I Can Read Minds But Will Not Be Marked

Chapter 19


Since the last incident did not have a clear conclusion, to be on the safe side and to prevent others from getting hurt, although the admiral really wanted to find a reason to increase contact, he finally chose to give up, which also allowed Lin Han to regain a short-lived tranquility. .

The empire has been relatively calm recently, but the research institute cannot stop for a moment.

Lin Han began to work with his colleagues to design and modify the latest batch of mechas that are ready to be used in the military on a large scale.

At this time, the advantages of mental power are revealed. Although it cannot be directly linked to the mecha center like alpha, it can be transformed into a sharp blade, but Lin Han's concentration and design and manufacturing ability are not comparable to ordinary people.

He entered the research institute for an internship before graduating from the Imperial Army. When he was a master, he directly cooperated with his teacher to manufacture the tenth-generation qt mecha that is used on a large scale in the imperial battle front line. The fuel consumption remains unchanged, and the performance is improved compared to the previous generation. More than doubled, the most important thing is that it is easy to operate, and it can be controlled without a high mental power.

This batch of mechas replaced the previous generation in a large area after the army was rolled out. It fully demonstrated its role in a confrontation with the Zerg a few years ago - it can resist the highly corrosive venom of many Zerg, and can withstand it. The sharp blades of most Zerg. Even if it is unable to cope with high-level Zerg, the internal pilot's automatic escape system can protect people's safety to the greatest extent.

The reason for that battle has become impossible to verify in the public's mouth. There may be elements from neighboring countries or star thieves to instigate discord, but most people say that it is the Zerg who are naturally cruel to kill and take the initiative to provoke trouble. The leader did nothing and let many low and medium Zerg hurt the civilians of the empire, and the empire could not tolerate repeated provocations by the other party, and this was the battle of the year.

There were two decisive factors in the victory of that battle.

One is the tenth-generation qt mecha that has been put into use, and the other is the coach He Yunting.

Many people relished that battle. He Yunting's warships had a limited capacity, and the Zerg's combat power was almost double his, but in the end, He Yunting handed the entire empire an overwhelming victory. Amazing answer.

The war ended faster than everyone imagined. The Zerg couldn't bear the swift and violent blows in the past few days. They took the initiative to propose a truce, and specially dedicated a lot of resources that belonged to Zongxing to show their sincerity.

And looking at the interstellar, resources will always be the first element of competition.

The empire accepted the Zerg's offer and won a big victory. Lin Han succeeded in improving his status in the research institute because of this batch of mechas, and the name He Yunting has since become a kind of power and a symbol.

Just thinking of him makes the empire invincible.

Everyone believed so blindly and proudly.

It was also that battle that made the peace faction and the radical faction in the empire even more incompatible.

The Lord Peace faction believes that since the war has ended, the insect star also shows signs of goodwill, not to mention that there are many rich resources on the insect star suitable for establishing diplomatic relations, and there is no need to kill them all. This is a serious disaster for the civilians of the two galaxies; The sent Luo Qi took the lead in scolding at the parliament, saying that this was a cowardly act, the military strength of the empire was far above the insect star, and there was no need to be so submissive. Another galaxy a year away, so that's the real peace of mind.

small book booth

And the radicals said that if the soldiers headed by He Yunting were so timid, the sharp blade of the empire would lose its due light.

There is even a gossip that some fanatical radicals also said that it is just a two-person mecha without a name, and it may not be possible for He Yunting to be driven by another person.

But those are rumors.

Lin Han finished drinking the coffee sent by the trainee students, and finally got out of the high-intensity mental work.

However, he still held the blueprint in his hand, and his mind kept running.

Shen Xiunan's task this time was different from Lin Han's. When he was done, Lin Han remained motionless in his seat.

Seeing him working continuously for a long time, Shen Xiunan couldn't see it, and came over to remind him: "Would you like to take a break? Anyway, this design is not urgent, and you can wait for the lower-level mecha master to design it and then revise it, which also saves time and effort."

Lin Han didn't look up at the blueprint and said, "I'm thinking, should I add vortex railguns to this batch of mecha arms."

Shen Xiunan almost thought he heard it wrong: "Isn't this a light mecha? It's not heavy armor, and it's going to be mass-produced. If each one is equipped with a vortex railgun, it will undoubtedly become heavier and more expensive. The key Yes, how do you design it to embed it..."

