I Can Read Minds But Will Not Be Marked

Chapter 123: Parallel (4)


People other than He Yunting, especially the former students of Imperial Army University, have not yet reacted from the shock of "I have been classmates with His Royal Highness for so long".

It wasn't until they saw the gentle smiling boy bowing his head and asking about his knight, and seeing He Yunting half-kneeling and taking the sword from Lin Han's hand, the barrage that had been paused for a moment because of his astonishment began to swipe frantically at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye.



"Mom, what did I see!"

"Fuck, am I blind, am I blind, or am I still awake?!"

"I am actually in the same research group as His Royal Highness!!! I am happy to explode!"

"Ah, Xiao Lin!! Xiao Lin!!!"

"I'll never say you'll be bets again!"

"No, it's not a question of be or not!!!"

"His Royal Highness! His Royal Highness!"

"You guys remember the vote for the interstellar fairy, the handsome prince! It is said that the organizer has been waiting for the imperial prince to be added to the options after his coming-of-age ceremony! I will directly vote!"

"So this is the relationship between a gentle prince who hides his identity and finally gets married to his knight!"

"I'm so happy, the prince turns out to be Xiao Lin, I'm so happy..."

"Me too!"

"This is the picture I've always wanted to see in my dreams!! Promise him!!"

"My life is worth it!! I was screaming like a fool in front of the screen."

The barrages were layered on top of each other, and soon the huge screen was completely occupied. Whether it was the audience watching the live broadcast or the people who were fortunate enough to watch, they were deeply shocked by the pictures they saw in front of them.


No one blamed Lin Han for his choice, because at the moment when he announced his identity, after realizing that the prince was such a young man, everyone felt that if it was him, everything would be fine.

To live as a meticulously protected flower in the greenhouse, it is better to bloom under the sun.

Because that is the only flower in the world.

But at the moment, the two of them couldn't hear and didn't have time to care about it.

Although still a little nervous, Lin Han looked calm.

Holding the sword in his hand, he waited for all the white doves to flutter to the sky, wait for the choir to finish singing the last beautiful hymn, wait for the surroundings to quiet down, and wait for He Yunting to raise his head again.

He had originally worried that the other party would be unhappy because of his concealment, but he dismissed the idea after seeing his expression.

Even if he is not good at words, he doesn't seem to have to worry too much.

Just like his vexatious demands can always be met by the other party, He Yunting will never refuse him.

He repeated a sentence very slowly, but it was different from the tone of the ceremony just now, replaced by a willful softness that was imperceptible like a spoiled child.

"is it good."

After a while, the weight on his hands lightened.

The person in front of him took the sword with both hands in the most reverent gesture and raised it above his head, but his eyes did not leave Lin Han at all.

The usually taciturn major stared at him.

He stood up with his sword in hand and began to speak his oath in a sonorous voice.

At the end of all the oaths, the major's voice became softer and softer. After saying "I swear to my love to the death", he said in a low voice, "His Royal Highness," in a voice that only Lin Han could hear.

"-my pleasure."

After the identity of the prince was made public, many things seemed to have changed, but it seemed that they hadn't.

His classmates wouldn't have any other thoughts about him because of this status, at most they would just joke a few words of kindness, and Lin Han just smiled and didn't care.

The people of the empire were proud to have such a prince, and were even more happy that he had chosen the best soldier as a knight.

But Lin Han himself has some doubts in recent days.

He Yunting had new training since that day, so Lin Han naturally wouldn't deliberately ask him to stay.

He did what he said, and started to find members of his own group, then contacted the teacher, and immediately started the research on the new mecha.

He originally thought about whether to tell his knight directly that he had an unknown secret, but the words came to his mouth several times, and he finally swallowed them.

The other party had a new identity and appeared beside him, but after clarifying his thoughts, he was unexpectedly more timid.

Lin Han understood that he was definitely different from He Yunting, whether it was the soft drink in the summer, the palm of his hand, or the unconfident voices under the indifferent appearance all telling him all this.

He considered whether to simply ask the other person, and then reached out to listen to his heart a moment before he spoke.

It made him feel like he was cheating.

The genius boy who never changed his face in the face of difficulties finally showed a confused look.

It happened that He Yunting couldn't come over the past few days, so Lin Han pushed open the door of his mother's room on the weekend.

His Majesty the Emperor is going to give himself a vacation. Recently, it happened to be the fewest days of the year. After all, my son has been hiding for so many years and finally made it public. He didn't mention the name change in advance. An illusion of liberation at last.

While shouting that he was exhausted and exhausted, he started secretly planning to go somewhere to play secretly.

