I Can Read Minds But Will Not Be Marked

Chapter 13: (build)


As we all know, Lu Anhe, the admiral's adjutant, has a mecha with extremely strong defense, which is named "Aegis of Aegis".

Different from the normal scale mecha, it looks a little bulkier, the mecha arms and legs are slightly shorter, but the fuselage is longer and heavier, the attack power may not be as good as other s-class mecha in combat, but it can be defended. The strongest light curtain was erected from the fuselage, so Lu An and Shifenzhong gave it this name.

And now its owner, carrying its key, is shivering in the United Front Work Department nesting in the second mech.

Behind He Yunting was a complex and sophisticated console, and various battle images were switched and displayed on the split screens.

He spread his hands on the table, leaned forward, looked down at Lu Anhe, who was shrinking in the swivel chair, and the young lieutenant colonel's terrified face was reflected in his azure blue eyes.

"Boss! I sweated for the empire! I fought Zerg and bleed! You can't just cross the river and demolish the bridge without regard for your kindness!"

"I know." General He affirmed the adjutant's statement, "Just rub the skin."

"I know it's due for an annual inspection! But it really doesn't need to be repaired!"

"Guaranteed not to affect any function." Admiral added warmly.

"But there is training recently! I have to use it!" Lu Anhe was still stubbornly resisting.

He Yunting ruthlessly dismantled it: "I can't use your machine for training recently."

Lu Anhe hid the hand holding the key behind, resisting death: "No, boss! Zeus is my other half! Do you understand the other half! Borrowing it is like borrowing my wife!"

He Yunting raised his eyebrows.

Lu Anhe scratched his neck: "Really! It's like you and Lin Xian—"

He stopped the car halfway through.

He Yunting raised half of his eyebrows and frowned.

Lu Anhe realized what he said, but after all, he couldn't take it back, so he could only continue to protect his key and wait for his boss's fate.

"Then—" He Yunting considered for a moment, and was about to continue giving orders.

As a result, just as he was about to continue speaking, Lu Anhe sighed: "I'll go! I'll help you Mr. Jolin! But you are not allowed to attack my Zeus!"

Lieutenant Colonel Lu frowned.

Originally, He Yunting entered Lin Han's office before, and after all the drafts were discarded, he temporarily said "Lu An and the mecha are also broken", but Lin Han looked at him strangely for a long time and said "oh" It has already caused the admiral a headache. Now he can make an appointment without removing the Aegis Aegis. He Yunting is naturally satisfied. What he is waiting for is this sentence, and he firmly said: "Okay."


Lu Anhe, who was glad that his baby finally escaped from the clutches, burst into tears.

The leader's satisfaction is the greatest satisfaction. Lieutenant Colonel Lu, who kept his wife's treasure, hid the mecha key, and then turned around and said again: "Boss! I still have a question I've been wanting to ask."

He Yunting looked at him sideways, his eyes puzzled.

"Why do you want to invite Mr. Lin?"

Also use my mech as a lame excuse.

He Yunting pursed his lips and did not speak.

Lu Anhe's eyes looked serious, not like a casual question mixed with curiosity about the leader's gossip.

It's like... If He Yunting said "yes" and said "love at first sight", then the adjutant would have the same spirit as a military order to complete it.

But He Yunting really worked hard to straighten his own thoughts.

Can't really tell.

His knowledge in this field is zero, and any area needs to be explored little by little. It seems that it is not a responsible thing to rashly say love at first sight.

To him, to himself.

Lu Anhe was still watching his expression fearlessly, but He Yunting didn't care much at this moment.

"I don't know," he said.

Last time it was "no", this time it was "I don't know".

After a long period of silence, when Lu Anhe thought this question would be over, He Yunting's voice came again: "But... I want to see him."

Lu Anhe moved for a while.

"I don't like any banquets either." He Yunting said.

But if there is that person, it should be a little better.

He didn't say the last sentence, and Lu Anhe didn't ask any more.

