I Came From The Mortal World

Chapter 66: Out of body


Thanks to countless trials, his nerves are extremely tough, and his soul is extremely strong, so that he maintains his sanity, stimulates the blood, and moves from the dantian to the perineum, from the perineum to the tailbone, along the spine, and walks through Guanyuan. Then to the Ojo and Jade Pillow on the head, perform Baihui, Shenting, Yintang, Renzhong, Yingtu, Zhenwei, Tanzhong, Xuanji, and then to Dantian.

After walking around, the stone bed where Xu Yi was sitting, sweat had already merged into a stream.

The great pain seemed to give rise to a demon, and he said to Xu Yi over and over again, "Give up, give up, the pain will stop, give up, everything will be over..."

Every time Xu Yi was about to lose his hold, another wave of more intense pain would strike, defeating his inner demons and pulling him back to the cruel reality.

This is Xu Yi, and this is where Xu Yi's greatest confidence lies.

If other people were in pain to his level, their spirits would have already collapsed, and they would pass out first, with their qi and blood flowing wildly, and they would be disabled even if they did not die.

However, Xu Yi's soul is extremely powerful, and his body has been honed to be extremely tough under the tremendous pain that ordinary people cannot bear.

At this moment, this huge unbearable pain made Xu Yi feel as if he had fallen into purgatory, extremely uncomfortable, but his soul was strong enough not to collapse, and his body could also bear this terrifying torture.

The tremendous pain was so tormenting that he couldn't bear it. He was born and couldn't sleep, so he had to continue to bear it.

It is like a person suffering from severe insomnia who cannot fall asleep despite being extremely tired.

For Xu Yi, this inability to fall asleep was the greatest reliance for him to survive the pain of this purgatory. As long as his soul is not broken, he can persevere, even if he is cut into pieces by thousands of knives and his heart is eaten by thousands of ants.

once, twice...

Xu Yi was in so much pain that he wished he could pull his head off, but he clearly remembered that the Qi and blood circulated nine times in a row according to the route just now.

The huge qi and blood generated by the powerful medicine, like a high-speed steam roller, tamped Xu Yi's tendons over and over again.

After finishing the nine times, Xu Yi bit the tip of his tongue violently. With strong willpower, he mobilized all the gastric juices and dissolved the last medicine in an instant.


Xu Yi let out a tsunami-like scream from the bottom of his heart. The reason why he couldn't howl was that he was clenching his teeth tightly. His teeth, which were as firm as rocks, made a violent noise. It seemed that the next moment, all the teeth in his mouth would be smashed to pieces. .

The powerful medicinal power was released instantly, and more than half of the blood in the whole body was drawn out at this moment, followed by pain that surpassed everything.

At this moment, Xu Yi's entire face was like a crumpled dishcloth, with horrible blood all over his face, his eye sockets flushed with blood, so red that he couldn't see his eyeballs, where could he still see the snowflake-like skin before, replaced by a huge And the horrible blue veins are covered.

Xu Yi was in so much pain that he wished he could die right now, forever. He didn't want to cultivate, he didn't want exercises, he didn't want anything.

He would rather die, would rather sink, would rather turn into dust and dissipate in this vast sky...

Even if it doesn't exist, the eternal nothingness is gone, he doesn't want to suffer this kind of pain anymore.

If he had already lost consciousness, this extremely strong subconscious mind would definitely be able to guide Xu Yi's actions.

Unexpectedly, Xu Yi's soul was extremely tenacious, and when he was desperately experiencing this boundless pain, his thinking was extremely clear.

Desperately urging the qi and blood, it began to go in the opposite direction, that is, the tendons and veins went retrograde.

One turn, two turns...

If the forward movement of qi and blood just now is to consolidate the foundation of the tendons, then the current retrograde is to widen the already extremely solid road of the tendons to the greatest extent.

The huge energy and blood washed away all the obstacles in Xu Yi's tendons, rushing forward like a torrent.

However, going retrograde is not as good as going forward. The powerful torrent has to climb up the mountain against the current, and the speed is so slow.

When the qi and blood reached the eighth turn, the sun had risen and set three times.

At some point, Xu Yi no longer felt pain, but instead felt light and light, as if he was in the clouds, like imperial catkins, standing high above the sky, and clearly saw himself sitting on the stone bed.

He couldn't describe the mysterious and ethereal feeling, but his reason was extremely clear, urging his qi and blood to reverse, eight turns, nine turns!

After the ninth turn, the circling Qi and blood return to Dantian again.

So far, all the lines have been completed, Xu Yi's thoughts are everywhere, his blood gradually calms down, all rivers converge into the sea, return to all rivers, where did they come from, where do they go.

The next moment, Xu Yi could clearly feel that his dry body was slowly nourished, his withered flesh and blood gradually plumped up, his distorted rag face returned to normal, the terrifying blood streaks quickly subsided, and the hideous veins completely disappeared...

Xu Yi had completely recovered to the state before taking the medicine. No, he felt a little different, but he couldn't tell.

He sank his mind and tried his best to think, but he still couldn't figure it out. Finally, he felt a strong sense of hunger, and he couldn't help getting out of bed to eat.

Suddenly, he found that he couldn't move. This scare was no small matter.

He was anxious, frightened, and irritable, but no matter what, he really couldn't move.

He began to worry, worried about whether he had become obsessed with cultivation, causing his whole body to suffer, but he could accurately feel that his body was in excellent condition except for the inexplicable hunger.

This indescribable and incomprehensible state caused Xu Yi to fall into a deep mania. He didn't know what state he was in now, and even worried that he would be like this forever, frozen, and eventually starve to death here.

If someone is born with dark eyes, or has an extremely strong soul like Xu Yi, if he enters this room, he will see an extremely surprising scene.

Some of Xu Yi's soul actually came out of his body, floating in the air from his chest up, and still resident in his body from his chest down.

It turned out that the intense and long-lasting pain just now finally brought a strong stimulus to Xu Yi's strong soul and tough body.

The direct result of this strong stimulation was that Xu Yi's soul and body experienced a huge discomfort. This discomfort caused his soul to come out of his body.

If the rest of the body-training experts had encountered such a situation, the out-of-body spirit would have been blown away by the wind, but Xu Yi's soul had traveled across time and space, much stronger and tougher, and had not collapsed abruptly.

This kind of state is extremely mysterious, and it is difficult to see for yourself when you are in the middle of the game.

So much so that at this moment Xu Yi was sober and clear-headed, but it was difficult to perceive what was going on.

Frightened, anxious, irritable, Xu Yi started a new round of pain, his body became more and more hungry, and the feeling of desire was tens of thousands of times stronger than his emotions.

Just when Xu Yi was bewildered and frightened, and his desire was boundless, suddenly, there was a loud noise, like spring thunder rumbling in the nine heavens, forcing all the ghosts and demons to retreat.

Xu Yi's soul was frightened, and he slipped back into his body.