I Can Read Minds But Will Not Be Marked

Chapter 122: Parallel (3)


"I... I didn't expect you to come." He Yunting said in a low voice.

"It's been a long wait."

Lin Han didn't speak, just continued to look at him, the corner of his mouth was the temperature left by the other's fingertips.

After a long while, he slowly shook his head and said, "Not long."

After Lin Han had finished drinking the soda in his hand, he remembered the purpose of coming to He Yunting today.

But looking at He Yunting's face, he didn't want to know the answer so quickly.

He had to go through such a long and rigorous training every day, and he never complained even once in his heart. He would never be knocked down by harsh training, but the moment he found himself on the mecha, he hurriedly changed out of his sweat-soaked training suit, and then used a method he didn't know to find for himself. A bottle of your favorite soda.

Why is he so good at himself.

Why is he so kind to himself, but he is always silent and doesn't say a word.

Lin Han took a breath, wanting to throw these thoughts out of his mind temporarily, put the glass bottle aside, and stood up.

Because he was only seventeen years old, he was much shorter than He Yunting now, which made Lin Han unable to even touch the floor with his feet when he sat in the driver's seat adjusted according to He Yunting's height.

But Lin Han wanted to talk to him, so he stopped sitting, climbed directly into the driver's seat, turned around by himself, curled his knees inward against the seat cushion, hugged the back of the driver's seat with both hands, and raised his head. He smiled at He Yunting.

He was wearing a pure white shirt with a stand-up collar today, with a delicate, drapey bow tied with a black ribbon under the turned-up neckline. A pale pearl button was pinned to the left pocket of the shirt, on top of which was A small hand-carved rose.

Because the toes couldn't touch the ground, Lin Han's slender legs could only be left in the air, and there was no dust on the black leather shoes.

Lin Han's eyes are very big, but when he laughs, he bends the tips of his eyes, and his black eyelashes spread out gently along this arc, but they do not cover the starlight in his eyes, like an angel with a childlike innocence. .

"I came with my teacher," he said truthfully, "to see you by the way."

And He Yunting was stunned for a moment after hearing this sentence, and only said after a while: "I received a message in the past few days..."

"That's why I didn't look for you to prepare."

"In addition, there was a mission some time ago," he said after a pause, "I can come over next week."

Although He Yunting didn't say "I'm sorry", Lin Han could hear the apology in his tone.

He was explaining why he didn't come, and he was so busy that he had to be careful to say to himself that he would take time to accompany him in the future, and he would also bring you ice and soda, so don't be unhappy, okay

As for what news was received, it is self-evident.

Lin Han pursed his lips and stared at each other without blinking.

He began to feel annoyed. When he chose this person without hesitation, he didn't consider whether the other party would hesitate or have other thoughts or emotions.

He really is a bit of a willful bad boy.

Lin Han gave a soft "um" and tried to say "it's okay" in a relaxed tone, then for fear that his clumsy lying skills would be discovered by the other party, he turned his head and didn't look at him for the time being.

But the always taciturn major thought of something after saying these words.

"By the way," his voice finally filled with other emotions, and seemed to be happy and expectant. He took out something from the pocket of his military uniform, walked to Lin Han, and spread his hands, "This is for you."

Lin Han turned his head following the sound.

In He Yunting's hand was a small, unremarkable stone.

"I picked it up when I was on a mission a few days ago, and I wanted to take it back and give it to you." He Yunting's voice finally showed a hint of unnoticeable tension, and his words became more and more rare, "Don't look at it ugly..."

He Yunting tried his best to annotate the gift: "It's actually a star."

Lin Han took it and put his hand on his.

He won't like it.

Will he find this stone inexplicable

But at that time, the El Inniho Nebula appeared above it, and it seemed to be a part of the nebula that fell.

Even if it is exhausted, it is still gorgeous.

Will he like it.

This meteorite is very small, and there is no reason for it. Even though Lin Han didn't know what "El Inniho" was in the other's mouth, when he received it, he attached the stone and stretched out his hand to grab the other's five fingers.

He Yunting's fingers are very long and the pulp of the fingers is very warm.

Maybe after many years these hands will be stained with blood and covered with gun calluses.

But at least for now, this is still a pair of clean and gentle hands that belong to a teenager.

Lin Han rolled his eyes again: "I like it."

He saw himself smiling so happily in He Yunting's azure blue eyes.

For a moment, Lin Han felt that He Yunting was going to laugh with him.

Although in the end the other party just moved the corners of his lips hard, Lin Han just felt that when He Yunting laughed, he would be very, very beautiful.

Those previous doubts seemed to be temporarily put aside by Lin Han. He carefully looked at the stone in his hand for a long time, and talked to He Yunting from time to time.

"Will it be hard to go on a mission?"


"He Yunting, are you not tired at all?"


"So if there is a next time, can you let me know by communication?"

"it is good."

"What is the universe like?"

Lin Han finally murmured.

This time, He Yunting didn't answer quickly. After thinking for a long time, he looked at him again and answered seriously, "It's anything you imagined."