Lin Han pursed his lips and thought, "I'll think about it again."

He also knew that normal light armor shouldn't use this.

It's just that he always recalled the injury on He Yunting's shoulder in the past two days, and the series of strangers who tried to hurt him.

I don't know if it was his delusion, but he always felt that the current peace was so beautiful... too cheap.

It's not that he doesn't cherish peace. On the contrary, he always feels that the current peace seems to be very fragile. Even if it looks calm, it is like a thin bridge on a fragile glass bridge. As long as there is a little sharp object, this layer can be removed. All the beauty is broken.

Everyone in the world knew that He Yunting had just returned from harvesting the star thieves in triumph, but no one knew that someone tried to blow up m2742 in a self-destructing way; everyone knew that the emperor held a celebration feast for him, but no one knew that someone was trying to fish in troubled waters and steal belongings belonging to the superior. Will's psychic sample...

Even the prince's dinner can have such a thing, how can it be called peace and stability.

Lin Han thought so, and the finger holding the pen made a new mark on the drawing.

Has He Yunting found out the murderer? Have a clue

Although he said that he could help, the two of them didn't have a very close relationship after all, and the other party might not be able to trust him.

Lin Han felt a little complicated.

In the past, he hated his own ability that suddenly appeared at an unknown time, but now he hopes that this ability can help others as much as he can.

Under the scenery, the wind and rain are about to come.

And He Yunting, who was waiting for the deceased omega's further inspection report, was temporarily back on track.

And recently it happened to be the annual pilot selection training camp in Mech-Med Land.

In the era of mechas, it was different from the Earth Century, which required infantry and cavalry. The empire did not force conscription, because the whole empire had a strong mentality, and many people made it their life goal to be an excellent pilot.

However, being a pilot is not easy at all, and it is even more difficult if you want to enter He Yunting's mech land.

First of all, you are not an omega; secondly, your physical fitness score should be at least a; thirdly, your mental strength should not be too low.

After meeting the above three points, you have the conditions for entry, and the various jaw-dropping high-intensity tests and trainings that you will face later will screen out batches of people, and in the end there are less than one thousandth of them. Only a qualified soldier can enter the mech land, starting from a most basic pilot.

"It's only half of the first round of screening," Lu Anhe looked at the real-time video data sent by the United Front Work Department, and his tone was a little worried, "I won't be dissatisfied with the 30 selections at the end."

As the final part of this selection, He Yunting looked indifferently at the people on the electronic screen who kept saying that they would come to contribute to the empire, but in the end they couldn't even pass the mecha balance, and frowned.

Lu Anhe knew that this day of the year was always the time when He Yunting was the most angry: "I have the following two bases keep an eye on them, there will always be someone who is competent."

He Yunting's lips were straight, noncommittal.

After passing two rounds of screening, there are not many people left. At that time, these newcomers can try to drive mechas.

At this time, in order to avoid accidents, one or two mecha masters are usually invited to debug and repair the mecha to prevent other losses.

Lu Anhe suddenly caught the blind spot.

In case, maybe, probably...

"Mr. Lin recently..."

"It's time to find a debugger."

He and He Yunting spoke at the same time.

It was obvious that He Yunting also thought of this.

After a while of silence, Lu Anhe silently picked up the communicator: "I see, I'll come."

He Yunting looked at the group of clumsy recruits and finally became kinder.

Lin Han had just used up today's nutritional supplements when he received the communication from Lu Anhe.

After Lu Anhe finished the request, he waited patiently: "Mr. Lin can think about it carefully, it will not affect your other work and rest, and the base also has nutritional supplements, so don't worry."

He has heard of this errand before. It is easier than staying in the research institute, and it will not affect normal work. The base will set up an office for him, and let the mecha engineer design and design, only when debugging and repairs are needed. Come forward.

And the subsidy for this errand is very generous, so every year someone from the research institute volunteers to sign up, and then wait for the base to screen for a decision.

Unexpectedly, the adjutant took the initiative to throw an olive branch this year.

Lin Han glanced at the blueprint in his hand.

Some ideas have been stuck for several days and have no clue, and I don't know why.

And now the base uses the tenth generation qt that I have participated in the design of. If I go there, maybe there will be new ideas.