When Lin Han walked in, he saw the emperor leaning on the sofa very indifferently, pointing his fingers lazily on the light screen.

"This star is not good," Wen Zhao frowned in disgust as his finger slipped to a certain place, "On the surface, it's all set, don't go."

The woman next to him glanced at him, "Why are you so stingy. I heard that they have a very beautiful Xinghe Waterfall over there."

Wen Zhao continued to hold grudges and said, "They give gifts to the royal family every year, but the last time I heard someone say that the son of their prime minister said that I have never announced the prince. Is it because I am so ugly that I am embarrassed to show it."

The noble queen put down her comb, "Then don't go. It's not just that one place that looks good. You can take a look at another place."

"What about Thrall Star?" Wen Zhao slid to a new interface again and asked.

In the end, before waiting for the other person to speak, he thought of something, and he added, "Forget it, the online vote two days ago said that they voted for the beauty of princes and gods in various countries, and many people in Saar Star voted for the Federation. The reason is that The federation is closer to them? Vote to see this? Injustice."

"I'm not going to the blacklist either," the woman leaned over and glanced at the other party's screen, "If you do this, I'll ask your sub-stars to count the votes, Hanhan can't fall first."

Wen Zhao nodded solemnly when he heard this.

Lin Han couldn't help laughing as he watched the two of them take revenge for these trivial matters in a serious manner.

When the woman saw him come in, she got up from the sofa and walked towards the baking room, "Hanhan is back."

"I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do. I'll go back and take a look. You choose first." As soon as Wen Zhao saw her going there, he automatically recalled the fear of being dominated by the other party's dessert, and his heart started to alarm. He pulled his legs and ran, and before leaving, he brushed a handful of Lin Han's soft hair, "Don't be afraid, son, I won't let you fall out of that vote."

When the other party came out, the noble and mighty Emperor had already fled.

She looked at the brown macaron in her hand, which had clearly improved in appearance, blinked and smiled, and put the plate aside. "It's just to scare him. Is it so bad."

It's not too bad, mainly because the proportions never seem to be right.

Lin Han quietly defended his father in his heart.

He knew that Wen Zhao was just a symbolic escape and would come back later, and he also knew that his mother was not angry at all, just teasing him.

The other party really didn't let him eat the dessert he made. He smiled and opened the light screen that Wen Zhao had just browsed halfway through, and continued to look.

"Hanhan really don't come with us." After ten minutes, the other party probably selected a few places and turned his head to ask him.

She knew that Lin Han had been in the research group in addition to going to school recently, and sometimes he might not be able to come back on weekends. From drawings to materials and parts, everything was carefully checked, and no detail was overlooked.

He shook his head. "No. I made an appointment with the teacher."

This time Wen Zhao planned to use his personal mecha to take his wife on a secret vacation for a week. Lin Han was naturally interested and decided not to disturb them, so he might as well stay here.

"Okay." The other party didn't insist any longer, "Just don't get too tired."

"Mom." Lin Han hesitated for a while, then hesitantly said, "I..."

He didn't seem to know how to speak. He wanted to ask her how she was with her father back then, whether using mind reading was cheating, and whether it would be very tortuous when determining the relationship, or whether it was easy and natural.

But he also felt that He Yunting's personality and Wen Zhao were completely two extremes, and the answer might not be suitable for him when he asked.

Lin Han frowned, he couldn't find anyone else who could talk about it, and in the end he just shoved his hand into the woman's hand and let her listen.

"It's normal to like your own knight," he murmured.

But I don't know what to do.

Lin Han felt the warmth of the woman's palm, and then gradually calmed down.

It didn't take long for him to feel a hand pat him gently.

"Your father was also a coward at that time," the woman said with her eyes bent. "I waited for him for three months before he deliberately lost to me."

"Of course, I know the two of them are different, but Hanhan don't be afraid."

"Don't you want to know if your knight likes you too?"

"And," she said with a sly wink and a smile, "I cheated too, so it's nothing."

Lin Han looked up at her blankly.

"We didn't ask for mind-reading skills, and Hanhan doesn't want to listen to each other's voice every time, right?"

Although it sounds like that, but…

"So we didn't cheat." Lin Han heard the voice in his ear, he knew that his mother was comforting him, and that she was using another logic to make him no longer tangled.

"Ask what you want to ask. If you really don't want to hear your heart, you can wear gloves."

"As long as there are no regrets."

As soon as this sentence was finished, Wen Zhao, who had escaped, left and returned. He heard the last sentence and guessed it, and said casually, "It's okay, Hanhan is already an adult, if you really like me..."

