I Can Read Minds But Will Not Be Marked

Chapter 31


The third round of selection is still going on.

Lin Han gradually got used to the life of the base. He used nutritional supplements at regular and fixed points every day, and worked with peace of mind. When he was not busy, he could continue to tinker with the design of the new mecha in the research institute, which gradually became more regular.

Since most of the tasks in the third round required Lin Han to stare at the training ground, even though he seldom talked to the soldiers about things other than work, he gradually became familiar with them.

Lin Han stared at the mecha in the training ground in a daze.

He accidentally heard that He Yunting came here in the earliest days. No one can surpass his achievements at that time. The training content at that time was much crueler than it is now, but he always insisted on being the first. Down, and finally directly into the elite team... The last thing to do is to overcome all obstacles and rise to this position.

What was he supposed to be like at the time

Will it be the same as it is now? Or, is there a big difference

Every day someone is eliminated, every day their mecha is damaged, every day a soldier is deducted points for various reasons... Lin Han sometimes watches these soldiers training, and feels that the competition system is too strict, and even more so. Not to mention the most uncertain and brutal fourth round after the third round.

Lin Han heard that the fourth round is an actual combat exercise, but the most important thing is that the location is no longer limited to the base, but directly throws the pilots who passed the third round into the vast interstellar space for final tempering.

Even if the base will try its best to keep them safe, no one can predict what will happen - star thieves, zerg, and all kinds of strange mutant creatures... In the interstellar, resources are always the biggest contradiction, and in the gap between planets , those gray areas that cannot be divided into areas often breed unpredictable dangers.

Generally, in the fourth round, specially-appointed experts will stay on the battleship or the command center. In order to ensure safety, remote guidance is generally preferred.

There was even a year when a certain mecha master who took his life directly applied for not participating in the fourth round of training, which was finally approved.

But it was still the third round, and Lin Han didn't think that far for now.

And no matter what it is, it is an exercise. Although it is dangerous, there has been no major incident over the years.

Just then, his communicator rang.

After Lin Han finished a day's work, he just came out of the training ground when he met Qi Jiamu, who had always been among the best in this selection.

"Hello, Mr. Lin." Qi Jiamu smiled at Lin Han, "You have worked hard for you today."

His facial features don't look sharp, and now it's dinner time, the training is temporarily over, everyone is still grooming, and when Qi Jiamu's expression relaxes, there is still a youthful air with sunshine.

He greeted Lin Han politely. After all, in the third round recently, he was the one who troubled Lin Han the most.

Lin Han looked at his young face.

In the past few days, Qi Jiamu's mecha has always broken down. Either the internal program fails or the mental link is abnormal. Therefore, Lin Han spends half of his working time helping Qi Jiamu debug the mecha.

In fact, his training performance has been very good, and there are almost no mistakes - but he is probably the first shot, and in private, he has also become the object of many recruits.

Suppression and grouping are everywhere, and such excellent people are either flattered by everyone, or a group of people find that they can’t flatter, and they turn to attack.

Qi Jiamu's performance in the selection is too bright, and although he himself does not seem as inhumane as He Yunting, he is not easy to get along with - he will not talk to you much, and he will have the same expression on everything, and he will not make friends. Friends, go alone.

Gradually, people with small groups began to have other ideas.

However, there are many rules in the base, and there is a point deduction system for selection. Everyone can't suppress it explicitly, but they can't help but want to do something.

And the third round of selection finally allowed them to find a chance.

They began to "visit" Qi Jiamu's mecha for various reasons, and then fiddled with some details - so Qi Jiamu would either suffer by himself, or ask a mechanic to help him adjust and repair it.

Anyone with discerning eyes in the base could see that the Admiral took special care of Mr. Lin, and points were deducted for those who secretly observed Mr. Lin before, while Qi Jiamu's mecha was always in trouble, and Lin Han would contact him frequently.

Many soldiers snickered, isn't this just hitting the muzzle of the admiral.

Lin Han is not stupid, he can probably guess one or two.

He didn't know why Qi Jiamu always didn't say it, and he couldn't point it out directly. He just said lightly: "If you have any problems, you can say it at any time. You have to pay attention to your own safety."

Qi Jiamu lowered his eyes and said "um"; "Thank you, Mr. Lin."

After saying goodbye to Qi Jiamu, Lin Han, who was going back to the room, thought about it, turned around, and walked in the other direction.