The answer was beyond his expectations, Lin Han moved his eyelashes, but did not continue to speak for a while.

"I was lucky this time," He Yunting said, "I saw the El Inniho Nebula for the first time in the border area."

"Majestic and rare. I… I can't describe it."

So you will want to send this star to me.

Lin Han quietly made up for him in his heart.

"I want to watch it too." He muttered softly, a little aggrieved, "but I can't turn on the armor."

Lin Han knew that he was actually very lucky. If he really wanted to, then as long as he spoke to Wen Zhao, the other party would definitely give him several feasible plans, so that he could truly experience the universe.

He was born lacking nothing, and all his wishes could be fulfilled.

It's better to be self-willed again, anyway, they are all bad children.

Lin Han thought.

He didn't want Wen Zhao to send many, many people to accompany him to space, he just wanted to go with one person.

"He Yunting." The young man straightened up from the chair again, holding the ugly star in his hand, and said seriously, "Let's make an agreement on one thing, okay?"

The other party didn't know why, but he took two steps obediently and nodded.

"Your mecha is too old, and it doesn't have many functions yet." Lin Han said flatly, "Don't look down on me, I'm the most powerful one in the research group."

"I will help you design the latest and greatest mecha, you believe me, give me a little more time, I can finish it."

Lin Han stretched out his free hand and wanted to make a serious agreement with the other party: "Then, you take me to see Nebula."

If you agree, take my hand.

"it is good."

This time the other party did not hesitate.

Lin Han felt that he was really strange, for example, his mood changed many times in just one hour.

From the conjecture about He Yunting's mind, the criticism of his own willfulness, to the indescribable excitement and happiness now, it was all simple and straightforward.

"Okay," Lin Han retracted his hand and yawned, until now he finally showed sleepiness after waiting for a long time, "That's it."

He decided to let himself go a little further: "I'm so sleepy. Can you send me back?"

The answer is of course good.

He Yunting accompanied him to the public aircraft. It was too late. In the class heading for the school, except for the intelligent pilot system, there were only the two of them in the entire empty aircraft.

Lin Han was originally sitting upright, but the flight was too smooth, and He Yunting was someone who couldn't take the initiative to speak. After a while, he really started to feel sleepy, and his eyelids couldn't stop fighting.

The person beside him obviously didn't know how to deal with it now. Naturally, he was reluctant to wake up, but he was afraid that if Lin Han leaned back so straightly, it would hurt his head to hit the glass. In the end, he had done enough psychological construction. Bravely, he hugged the other person on his body, and let the boy fall asleep on his lap.

The whole night sky was quiet, and the only sound in the world was the steady sound of breathing on his legs.

The young man was well-behaved when he fell asleep, still holding the things he gave him in his hand, closing his eyes quietly, just like he saw outside the classroom.

Action precedes all thoughts, He Yunting leaned over lightly, his lips resting on the back of the other's hand.

Without any sign, Lin Han felt a slight itch, and suddenly sobered up at this moment.

As if all the coincidences in the universe do not want to be missed, he clearly understands-

The other is kissing his hand.

And the moment his lips were attached, his heart was so clean as hell.

Only when the angel was sleeping, I was able to secretly kiss him.

He Yunting didn't realize that he had woken up, and Lin Han was so lucky for the first time that he pretended to be asleep successfully, and, fortunately, the other party didn't have the ability to read minds.

When the aircraft arrived, Lin Han pretended to have just woken up, rubbed his eyes and opened the door.

But the time just now was really pleasant, and the result was that he didn't look at the road when he stepped out the door, and his footsteps staggered.

Lin Han narrowed his eyes and smiled, he wondered if He Yunting was going to say that he was weak again in his heart.

But whatever, he is not such a good angel.

He stood on the spot, tugged at the other's sleeve, raised his head to call his name, and bent his eyes: "Can you carry me on your back?"

He climbed onto He Yunting's back, and the other party walked as steadily as last time.

But soon he will send himself back, and those who want to ask will eventually be asked.

Lin Han grabbed the clothes on his shoulders, put his head on his back, and asked him, "Are you going to be the prince's knight?"

He Yunting froze for a moment, but did not lie: "Well."

"Are you not happy?"

"No. The prince must be very good, and it is my honor to be his knight."

The emperor's loyalty is engraved in his bones, so when He Yunting said this answer, Lin Han was not too surprised.

Lin Han nodded: "You must be the best knight too."

He Yunting seemed to be afraid that Lin Han would think too much: "But it doesn't matter, I will still be the same as I am now, and I will not change."

If only Lin Han were the prince, I could be his knight.

My idea is not very good, first apologize to the future prince.

Hearing this, Lin Han's heart pounded, and he put his arms around his neck and asked cautiously, "Then you say, will the prince like his knight?"

"No." This time He Yunting answered quickly.

He always seemed to be very unconfident in this regard, just like when he guessed whether Lin Han liked him, he only dared to make assumptions, but he quickly denied it.