Unfortunately, before he finished speaking, he was blocked by a macaron whose sugar distribution ratio exceeded the standard, and he was speechless.

The queen smiled and watched him swallow what he had made with a stiff expression, wiped his fingers, and said, "Let the prince make his own decision, you stupid prince."

Wen Zhao and the two drove their mecha the next day, claiming that they went to an asteroid quietly after a routine recuperation.

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or not. Although the emperor himself swore to God that he never made any comments on the training of the base, the training that had been working day and night has been temporarily slowed down for a few days since the past two days. Preparing for practical training, giving the sergeants room for grooming.

So Lin Han finally saw his knight again in the evening of this day.

Even though it had been a few days since the last coming-of-age ceremony, Lin Han still felt that He Yunting seemed to have undergone a subtle change.

It seems to be more mature, and even the lines on his body are a bit more sharp than before.

He was originally cold-tempered, but now that he has this important identity, since he stood at the door of the building, no one dared to approach him even though countless eyes were aimed at him.

Whenever Lin Han arrives at this time, he is very fortunate that he has the ability to read minds.

Others think you are indifferent and ruthless, only I know your secret.

Only I know that you are not like that.

Thinking of this, his mood gradually became clearer, and he began to understand what his mother said. If he really didn't want to know the answer, he would definitely put on his gloves, instead of being happy at the first sight of each other as he is now.

"Are you taking me back?" When the two walked to the parking spot of the aircraft, Lin Han stopped and asked him.

He Yunting made a "hmm" sound.

He first opened the door of the aircraft for Lin Han, and after confirming that he was seated, he took two steps back to the driver's seat and started the engine of the aircraft. The destination was the palace where the ceremony was held last time.

After the aircraft rose steadily, the two did not speak again.

He Yunting was silent as always, while Lin Han was thinking about something else.

His mother was right, he thought, that reading minds was not cheating.

Just a shortcut to confirm your mind.

He is still thinking about how to speak, whether to take advantage of the quiet atmosphere now and ask "Will you like me", or simply say "I like you, do you want to consider me".

As a result, Lin Han hadn't thought about it yet, and a feeling that he had never felt before suddenly surged up in his body.

His fingertips began to soften, and a little caramel sweetness escaped from his glands, and he realized that he should be in estrus.

Usually oa will be in estrus after adulthood, so Lin Han naturally does not dare to neglect, and has prepared the inhibitor with him, which is placed side by side with the nutritional supplement, and will be checked every day in case of emergency.

His face started to turn red, and those thoughts were disrupted for a while, and he didn't know what to do for the first time.

In this silence, the major who had been silent all the way suddenly opened his mouth.

"I..." He Yunting's expression didn't change, but Lin Han just knew that his current appearance must have been built in his heart for a long time.

He didn't seem to notice Lin Han's strangeness, so he lowered his head slightly and said, "I voted for you."


Lin Han was stunned for a second before realizing what the other party was saying.

... It's the interstellar prince immortal who he doesn't even know when to vote for his appearance.

"It's still number one now," He Yunting said seriously.

After a long while, Lin Han saw his nose move, and it seemed that he finally smelled something unusual.

It was probably during the estrus period that he suddenly wanted to tease him.

In this situation, being close to alha would make him feel comfortable instinctively. Lin Han leaned closer and touched He Yunting's arm with his fingers, "Then if I'm pushed out of the first place by the federation, will you canvass for me?"

He Yunting's voice froze, but he didn't hesitate to say "Yes."

He heard the voice in his heart.

An id can only cast one vote a day. I only have one communicator now, which is too few.

I'll ask Lu An to vote with them.

Would it be an abuse of power to tell the sergeants to let them vote

Lin Han listened to He Yunting and began to analyze this problem seriously and rigorously.

Shouldn't count.

Voting for the prince is an obligation, not my agitation.

Then talk about it tomorrow.

So fragrant.

what is this.

Is it his smell

Lin Han listened to the words in the other person's heart silently, and suddenly felt that his previous entanglement was unnecessary.

He decided to skip the part of asking if he liked it or not.

That would be a waste of time.

Lin Han's heart was beating wildly, but he still spoke boldly.

"He Yunting." He said, "You smell a different smell, don't you know what it means?"

"Bite me, give me a hug or... kiss me."

"Which one do you choose?"

The author has something to say that I am back from traveling! ! difficult rehabilitation

It's impossible to write in Internet cafes and high-speed rail! ! Or just go home and write

This chapter is stuck for a long time, sorry for being late

As of the next chapter, before the message is sent, send a red envelope, woo woo

This parallel world should be almost over