back to the online class interface.

Mrs. Chen was arranging the shelves, looking at her daughter, "What are you looking at?"

"Nothing, look at a strange cat, you don't like to see it."

"En." The wife replied, and after a minute, she said: "He didn't go out, where did the cat come from?"

"Maybe it was given by a neighbor?" Chen Momo thought for two seconds.

"I didn't even hear the cat meow."

Chen Momo gave her mother a blank look, "That's a fake cat."

Mrs. Chen stopped talking and concentrated on arranging the goods in front of her.

The two remained silent and did their own things. The voice of the online teacher and the sound of sorting the goods echoed in the store, and the shadow quietly elongated under the light.

The sky outside the window was dark, it was a cloudy day, and the brightness was not enough.

A passerby who was jogging in the morning passed by a convenience store and subconsciously glanced into the store.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but he saw two shadows elongated on the wall, reflecting the appearance of multiple shadows.

The morning runner blinked, but there was no shadow on the wall.

The gentle wife was still arranging the shelves, and the young girl leaned over the table to look at her mobile phone, neither of them paid attention to the passers-by outside the store.

The morning runner stopped for a few seconds, and after confirming that he was dazzled, he shook his head and smiled, and started to run again.

Today's small shop is as quiet and peaceful as ever.

Ask for a ticket. Ah, by the way, if you want to get involved with the starting point investment group, hurry up. Signing the contract is expected to arrive in Shanghai this Thursday or Friday, and the opportunity to prostitute the starting point coin is just around the corner.