I Came From The Mortal World

Chapter 194: giant coffin


The slender fingers broke open automatically, and three drops of viscous blood flew one by one and landed on the three storage treasures.

Now, the blood was quickly absorbed by the treasure.

In the dark, Xu Yi felt a connection between his thoughts and the three treasures.

Thoughts first invaded Xue Zihan's Sumeru Ring, and after a glance, Xu Yi was not interested. He even almost wondered if this was a storage space for practitioners.

In the space of half a square, there are very few things belonging to practitioners. There are only a few boxes of ordinary Qi Bu Qi Dan and Hui Yuan Dan, and a little more than 3,000 gold tickets.

The rest are daily necessities. There are two sets of clothing, one set of jewelry, and a lot of strange small bottles. If you look closely, there are labels on the small bottles. The labels either say "beauty clay", Or it says "anti-yang ointment".

In addition, there is actually a pure white pipa, which is exquisite in workmanship and very beautiful.

Sighing slightly, he withdrew his thoughts, and burrowed into the Sumeru ring of the mirror in the water. In an instant, Xu Yi almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

Compared with Xue Zihan's idleness, there is no doubt that Shuijing is much more professional and practical.

The storage space on both sides is filled with all kinds of gadgets for cultivation, such as pills, weapons, and equipment. They are so dazzling that they almost dazzle Xu Yi's eyes.

I just looked at it carefully, but I didn't find anything particularly eye-catching, not even a single golden ticket.

Thinking about it carefully, Xu Yi felt relieved. The good things in the mirror in the water had already been taken away by him, and the rest would naturally be hard to see.

Having said that, it is difficult to catch the eye, and it is relative, compared to top-grade pills and Tianleizhu, in fact, if it can be put into the Sumeru Ring by water elders like Shuijing, there will be something that is not on the table.

Similarly, Liu Fengzhu's Sumeru Ring did not find any treasures comparable to Jiaolong's Beard, so it is not considered empty, but the storage inside is undoubtedly less than the Sumeru Ring in the water mirror. Quite a lot.

After inspecting the three storage treasures, Xu Yi swapped his original Sumeru Ring with the Sumeru Ring in the mirror in the water.

His space was only half a square, and he couldn't even put a mourning stick in it, but there were more than two squares in the mirror in the water, so he naturally chose the big one to use.

Although his half-square-sized space is a bit tight and barely squeezed, it just fits the remnants of the underwater mirror.

As for Xue Zihan's Sumeru Ring and Liu Fengzhu's Sumeru Ring, Xu Yi didn't intend to move, he just wanted to find the ancient tomb and deal with it later.

After taking stock of his income, Xu Yi had a thought, and gathered the two Sumeru Rings and one Sumeru Ring into the red Sumeru Ring.

After a day of tossing around, Xu Yi was already exhausted. Although the wind was strong at the entrance of the cave, he was not affected by cold or heat, so he sat cross-legged and slept peacefully all night.

When the bright sunlight covered the entire entrance of the cave, Xu Yi woke up but didn't move. The sun was warm and the morning breeze was fresh. Although he was suffering, he had to find some happiness.

The morning breeze blows and blows the forest sea on all sides. If you exclude the peripheral vision and lock your eyes on the swaying trees, you will have a wonderful feeling of being in the green sea and listening to the wind and waves.

After watching for a while, Xu Yi suddenly heard a rumbling sound in his stomach, indicating that Xu Yi was hungry.

But there was no hunger to scratch the heart and liver, and the Bigu Dan worked again.

But Xu Yi still knew that he was hungry. He didn't like Bigu Dan very much. He didn't like the feeling of taking one pill and not eating for ten days.

But in this mountainside, it is also strange, the flowers and plants are extremely luxuriant, not even a soil mouse grows.

While he was complaining, there was a sudden movement in the forest to the east, and Xu Yi quickly retracted his body into the cave. At this moment, there was also movement from the forest in the west.

At first, he thought that he had been exposed again, but suddenly he found that there were movements from many places in all directions, and then he found that all the movements converged in one direction.

Xu Yi expected that something big would happen!

Speaking of which, he has gained a lot from entering the tomb this time, there is really no need to take any risks, he just stays in the tomb and waits for these people to scatter their light before he can leave the tomb safely.

However, the original intention of entering the tomb, that is, the fundamental purpose of this trip, has not been completed.

He promised Qi Ming that he would bring back the cauldron. Although Qi Ming had been teleported away at this moment, Xu Yi felt obliged to fulfill Qi Ming's expectations for being entrusted with loyalty.

What's more, without a cauldron, where can you get the Shenyuan Pill.

After many times of challenges, Xu Yi never wanted to challenge again. To put it bluntly, in every battle, he had to be timid, racked his brains, and was often hanged and beaten.

He likes destructive battles, and never likes the feeling of walking on the edge of life and death.

Therefore, taking back the cauldron is not only for the entrustment of the same name, but also for the most solid step of self-cultivation.

With this in mind, he quickly slid down the cliff, and also galloped towards the due east direction he had spotted earlier.

For fear of making too much noise, he didn't run at full speed along the way. Half an hour later, his vision finally widened.

However, Xu Yi was stunned when his eyes widened.

Hundreds of feet away, a dark river came from nowhere, and the dark green river water could feel a little bit cold even from a long distance away.

What is paradoxical is not the dark river, but the huge black coffin floating above the dark river.

In two lifetimes, Xu Yi had never seen such a huge coffin, like a floating castle.

Eight thick and thin chains forged by more than one thing run through the cliffs on all sides from all directions.

Viewed from above, the hanging coffin seems to be floating above the abyss.

Dozens of people are desperately climbing up the cliff, and some of them are superbly cultivated, and even directly stimulate their true energy, and then the cliff's counter-shock force rises step by step.

Yes, everyone realizes that this is the ultimate destination of this trip.

I also realized that if there is a hidden treasure, the biggest treasure should be here.

After watching for a while, Xu Yi didn't move. Not only did he not move, but the suspicion in his eyes became more and more intense.

Such a hanging coffin is really paradoxical, just like the previous life, the burial culture of this life also pays attention to burial.

Although this place is considered to be in the tomb, it is actually hidden in the mountainside. According to normal tombs, this huge black coffin should be buried underground.

Biansheng was suspended in the air, above a gloomy dark river.

Just as Xu Yi was in a daze, several people flew onto the top of the coffin, looking for the entrance. Not long after, more and more people flew onto the top of the coffin.

Afterwards, countless air currents and air waves shot out, and the giant coffin made a heavy and hoarse sound, as if opening a rusty palace gate that had been dusty for thousands of years.

Accompanied by several cheers, Xu Yi moved, and arrows approached like a hanging coffin.

There are many things he can't figure out, but the only thing he can figure out is that the cauldron must be taken, no matter how dangerous it is, the cauldron must be taken.