"Okay, okay, I'll make an appointment for you." Lu Anhe, who had no other choice, sighed, and decided that since he couldn't avoid it, he might as well help his own leaders to make suggestions, "Then should I help Mr. Lin prepare something?"

He Yunting only wanted to invite people, and didn't think about anything else at all: "What are you going to prepare?"

"Dress." Lu Anhe said, "Last time you celebrated the party, Mr. Lin came here wearing the uniform of the institute. This time is your birthday..."

"Okay." He Yunting finally agreed with Lu Anhe's suggestion with approval, and acquiesced in his heart to this talkative subordinate's behavior of always hiding snacks on his aircraft, and even decided to give him a little extra salary.

"Okay, then I'll prepare." Lu Anhe put the key away after the crisis was over, and was stopped by He Yunting when he walked to the door.

"You pick a few styles of clothes, I'll choose." He Yunting's tone was cold.

"...Oh." Lu Anhe nodded.

"Wait, there's more." Lu Anhe asked the last question, "There will be a dance at the dinner party, would you like to know?"

Three days later, Wen Tianyao's dinner party.

He Yunting attended by appointment.

At the beginning of the banquet, His Royal Highness announced that today was also the birthday of the general. Many people came to express their congratulations immediately after hearing it, and explained their admiration and love for the general.

He Yunting was as cold and taciturn as always, all praises were blocked by his cold face, as if today was not his birthday, but rather like a debt collection day.

He sat in the seat arranged for the birthday star, looking at the door silently.

Wen Tianyao also came over, smiled and congratulated He Yunting in front of everyone, and said that he had prepared a gift, which would naturally be delivered to the manor when the banquet was over.

He Yunting's expression was not much joy, he just said "thank you" very lightly, and there was nothing more to say.

Wen Tianyao didn't seem to mind either, and after chatting a few more words, he continued to chat and laugh with others.

Lu Anhe sat down with He Yunting and felt the low pressure coming from his side.

"I took a look. It's not easy to distinguish the prince's henchmen," Lu Anhe said as he approached. "There are two factions. He can eat both.

"Furthermore, take a ten thousand steps back and say that if it was him, he would never be stupid enough to be caught by us." Lu Anhe stopped here.


This prince is the future heir, obviously he can't have any position, so why would he move an admiral who has no other position like him

Even if he moved, what could he get out of it

——Obviously, nothing.

Not even the slightest benefit.

Apparently He Yunting had also considered this matter, and he nodded slightly: "It's really unlikely it's him. Don't worry too much."

Lu Anhe said "um".

After all, the occasion wasn't quite right, so He Yunting didn't mention it anymore.

The prince's dinner is indeed not as old-fashioned as the tradition, everything is casual, there is no need to sit in a certain position for half the night, and eat fixed food that is not necessarily suitable.

You can pick up any food and wine by yourself, there is no fixed seat, you can come as you like.

Originally, everyone didn't come to this place to eat. After a while, Wen Tianyao said that he had arranged a dance party and invited everyone to come together.

Hearing these words, Lu Anhe felt the pressure of the people around him drop a little more.

As the atmosphere gradually warmed up, many people also stepped onto the dance floor together.

"Boss..." Lu Anhe only dared to speak, not to look at people.

After all, a few days ago, he swore that he could invite people.

"Well." He Yunting replied in a deep voice, "Forget it."

Nor was he unprepared for rejection.

Lu Anhe whispered, "Mr. Lin said he would consider... I always think I can agree..."

After all, the dresses sent in the past have been collected.

He Yunting didn't speak, his eyes were heavy.

By the time Lin Han arrived at the designated place, he was already half an hour late.

Because he decided to make an appointment when it was almost dinner time.

He was wearing a white dress prepared for him by He Yunting, with an ingenious and exquisite black bow tie at the neckline. Compared with the uniform of the research institute, he was a little less dull and a little more expensive. Little Poplar.

