I Can Read Minds But Will Not Be Marked

Chapter 109


Lin Han stood up straight and carefully shielded the little guy's head when boarding the elevator, and then walked into the cockpit under the envious or surprised eyes of the students.

Someone was discussing something in a low voice, the wind was a bit strong, and Lin Han couldn't hear it clearly.

He may be curious about his identity, or he may be discussing his relationship with He Yunting.

Or, they will express their love for the little guy on their shoulders.

After the heavy cabin door was closed, shutting out all the wind and whispers outside, Lin Han wrapped Gululu with the small blanket he brought from home, found a comfortable corner for him to rest, and then looked at the silent man beside him. man.

He Yunting wore the formal clothes when the two met for the first time. He didn't ask Lin Han why he brought this little guy. He just turned off the screen outside, and Lin Han couldn't see the curious people outside now.

2742 only stayed for a short time, and after receiving the desired person, quickly restarted the engine and left.

"What's the situation now?" Lin Han asked naturally.

He wasn't in a hurry to go to the second cockpit. Anyway, he didn't need any complicated operations now, he just needed to drive with low energy consumption.

He Yunting explained the general situation to Lin Han.

Now that the biggest port problem has been resolved, at least it can be guaranteed that no new Zerg will come from that place. And the cost of coming from the border area is too high, even the Zerg can't choose such a path that is not worth the loss.

So the next task is also very clear, that is to hold all the remaining ports and try not to let the other party find a breakthrough.

There are thirteen berths on the main star, and corresponding troops have been arranged for each berth. Almost all the mechas in active duty at the base have been dispatched, and the secondary deployments have also been allocated. The three divisions of the base are divided into thirteen formations around the core area. According to the situation, different military mechas are arranged to respond, and each formation also has its own leader. .

The crown prince of the empire always needs to be taken care of under such circumstances. Needless to say, Wen Zhao has his own personal guards, Wen Tianyao has a city defense army, and the remaining princes will be divided into some sergeants to protect them.

However, the galaxy has developed to the present, especially Wen Zhao's generation has few princes. The beloved Prince Wen Ye died in the war, and the remaining Wen Yu and Wen Heng have no real power, pheromone and ability to speak. Both of them have their own territory, and they live peacefully without causing trouble.

Among them, the sub-star where Wen Yu is located is particularly remote, almost on the same level as the proton star, but closer to the main star. The task of Lu Huai, the leader of the second base, is to protect the safety of the three berths and the child star where Wen Yu is located.

Only very few people know that there is a very secret transition point at the mouth of the child star where Wen Yu is located.

Although in terms of scale, the energy of this transition point is less than 1/10 of that of several other huge energy-consuming transition points in the galaxy, and due to the relationship that no one knows about, there is no mecha or starship on weekdays to make this transition. , the people of the empire thought that this was just a mediocre sub-star.

People who know that there is a transition point here are either born noble royals or generals who hold military power.

—Because the secret here is more than just the existence of a transition point.

This is the transition point left over from the war many years ago. It can start from the core area, directly cross the berth, and go to other galaxies at high speed with sufficient energy.

In other words, if the location of this transition point is known to other systems, it is tantamount to exposing the entire core of the empire to the enemy without any defense.

"Then who knows about this transition point?" Lin Han asked.

He Yunting frowned: "Very few. I also told me personally by His Majesty. This transition point is too secret and has been hidden for a long time. Except for him and Prince Wen Yu himself, I guess Wen Tianyao doesn't necessarily know about it."

He Yunting is actually very arrogant sometimes. When he treats people he doesn't like, he is respectful on the surface. When he is in front of Lin Han, he is used to calling him his real name.

"Where's Major General Lu Huai?"

"His father was involved in the battle there, so he's one of the very few who know."

So in fact, Wen Yu has been guarding that sub-star for so many years, and is also guarding this unknown transition point in disguise, guarding the important gate of the core area.

"This time he goes to Prince Wen Yu's Zixing and will do his best to protect it." He Yunting said, "But..."

Under the circumstance that there is no guarantee whether the Zerg knows this fact, the existence of this transition point is actually more dangerous.

If there is a 1 in 1,000 probability that the Zerg knows this transition point, even if there is a city defense army in the core area and some sergeants of the base stay behind, it is still impossible to withstand such a disaster.