Lin Han turned the pen, and was about to reply when she thought of something, and asked Lu Anhe at the other end, "Did the general send me here?"

Lu Anhe turned on the loudspeaker and said solemnly under He Yunting's face, "No, no, it is a sincere invitation from all the staff of our base."

He Yunting: "..."

"Oh," Lin Han said, "I think about it."

Lu Anhe was exhausted physically and mentally, and felt that it was too difficult: "Mr. Lin..."

"Is the general next to you?" Lin Han asked Lu Anhe.

Lu Anhe Zheng Se said; "Not here."

Lin Han believed it, heaved a sigh of relief, and asked Lu Anhe in detail whether it would affect his current design. After getting a satisfactory answer, he nodded: "Okay, then I'll talk to the courtyard tomorrow."

Lu Anhe thought he had seen the dawn of victory, and quickly said, "Okay, thank you Mr. Lin!"

"By the way," Lin Han was about to hang up the communication, and then read that He Yunting was not on the side, "I personally want to ask Lieutenant Colonel Lu a question."

"Speak, Mr. Lin."

Lin Han turned the pen with his fingers and asked softly, "I'm still curious about what the general thinks of me. Lieutenant Colonel Lu, just tell me, I won't tell the general."

Lu Anhe glanced desperately at He Yunting, who was "offline the whole time": "This..."

He started to wink at He Yunting, meaning, boss, let's see how to explain it.

He Yunting was also a little stunned, but he quickly reacted and approached Lu Anhe two steps.

He simply wanted to get a pen and paper to write the answer for Lu Anhe.

As a result, when he just came over, Lu Anhe accidentally clicked the video button on the communicator in order to avoid it.

"Fuck—" Lu Anhe didn't have time to withdraw, the request had already been sent.

"Lieutenant Colonel Lu?"

With a sudden flash, Lin Han's communicator popped up a video request. He didn't know why Lu Anhe suddenly decided to say it this way, but he still agreed, the communicator turned on, and a virtual screen popped up.

So Lin Han saw Lu An and He Yunting who was "not next to him" on the opposite side of the screen.

"… "

"… "

"… "

Instantly quiet.

Lu Anhe, who was beaten in the face in seconds, was full of sadness, while He Yunting and Lin Han looked at the screen.

The air was full of "joy".

Fortunately, Lin Han responded quickly: "Since the general wants to speak for himself, that's fine."

"What on earth do you think of me?"

Lin Han said leisurely at the video screen thousands of miles away.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

When Lin Han thought that He Yunting would not answer this question and planned to skip it.

He Yunting, who had been stern, finally opened his mouth.

"Mr. Lin... very beautiful."

He Yunting really didn't know what to say, and he didn't want Lin Han to wait too long, so he blurted out.

"..." Before Lin Han could react from the opposite side, Lieutenant Colonel Lu, who had witnessed the whole process in the corner of the United Front Work Department, had his face numb, and he held his forehead in despair.

… It’s better not to say it!

Lin Han was stunned for a moment, then raised his lips on the other side of the screen.

He Yunting looked at the young man in the electronic screen. The other party should still be in the research institute. Behind him was a pile of dense and complicated electronic boards, and he bent the corners of his mouth in the cold data, and seemed to be more and more active.

The young man's eyes were bright, as if he was thinking about something.

"The general asked me to do mecha debugging, just because I'm beautiful?"

"Of course not." He Yunting's face was tense, and this time he answered quickly.

"what is that?"

He Yunting glanced at Lu Anhe who was in the corner.

Due to their location, Lu Anhe was out of Lin Han's screen. Lin Han could only see He Yunting's face, but he couldn't see Lieutenant Colonel Lu, who wanted to make fun of his boss but didn't dare to laugh too much.

He Yunting took his eyes back and his expression became colder.

Lu Anhe felt bad at this moment.

Will he not...

"It's because," He Yunting said coldly, "Lu Anhe's mecha is broken."

"—This time it's really broken."

Lin Han finally couldn't hold back this time, and laughed out loud in the video.

He Yunting, male, 29 years old, in a crisis.

Apart from dismantling his adjutant's mecha with his bare hands, he could not find a better way to invite Mr. Lin to the base to repair and debug the mecha.