When he walked into He Yunting's room, the other party was still wearing a training uniform that he didn't have time to change.

The two hadn't seen each other very much in the past few days. Seeing him coming, He Yunting didn't speak, but there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"General," Lin Han didn't intend to detour, and cut to the point, "I have something to tell you."

Lu Anhe was eating snacks beside him, when he heard Lin Han say this, his eyes widened, and there was something in his mouth like a hamster, he didn't know whether to leave or not.

What, has Mr. Lin finally realized that he plans to save his boss

He Yunting glanced at Lu Anhe, who was expressing various emotions with his eyes at the moment.

- Eat yours, don't go.

Lu Anhe, who quickly understood what He Yunting meant, gave him a stern look, thinking that I actually wanted to go out.

He swallowed what was in his mouth, took a sip of water and said, "Mr. Lin, don't worry about me."

Lin Han nodded: "I received a communication from His Royal Highness today."

Hearing this, Lu Anhe immediately put away his casual attitude: "I mentioned this, I haven't had time to tell Mr. Lin the events of the past two days."

Lu Anhe immediately told Lin Han about his private investigation of Wen Tianyao: "To sum up, we have confirmed that Wen Tianyao is indeed consistent with what you said, and he is indeed not neutral - because the information needs to be verified, please also ask Mr. Lin I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Lin Han nodded, after all, He Yunting still didn't seem to believe that he had the ability to read minds, and after all, his words were related to the prince of the empire, so it was normal to check.

Lin Han said: "Today... he talked to me about the fourth round of training."

After all, the fourth round of training is the most critical part. Whether the best pilots can be screened depends on this round. Therefore, the general base will send warships to send the new pilots to the border area, and then pass the exercise in real time. Observe the situation of each pilot, and finally select the best one to stay.

Lu Anhe snorted.

Lin Han continued: "But His Royal Highness said that he would also go with him, and asked me to say hello to the general."

He Yunting frowned and looked impatient.

"I listened to what he said," Lin Han said, "it seems that he wants to make a further gesture to the general on the battleship."

From Wen Tianyao's point of view, Lin Han is a manipulative omega, and an omega that He Yunting is more concerned about, while from outsiders' point of view, the prince's frequent friendship with the admiral is just a social interaction between two people with a neutral attitude. .

No one would know that Wen Tianyao was only thinking about the military power in the hands of He Yunting, the mecha unit that held the most elite pilots of the empire.

"I see." He Yunting said, "Thank you, Mr. Lin."

Lin Han nodded and said something rude. Just as he was about to leave after reporting, he was stopped by He Yunting again.

"Lin Han," He Yunting raised his eyes to look at him, his tone unwavering, "If you really don't want to go to the fourth round of training, you can go back to the academy ahead of time."

After all, there is no such precedent.

Lu Anhe added: "Don't worry, Mr. Lin, although the fourth round of training will go to the border area, you only need to give remote guidance on the battleship."

Lin Han smiled: "Since I was specially hired by the base, there is no reason to retire early without finishing work. Don't worry, I'm not that spoiled."

He Yunting only looked at him with deep eyes.

Lin Han felt a little flustered when he saw him, and stood up to say goodbye: "Also, Lieutenant Colonel Lu said that as long as it is on the battleship, it is safe - if I don't go, maybe there is something wrong with the mecha, you didn't? legal solution.”

Of course, Wen Tianyao was also going to the scene, so that he could take the opportunity to hear what he wanted to do.

Lin Han didn't say this.

"Well." After a while, He Yunting said, "Then on the battleship, Mr. Lin will follow me."

"Don't leave my field of vision."

When He Yunting said the last sentence, Lin Han finally heard a hint of an order.

It was as if this was the tone he usually used to communicate with others, and the voices that had passed into his ears before were far away like another person.

But Lin Han didn't feel uncomfortable. It was because he had heard He Yunting's other thoughts that he could understand at this moment that the other party just didn't want any accidents to happen.

He nodded and replied, "Okay."

After all, Lu Anhe was still there. The last time he saw the two holding hands was still vivid in his mind. Lin Han didn't go any further, but stood by the door and said goodbye to He Yunting.

Anyway, he should be able to roughly guess what He Yunting is thinking now.

Lin Han thought.

The third round of training was relatively long, and at the end of the month, all the soldiers who participated in the selection finally had half a day of respite.

Usually, everyone is busy resting at this time, and some relatives of soldiers will choose this time to visit their proud family members.

