I Came From The Mortal World

Chapter 77: Quick win


As soon as the words were finished, a pair of wings stretched out from behind Mr. Wan's back. They were as bright as jade, showing a piece of rotten silver in the sun.

"Aren't you going to compete in speed? This time, I will show you what a real lightning bolt is."

Wan Tengyun raised his head proudly, and didn't bother to look at Xu Yi. Suddenly, he felt inexplicable feelings in his heart, thinking why he didn't bring a jade flute. The blue sea is full of tides, how many girls in boudoirs will be fascinated to death.

Xu Yi still remained silent, like a piece of wood that was about to wither, stubbornly extending its last roots.

At a position about ten feet in front of Wan Tengyun, Xu Yi finally settled his feet. This is also the rule of the duel. Before the start of the match, the shortest distance between the two sides can be maintained.

However, the moment the pair of wings on the back of Wan Tengyun poked out, Elder Shui and Gao Junmo got out of the soft chairs at the same time in the box of Jia Chou, and went to the window together, in order to observe the pair of crystal clear wings more clearly. A crystal nucleus the size of a fingernail at the junction.

The Jiachou is a super box, which can enjoy the best visual effects. Not far from the window, there is a super large projection wall, which clearly and perfectly magnifies all the situations on the martial arts arena.

Although the crystal nucleus is small, it can still be clearly displayed on the projection wall.

"Then, what is that, could it be, it is... Lingshi!"

Elder Shui stammered and asked, but he didn't know whether he was asking Gao Junmo next to him, or Wan Youlong whose head was soaring to the sky.

Gao Junmo murmured, "I'm afraid it's really that thing? I've seen the image before, but it's just the shape..."

"It's the spirit stone!"

Wanyoulong said loudly.

"What, how can you have such a fetish, hand it over quickly, the old man is willing to exchange it with a lot of money!"

Elder Shui seemed to have been spat with blood, and with a flash of lightning, he shot in front of Wan Youlong, grabbed his collar, and shouted anxiously.

Wan Youlong was pinched and coughed repeatedly, and Ma Wensheng on his left said anxiously, "The elder misunderstood, the crystal core is indeed a spirit stone, but it is just pieces of spirit stone put together, and the spirit power is not as good as the real spirit stone." One ten-thousandth, so it was used to make this auxiliary drug."

Hearing the sound, Elder Shui let go of his hand, turned to the window again, and said after a while, "Sure enough, I said why the lines are so weird, it turned out to be a piece of waste rock, but even if it is a piece of waste stone, it can be regarded as a rare treasure, hehe, You really racked your brains to win for my grandson!"

If it is a spirit stone, it is a treasure of the fairy family. No matter what, Elder Shui will grab it. Now that he has figured it out, it is a waste stone and an auxiliary object, so he naturally lost interest.

Wan Youlong answered Elder Shui's words with a smile, and jokingly said, "Director Gao, at this moment, who do you think will see the coffin?"

Gao Junmo snorted coldly, returned to his seat and sat down, his heart sank in a straight line.

It turned out that after breaking up in front of Xu's house last night, Xu Yi came to look for him again in the middle of the night and asked Gao Junmo to do something on his behalf. From his words, it seemed that he had the confidence to win today's battle.

Gao Junmo, who didn't have much confidence at all, was aroused by his categorical affirmation, and his heart was raised a lot, so he didn't give in to Wan Youlong just now.

However, at this moment, Wan Tengyun showed off a pair of wings made of fragments of spirit stones, clearly to restrain Xu Yi's advantage in speed.

What's more, with this pair of wings, Wan Tengyun's mobility will be fully ahead, and Xu Yi will inevitably be beaten passively.

As a result, he really couldn't see Xu Yi's chance of winning.

Just as Gao Jun Mochou sat back on the soft chair, there was a loud bang, and the bell for the decisive battle rang.

In an instant, cheers like a sea tide challenged everyone's eardrums above the stands.

The whistling sound entered his ears, and Gao Junmo suddenly heard a sharp scream. Before the scream fell, there were countless screams, and these screams all came from this private room, especially the sharp scream. Phew, it clearly came from the mouth of Wanyoulong.

It's a long story, the thought flashed, Gao Junmo suddenly raised his head, but saw a scene that he could never have imagined.

Xu Yi was just like the crudest cow-killer, grabbing Wan Tengyun's shiny golden calf, holding Wan Tengyun's whole body, and smashing it on the ground with all his might, going east and west, south and north, Wan Tengyun was like A broken sack, powerless to resist, was violently beaten by Xu Yi.

I don't know how many eyeballs were shocked by this scene, so that the cheers on the scene stopped abruptly before they reached the highest level.

Everyone was staring at the field dumbly, and the thin catch like a frail scholar was tormenting the golden armored god in the most brutal way.

How did this scene happen, and why did it happen like this, almost no one can figure it out.

Didn't it be agreed that the one surnamed Yi can fight Gao Pan, and even if he wins, it's by a dirty trick, and before stepping down, he vomited blood? Why is it so violent all of a sudden

Didn't say it well, Wan Tengyun is one of the top ten sons of Guang'an, with extraordinary achievements in martial arts, and he has heavy equipment from the Black Dragon Hall, so he can properly hang and arrest him quickly. Why at this moment, Mr. Wan has no power to resist, so he goes on stage and pretends to be a sack.

The reality and the established script in the minds of countless people have undergone a fundamental reversal, and many brains have been stuck.

Even the referendum party dispatched a technical team for the first time, interrupted the live broadcast on the screen wall, and switched the screen back to the scene when the bell rang.

But when the bell rang, Young Master Wan held up his long sword, and a stream of light flashed across the field, and Yi Xu and Young Master Wan stuck together. In the next scene, Young Master Wan lost his balance, and his left ankle fell into Xu Yi In the palm of his hand, the absurd show of smashing sacks began.

As for why this is, countless people still have no answer in their hearts.

As for Xu Yi in the fighting arena, he didn't care what other people thought. His mind was full of Qiuwa's voice and smile, but he had a silver hook with a bull's head and a horse's face hanging on his hand.

boom boom...

Wan Tengyun was like a leaf being blown up by a strong wind. Before half a cup of tea was reached, the golden armor on Wan Tengyun's body collapsed completely with a bang, turning into countless gold flakes and flying away.

Xu Yi didn't stop, there was a loud bang, and Wan Tengyun's flesh and blood body was violently smashed on the hard ground by him. With a scream, a large cloud of blood gushed out of Wan Tengyun's mouth.

Game over!

Xu Yi stopped beating and stomped Wan Tengyun's head under his feet.

"How on earth did you do it, ahem... If you don't understand, I will die with regret."

Wan Tengyun suddenly spoke, and after he finished speaking, he started coughing up blood again.

At this moment, almost all of his internal organs were knocked out of place by Xu Yi's last heavy blow, and even a little bit of heavy breathing would make him feel even more uncomfortable. It was hard to speak, but Wan Tengyun still gritted his teeth and spoke because If he didn't ask this sentence, he wouldn't be able to close his eyes even if he was really dead.