On the battlefield, it was impossible for He Yunting to leave any possibility for the enemy.

The transition point originally existed for the evacuation of the core area of the year, but after so many years, compared with the current situation, the harm outweighed the benefit.

If necessary, under the current circumstances, He Yunting would not hesitate to destroy this transition point.

However, if He Yunting appeared directly in the sub-star where Wen Yu was, he would simply be telling the enemy that there was a problem in this place and that he would need to be heavily guarded.

What's more, the current situation does not allow him to go directly to Zixing.

There are far more important tasks than this.

Rao is that Lin Han doesn't know much about the main star and the various deployments in the core area, or there is a place name that rose from the bottom of his heart: "Fortress x?"

Compared with the sub-star, this place is the most critical fortress connecting the main star. The terrain is the highest. From this fortress down, there is a vast civilian area, and further in depth, it is the core area that everyone yearns for.

The steel beetle in the largest berth has been wiped out. If all the berths that follow are well defended, or if one or two berths are defeated due to lack of troops, they will not attract a large-scale Zerg invasion. So big.

x fortress is different.

If the Zerg do not want to attack in batches from one port to another, storming the fortress is another option.

Of course, the military power of the Empire is one of the best in all galaxies. Everyone knows that the x fortress is as strong as a rock, and it is not easy to break through.

However, the Zerg are cruel and raging by nature, and they would rather fight a scene where both sides suffer. As long as they can destroy the other side, they will not feel that they have failed.

Therefore, X fortress must be defended, and all the troops that can be dispatched must be dispatched, as well as the most elite troops.

The only problem was that Lu Huai had to go to Fort X together, so that the troops would be enough. But Wen Yuzixing's transition point is equally important. As one of the very few insiders in the base, Lu Huai must go there in person to ensure that the place is safe.

The two sides maintain close contact at all times. If Wenyu's sub-star is found to have any signs of Zerg infestation, Lu Huai will directly use the energy in that place to blow up the transition point, just like when the battleship was in the border area at that time, without giving the Zerg any chance. Take the opportunity.

"So we have to go to Fort X, right." Lin Han asked calmly, as if he was just asking He Yunting to pick him up from get off work, rather than facing a more urgent situation than before.


He Yunting was still checking the messages sent by Lu Anhe, and when he heard Lin Han's question, he raised his head to look at him.

He was sitting in the driver's seat, while Lin Han was still standing at the door of the cabin, holding the cold-glowing mechanical frame in his hand.

"It's about half a day's journey from Fortress X." He Yunting said to Lin Han, "Take a rest."

After listening to all the plans, the young man suddenly smiled lightly and said something.

He Yunting didn't hear it clearly. He confirmed that there was nothing unexpected. He lost an autopilot command to the pilot system, which was similar to that of an aircraft. Then he stood up and walked towards Lin Han.

He was tall and tall, but when he looked at Lin Han, he lost his usual indifference towards others.

He Yunting asked, "What's wrong?"

But when he held Lin Han's hand the next second, the words in his heart still rang.

Don't be afraid.

"I just said..."

Lin Han lightly tiptoed and hooked He Yunting's neck. The indifference that he spoke with sullenness at the parliament in the afternoon was all gone, and he leaned on the other side's chest, feeling the cold medal rubbed across the cloth. His skin was slightly itchy.

"I said it would look more like an elopement."

Lin Han pressed his lips against his ear and repeated it softly and slowly.

He Yunting's expression was a little surprised, but he didn't ask anything.

For example, no one eloped on the battlefield, another example, he came to pick up Lin Han today under everyone's attention, and where can he elope to.

"Yeah." But he finally answered.

Elope then, there's nothing wrong with that.

He understood what Lin Han said but stopped talking.

Lin Han was still hooking his neck, and He Yunting took advantage of the situation and reached out and took him into his arms.

He imitated Lin Han's movement of rubbing Gululu's head just now, and he also put his five fingers into the young man's soft black hair and stroked it very lightly.

He felt that Lin Han's mood was actually a little fluctuating, and he could only learn to comfort him like this.

It wasn't until He Yunting made this move that Lin Han's heart suddenly became sour, and some very secret feelings were all relieved at this moment.

"He Yunting." Lin Han pulled the fabric on his back and called his name.