After all, there is only half a day, and visiting the base requires applying layer by layer, the approval is very slow, and the process is troublesome, so there are actually not many people who will come.

Lin Han saw Qi Jiaze on this day.

It was a very thin-looking omega, handsome in appearance, not tall, with an almost morbid pallor on the slender limbs exposed outside.

There was no expression on his face, and he walked slowly step by step, as if he was thinking about something, but he didn't seem to think about anything.

At that time, Lin Han was doing the final overhaul for the next day's mecha when he suddenly heard someone shouting something outside the training ground.

"Aze!" Qi Jiamu saw this omega, called his nickname across the crowd, raised his face and smiled at him, raised his hand and waved, motioning for him to come over, "Brother is here."

After all, Qi Jiamu would talk to him from time to time these days, and Lin Han was somewhat familiar with his voice, so he looked up.

When the omega who came to visit heard the voice, his whole body froze as if it had been overcharged, and then he slowly raised his head, looking a little dazed, trying his best to follow the voice, and began to search for the source.

"Brother..." He moved his lips and murmured in a low voice, and finally saw Qi Jiamu's hands waving towards him.

"Aze, this way."

Qi Jiaze's originally calm eyes finally lit up, and the corners of his lips rose little by little. He finally seemed to have regained his anger. He quickened his pace and began to run towards the other side. Almost fell down in front of his brother, and was helped by Qi Jiamu.

Lin Han originally thought it was nothing, but only felt that the younger brother looked a little dull, so he withdrew his gaze and continued to work in the mecha.

But just when he turned around, he saw the back of the thin omega.

Although he didn't see anything unusual at once, his intuition told him that this person was a little weird.

And Qi Jiaze was talking to his brother, and his lips moved very slowly.

In order not to attract attention, Lin Han walked into the cockpit and closed the door.

Because he has been active in the training ground during this period, no one will suspect him. Everyone knows that Mr. Lin is very good at business, and he can solve any problems quickly.

Lin Han put on the helmet, activated the mecha, and adjusted the view window slightly.

Although he had no intention of peeking at the family meeting between the two brothers, he still moved the view window to a position close to Qi Jiaze.

Even though he didn't know anything, there was always a sense of unease in his heart.

Lin Han apologized to Qi Jiamu in his heart, feeling that he shouldn't observe his younger brother like this, but still clicked on the zoom function, so that the position of the mecha's vision window could just see the omega's every move.

Qi Jiaze looked no more than twenty years old, and the tips of his hair seemed to have faded. Although his hair was black, it only showed an unhealthy luster.

Qi Jiamu's eyes were a little red, and his expression was not as calm as Lin Han had seen before.

Lin Han couldn't hear what the two were saying, but he always felt that the communication between the two was a bit strange.

Qi Jiaze never took the initiative to speak. Every time the other party said a long paragraph, he would nod or shake his head sluggishly, and then speak.

Couldn't find anything different, Lin Han, who thought he was over-hearted, was about to remove the view window—

Qi Jiaze suddenly turned around without warning, staring straight at Lin Han's mecha.

The feeling of being watched suddenly shocked Lin Han.

Even if he is wearing a helmet now, inside the mecha, and separated by a vision window, it is impossible for Qi Jiaze to see himself. At most, he can only observe a certain side of the mecha.

Qi Jiaze's eyes are very pale, and his pupils are slightly smaller than ordinary people, which always makes people feel uncomfortable.

However, he only stared at Lin Han's mecha for two seconds, then turned around again, as if he had finished chatting with Qi Jiamu, and began to walk out of the base step by step.

Lin Han's heart was pounding, and he was a little nervous for no reason, but he continued to stare at the back of Qi Jiamu's departure.

The other party walked very slowly, with an even pace, and even the swaying posture of his drooping hands was exactly the same, making Lin Han always feel... like a machine that had been given instructions.

But when Qi Jiaze was about to leave the training ground, Lin Han finally noticed something strange in him.

His hair was a little longer and he hadn't been properly trimmed, but Lin Han still noticed the back of his neck—

At the location of the gland, there is a deep, old scar.

The author has something to say: I'm here, I'm here, today I am Ao Bing's sister, Ao Ye

Rewrote 3000 words, sorted out the plot behind, sorry for being late otz

This chapter compensates everyone by sending 100 small red envelopes

I'm so tired, I want to give Lao He medicine (bushi) every day

I'm so sleepy, I'll go to bed first