I Came From The Mortal World

Chapter 195: jade bone


When he jumped to the top, everyone had already entered the coffin, and when they stepped on the top of the coffin, they felt the bone-chilling cold through their shoes.

After careful observation, everyone who entered first quickly rushed towards the center of the giant coffin. Xu Yi knew that he was in trouble, so he went down hastily to ensure that he would be recognized.

At this time, he no longer had the body protection of the dragon crocodile armor, and the field was full of Qi Sea Realm powerhouses. Picking out any one at random could pose a threat to his life, not to mention that everyone surrounded him.

Take out the iron essence, form a curved hook, hook one end of the cover, stick your body to the top of the cover carefully, start the gecko swimming function, and swim towards the center.

Walking forward nearly ten feet, reaching the limit of iron essence transformation, Xu Yi stopped his body, closed his breath, lowered his body temperature, and looked away, his eyeballs almost didn't fly out.

In the center of the coffin, a square pool appeared, measuring three feet in length and width. The pool was filled with dark green liquid, which was exactly the same as the dark river flow seen before. The strange thing was that the water was actually running water, showing obvious signs of flow. .

Obviously, this pool has been specially designed to communicate with the dark river outside.

The strange thing is, unlike the river outside that is smoldering, the river here is like a wave of soft waves.

When everyone looks at the pool, their eyes will never be sucked away by the dark green water in the pool.

Instead, the sights from all the raised eyeballs converged on the two corpses in the pool.

One was lying on its back, with an unusually tall figure, two ends taller than ordinary people.

One was sitting cross-legged in the pool, unlike the lying one, only skeletons were left, the one sitting cross-legged was actually complete in appearance, like a Taoist uniform, and there was a fist-sized golden fist hanging around his neck. Ding furnace.

Everyone was stunned. There were two corpses in one tomb. Anyone could tell that the skeleton lying in the pool was probably the original owner of the tomb.

But suddenly a perfectly intact corpse appeared, sitting cross-legged in the pool, with a secretive smile on its face, it was really chilling.

"Dan Ding Sect! Look, there is a pattern on the chest of that humane uniform. This is the clothing of Dan Ding Sect!"

Someone yelled.

Xu Yi had enough eyesight to see the pattern on his chest clearly. It was the landscape surrounded by auspicious clouds, the token of the Danding Gate, and the pattern revealed on the mountain wall after breaking the formation with the same name.

Now that the matter has come to this point, why doesn't he understand that the Taoist is the ancestor of the Danding Sect, who is also the one who caused him and Qi Ming to enter the tomb this time.

With a smack, Xu Yi's eyes fixed on the golden cauldron. In an instant, Xu Yi's whole body seemed to be electrified, and he was extremely excited.

After a lot of hard work and hardships, what is the reason for this tossing? It's not because of this cauldron.

Suddenly, Xu Yi couldn't help but want to fly down.

At this moment, several people rushed towards the pool, it was too late to say it, and soon, a judge's pen was about to catch the red rope hanging from the cauldron, and on the ground, a red light suddenly shot out over the pool The net, the red light entered the body, cut these people into pieces in an instant, a large piece of blood poured down like rain, and instantly, the water in the pool was completely red.

Strangely, the water in the pool was red, but quickly turned pale, and turned into a pool of dark green again.

What's even more paradoxical is that the two corpses in the pool have undergone obvious changes. The bones submerged in the pool water have changed slightly, and they are faintly glowing. The Taoist sitting cross-legged has gradually filled up his skin and flesh feeling!

"No, this is the biochemical array, there is something wrong with that Taoist!"

Jun Wuhui shouted loudly, and when he spoke, his hostility was overwhelming.

"Everyone knows there is a problem, there is no need to make a fuss!"

Shui Mingyue glanced at Jun Wuhui, her face sinking like water, "This tomb was chosen to be in a very yin place, and such a hanging coffin made of yin is clearly intended to use the yin air to nourish the body of the original tomb owner. bad."

In today's world, tomb robbery is a common practice, and the culture of tomb robbery is also flourishing. The field is full of people who are strong in the sea of Qi, and they have more or less entered ancient tombs. learn.

He is no stranger to anecdotes about the tomb.

"Since the body needs to be nourished with Yin air, why not place it directly on the Yin River. I have explored this tomb, and there is a Yin River running through it. If it is placed on the Yin River, the Yin air will be even stronger."

The one who spoke was Xue Zihan, who was still dressed in white clothes better than Xue, and was charming and charming, but there was a melancholy that could not be shaken off between the faint crescent eyebrows.

If other people ask each other, Shui Mingyue will answer with disdain, since Xue Zihan asked the question, with a heavy face written all over her face, she squeezed out a smile, "You should know, too much is too late, the mortal body has a limit to bear, if the yin energy is too strong, you can't get up." Not to mention the effect of warming and nourishing, as time goes on, the bones are destroyed. Therefore, the water in the dark river is used. The dark river is born here, and it must be soaked by the Yin river, which is full of yin, but not too strong."

"And the design here is even more ingenious. The hanging coffin is connected with the water of the dark river. The water in the dark river is endless, and the yin and qi will circulate and circulate for a hundred years! This kind of ingenuity can only be done by a master craftsman!"

"No matter how clever it is, it was also broken by the thieves of the Danding Sect! Hehe, living in a cave, using the method of biochemistry, to make the body immortal, I am afraid that this person must also practice the method of preserving ghosts. At this moment, we wait If you break the formation, you will help them get out of the formation, if you don't break the formation, you will be hard-pressed, difficult, difficult!"

Zhou Shirong took over, with a gloomy face, as if his own mother and father were dead, he was hit with a mourning stick, his body was not seriously injured, Yin Soul was seriously injured, and he managed to stabilize the situation after swallowing a lot of elixir.

Jun Wuhui said coldly, "What kind of expert is there in the mere Danding Sect? Even with the method of biochemistry, the corpse is strong, but its own realm is not strong. Everyone, don't pretend to be confused. I believe that the one who recognizes Wanhua Ding is not just one person. It's a good thing, everyone wants it, so why dare not admit it openly. I thought everyone should break the formation first, and break the formation. , you and I each use our ability to snatch the treasure!"

"Brother Jun is right!"

The one who followed was a bald man, who was the elder brother of Yuan Qizong who entered the tomb this time. He had cultivated in the mid-stage of Qi Hai, and he mastered the unique skill of Yuan Qi Zong, "Bo Shen Gong", which is no small matter. Baby, take a closer look at the corpse lying in the pond, it is as shiny as jade, it is clearly the corpse of a peerless master, moistened by Yin Qi, at least two hundred years, it has reached the point where bones have turned into jade, compared to this body covered with bones Jade bone, Wan Hua Ding is nothing!"

As soon as this remark came out, there was an instant uproar in the audience!

Legend has it that when a fairy transforms into a fairy, the flesh disappears and the bones remain, and the remaining bones are as crystal clear as jade, which is very miraculous.

As soon as the bald man said this, everyone looked into the pool, and they saw the tall corpse, its whole body was crystal clear and had the color of jade.

Across the dark green pool, although it's hard to see clearly, the words of the bald man successfully aroused everyone's strong desire.