"You know what, I'm actually… not afraid."


"But I couldn't hold back in parliament today and said something."

"Ok, I know."

"By the way, I met His Majesty the Emperor when I left. He sent someone to take me back, otherwise I probably wouldn't be home now."


"I..." Lin Han's hands tightened, "I didn't expect it to be so fast, everyone seems to know me all of a sudden."

"I'm not nervous either..." Lin Han felt that it was rare for him to ramble on, and his words were not coherent. He actually didn't think it was scary, but he wanted to say everything under He Yunting's gentle actions, "It's just a little uncomfortable."

He has always been low-key and quiet. Even though he was mentally prepared for He Yunting, he still felt a little uneasy when he was alone.

"Will the words I said today be a little impulsive?" Lin Han said hesitantly, "I'm afraid it will affect you."

He Yunting's movements paused, he lowered his head slightly, pulled out his fingers, and kissed Lin Han's hair in a precious place.

His answer speaks for itself.

"Yes, you were not angry with those voices before," Lin Han muttered, recalling the days when He Yunting was misunderstood by public opinion.

"I'm not afraid, really..." Feeling the other party's actions, Lin Han felt some unknown grievance in his heart.


He Yunting hugged him tighter: "I know."

In fact, it's okay to be afraid.

When Lin Han heard his words, he completely relaxed.

"Forget it, I don't want that much anymore." Lin Han raised his face again and smiled at He Yunting, as if he had just boarded the mecha.

His eyes were still filled with the magnificent sunset in the evening, and the originally splendid sunset became long and slender when he took it into his eyes: "Anyway, I will do it again, and I will choose this way."

"Thank you General for your comfort."

He Yunting was a little dazed: "I didn't..."

He obviously didn't say anything.

Lin Han looked at the cockpit in front of him.

He remembered when he was in the border area, when he was in estrus, he felt unbearably uncomfortable, and begged He Yunting to bite him.

It was also in this position that he was pressed against the cold cabin door by He Yunting, and he felt that the other party was about to be unable to restrain his emotions.

He suddenly felt that the mecha cabin was different from all places, such as his apartment, such as He Yunting's bedroom, such as the flower room.

Those places will be softer and safer, which is not the case on the mech. Everything around it is cold and hard, consoles, joysticks, all kinds of complicated and lengthy arithmetic codes and data, daunting high-end weapons, in short, none of them can match gentleness.

Including the people in front of you.

Everyone said that he was cold-hearted and refused people a thousand miles away, with no "human taste" at all.

All his little secrets, only he knows.

Lin Han raised his head, leaned forward, and said softly, "Then let's kiss."

"is it good."

He Yunting didn't ask why, or maybe he could sense Lin Han's emotions, so he just suppressed it obediently.

He kissed quietly, and sucked the other's bottom lip lightly, as if he wanted to take away all his anxiety and anxiety, and then told him that with me, you have nothing to be afraid of.


The road ahead is difficult and dangerous, the future is uncertain, and the lifeline of the empire is in their hands.

But they are still kissing here.

Lin Han felt that he was crazy.

"It's still half a day before it arrives, isn't it?" Lin Han felt soft on his body because of his kiss, and even had the illusion that he was already in estrus, so he asked He Yunting.

Seeing that he had no strength, He Yunting just wanted to pick him up and put him on the driver's seat, but Lin Han slowly supported his upper body, squatted down, looked up at him, and finally put his hands on his waist.

Realizing what he wanted to do, He Yunting looked down at the young man lying between his legs and wanted to raise his hand to stop him: "Don't—"

But as soon as he blurted out a word, the rest of the words could not be said.

The author has something to say: Woohoo, it's not dark! Fairly daytime!

I don't know whether to make up for the ellipsis, it depends on the mood

It's not estrus, half a day in estrus is enough (.)

I promise more this week, for real! ! ! ! It's almost over! ! ! ,,URL,:

There are 4 paragraphs in this chapter, you are reading (paragraph 5)

There are 4 paragraphs in this chapter, you are reading (paragraph 6)

There are 4 paragraphs in this chapter, you are reading (paragraph 7)

There are 4 paragraphs in this chapter, you are reading (paragraph 8)

There are 4 paragraphs in this chapter, you are reading (paragraph 9)