The prince will not like me.

I'm the funniest person in the world.

But the moment he heard this sentence, all Lin Han's answers became clear at this moment.

The prince likes you.

You are the best person in the world, you just don't know it.

The little prince suddenly had great confidence.

The knights of the future serve me and are loyal to me.

Still in love with me.

When He Yunting took him to the door of the dormitory building, Lin Han was no longer sleepy when he got off his back, his cheeks were a little red, and he was still smiling at him.

He didn't understand why Lin Han was so happy, and when he was wondering, he heard the other party calling him.

"He Yunting." He didn't call him "major" or "senior", but said his name seriously, "I have a little secret to hide from you, don't be angry if you know."

He Yunting nodded, he would never be angry with him.

He was about to ask what the secret was, but Lin Han blinked and shook his head: "But my mother doesn't want me to tell. You'll understand in a few days."

The young man's eyes were bright, he shook the ugly gift he received, and said goodbye to He Yunting: "Good night, senior!"

The prince's coming-of-age ceremony was held as scheduled in half a month.

On this day, everyone's eyes are gathered in one place, from the base to the fortress, from the civilian area to the central park.

The melodious singing of the choir resounded through the dome, and flowers and white doves symbolized beauty, embellishing the most perfect day.

Everyone is looking forward to what this prince who has been protected for 18 years will look like.

Because it saves a lot of red tape, there are only two core ceremonies, the coming-of-age ceremony and the canonization of knights.

Although many people in the school forum were crying and saying that the prince stole Xiaolin's CP, at this moment, everyone will only wait for the appearance of the future prince.

Could it be someone they've met before? Or was it raised in secret for 18 years, and no one has ever seen the real face

"Men, I'm so nervous."

"Gentlemen, I'm so excited."

"I want to know who the prince is!"

"Ah, long live the prince! Long live the empire!"

"Anyway, the young Major He is indeed the best candidate for a knight!"

"Xiao Lin won't be sad, after all, he's just a knight, and the major must have him in his heart."

"Yes, I also believe that the prince is not so unreasonable."

"By the way, why haven't I seen Xiao Lin in the past few days."

"I do not know… "

"Don't talk, don't talk, it's coming-"

"Mom, I'm a little nervous." Lin Han exhaled several times, but he still couldn't get over it completely.

He was wearing complicated Chinese clothes, looking at the road he was about to walk, and said.

It's not that he was unprepared, but he was still a little timid when he was about to face it at the end.

"But it's not that Hanhan doesn't want to." The woman stretched out her hand and finally arranged the lace lapel of the boy for him, "Is that right?"

Lin Han bit his lip and finally nodded.

"That's fine." His mother smiled at him, "As long as you have the answer in your heart, you won't be lost."

"Hanhan will be an adult in the future," the woman stood up, "will have a more wonderful life than everyone else."

She finally patted the boy on the shoulder gently and smiled.

"Go, someone is waiting for you."

He Yunting stood in the most conspicuous position.

In front of him is the red carpet, and in a while, he will take the sword of a prince and swear by his side forever.

But he was still thinking of another person.

He remembered the last clause of the knight's declaration, "Swear to love the one you love until death", He Yunting thought, after the ceremony is over, he must find him as soon as possible.

The prince couldn't possibly like him, but there was a youth club who agreed to build mechas for him.

At this moment, he finally understood his own mind.

So he didn't want to wait any longer, and wanted to appear beside him urgently.

He will be loyal to the prince, and even more devoted to an angel.

He Yunting looked up at the palace in front of him.

The bell rang, and the much-anticipated moment finally began.

When the grand doors are opened, when all the good are gathered in one place.

He was surrounded by flowers... and saw a boy.

The difference between teenagers and peace is not big, but there is an extra jewel crown.

He remembered the "little secret" that the other party said a few days ago, and the tempting "The prince will like you".

However, He Yunting's surprise was only for a moment. After this moment passed, it was intertwined. Loyalty and determination were no longer changed.

He saw the boy's gaze cast over him, saw the other person's quickening pace, and saw that he skipped all the tedious ceremonies and just walked straight in front of him.

There is hope for the future in the eyes of the teenager, and there is more vigor and warmth.

He Yunting knelt down on one knee and put his right hand on his chest, offering his most devout self to his prince.

Lin Han held the sword in both hands, lightly tapped He Yunting's shoulder with the back of the sword, then retracted the sword into its sheath, and handed it to the person in front of him with both hands.

He lowered his head and called his name gently: "He Yunting."

"Will you be my knight?"

The author has something to say: Come on.

I'm going to go out with my friends for two days tomorrow. I don't know if we can change it in the next two days, although we plan to find an Internet cafe with five black codes or something (… )

There are 5 paragraphs in this chapter, you are reading (paragraph 6)

There are 5 paragraphs in this chapter, you are reading (paragraph 7)

There are 5 paragraphs in this chapter, you are reading (paragraph 8)

There are 5 paragraphs in this chapter, you are reading (paragraph 9)