Lin Han entered the arena smoothly according to the steps, and was about to avoid the crowd to find a corner to sit down, and by the way, looked for the positions of He Yunting and Lu Anhe.

He Yunting came to him that day and said a bunch of hard and illogical things. He thought it was a little funny, but he didn't deliberately embarrass the other party.

Although Lin Han had no relevant experience, he was still smart. He knew that Lu Anhe was likely to invite him for He Yunting's sake, but in the end, he didn't refuse directly, saying he would consider it, and even accepted the one specially sent the next day. dress.

Probably because Lu Anhe repeated several times when he invited him, today is He Yunting's birthday.

He remembered that day, when Wen Tianyao mentioned the admiral's birthday, He Yunting's face was indifferent, as if it was a completely irrelevant day.

It should have been a long time since the other party had a birthday.

As long as Lin Han can remember, there has been no father role in the family. Fortunately, his mother is very gentle and remembers his birthday every year, and the two spend it together.

And he heard that the admiral never had a birthday, and he couldn't even remember the date.

Then you should be celebrating for him.

A birthday should be a day to remember.

Thinking of this, Lin Han finally came.

But he didn't know that when he first entered the hall, Lu Anhe, who was not far away, saw that he finally breathed a sigh of relief and said to He Yunting, "Boss, he's here."

At the beginning of the dance, the surrounding lights gradually dimmed, and only a faint, fuzzy light was flowing on the dance floor.

The music is also just right, like a less violent catalyst, subtly infecting people.

Chasing lights were scattered aimlessly all over the dance floor, and a pair of two people swayed on the dance floor. Some were strangers who met for the first time, and some were lovers. People swayed on the dance floor, waiting for an opportunity to dim the lights, waiting for a change in the tone of the music, and there were people who couldn't help hugging and kissing, lingering and sticky, with sweet breaths and love words on their lips.

No one would notice who had flushed cheeks, and no one would blame anyone for being ambiguous.

On this occasion, too many possibilities are acquiesced.

Lin Han sat at the table not far from the dance floor and watched all this.

His eyes were swept everywhere, and he was a stranger who was kissing inseparably.

He averted his eyes subconsciously.

Is it possible that He Yunting is in these crowds

But before he could think about it, there was a low voice of discussion in the crowd.

Everyone saw that the admiral, who had always been inhumane like a sculpture, suddenly stood up and walked towards the dance floor.

Is the general willing to join in

Someone dared to think.

Is it because there is a favorite omega among them, the general will come this way

Probably because He Yunting was too conspicuous, even the lights were attracted to him, chasing and lingering on him.

The people who were kissing stopped quietly, and with the ambiguous light, they either blatantly or cautiously looked at him.

The tall man's eyes were confused for a moment at first, as if he was looking for something, but when he cast his gaze on the young man sitting near the dance floor, his eyes became firm.

The music didn't stop, He Yunting walked over without looking sideways.

Through the sticky and ambiguous kiss, through the alluring sound of falling.

He stood in front of a young man who was staring at other places in a daze.

But Lin Han didn't realize that he had become the focus of everyone's attention at the banquet.

This scene is not suitable for him. He wants to find someone, but he feels unable to move forward.

Just then, he felt a soft tap on the shoulder.

Lin Han turned his head in response.

The music was still flowing softly in his ears, with the temptation of the aroma of wine.

The imperial admiral who was admired by thousands of people stood in front of him and looked at him, his handsome face still had a light expression, but Lin Han always felt that the other party was not as indifferent as the first time they met.

Probably because he was in a hurry when he came, He Yunting had a strand of silver hair hanging from his forehead, and there was still a blue light in his eyes.

Lin Han suddenly forgot to say hello.

The tall man stood still in front of the handsome young man in the white dress, paused for a moment, and finally bowed in a gentlemanly salute, holding one hand behind his back and handing the other hand to the young man slightly rusty.

"I want to invite you to a dance, Mr. Lin."

He spoke, his voice like the gentle but not biting white snow shrouded in the winter sun.