I Can Read Minds But Will Not Be Marked

Chapter 42


Vertical pupil.

That's typical of the Zerg.

He didn't know what Qi Jiaze had experienced during this period of time, and whether his brother knew about this situation, and the most crucial question was, how did such an omega get on the battleship.

Lin Han felt a chill on his body, but he still forced himself not to look away, and paid attention to the battleship's every move in the remaining time.

He saw that Qi Jiaze's arms and right leg had three more bullet holes that were still bleeding, which were hit by He Yunting's gun just now.

Even the smell of gunpowder smoke did not dissipate, but Qi Jiaze continued to struggle as if he had no pain.

While calling his nickname, Qi Jiamu tried his best to beg Lu Anhe, who had put his gun on Qi Jiaze's forehead again, not to pull the trigger.

The mecha blocked the voices on the battleship, and Lin Han could only see Wen Tianyao's face full of shock, and Xi Yuan's somewhat subtle expression on the side.

He saw that Qi Jiamu's hands were clasped tightly, and Lu Anhe moved his lips with a serious expression as if he was saying something.

He saw that the omega who was about to attack He Yunting just now finally calmed down under the comfort of his brother, but he was still shaking and muttering something.

He saw that the Zerg not far away seemed to become excited, and the two sand worms led by them raised their tentacles and accelerated their crawling speed.

He saw the sky getting closer and closer, saw the yellow sand brushing across the cockpit, and saw the sky gradually turning scarlet.

Like a grand and brutal preview.

The battleship retreated at full speed, and soon Lin Han couldn't even see the iconic railing above.

He could only see He Yunting's broad back and steady breathing.

It was too urgent just now, He Yunting only had time to scoop him up, both of them were still in the first cockpit.

Lin Han wrote down the vertical pupil and wanted to tell He Yunting, but he didn't want to distract him.

Of course, more importantly, he couldn't drive the mecha perfectly like those excellent pilots. He was afraid of becoming a drag and a burden.

He Yunting raised the mecha to a certain height, and then turned on the operating systems one by one.

Mecha ai came from the mechanical system sound.

"The m2742 has reached the appropriate height. The self-inspection of the whole machine has been completed. At present, the external environment of the mecha is detected as D-level. Please pay attention to the protection of the pilot and choose to open the mecha cabin."

"Open the first cockpit."

"Don't be afraid, Mr. Lin, you don't need to drive." He Yunting tilted his head and said to Lin Han during the driving interval, "But it may be uncomfortable for a while, can you persevere?"

After all, when it really hits, it goes without saying that there are countless collisions and flights, and the key is the constantly changing position and the constant sense of weightlessness, which are unavoidable.

"If the general doesn't mind, I can go to the second cockpit as I did last time." Lin Han's voice was apologetic, "But last time I was instructed by the general, so now, I may not be able to do well. driving."

"Okay." He Yunting deserved it quickly, "Mr. Lin doesn't have to drive, just protect yourself. The second cockpit has supporting equipment, don't worry."

Lin Han responded and walked to the second cockpit. When he was about to leave, he heard He Yunting say something in a very low voice, wondering if he was talking to himself: "After all, I want you to come here."

Lin Han was stunned for a moment, wanting to say no, he came voluntarily.

He couldn't imagine how He Yunting would face these behemoths alone.

This is also his own selfishness.

But Lin Han did not answer, but obediently went to the second cockpit, sat in the driver's seat, and put on his helmet.

The hatch closed slowly, and Lin Han saw He Yunting put his hand on the lever and pull it to the end. The mecha suddenly accelerated, raising the flying sand in the sky and rushing towards those terrifying creatures.

During the process of increasing and accelerating, Lin Han began to feel nauseated, but in the end he was afraid of disturbing He Yunting and did not ask for help. He just supported the console with his hands and closed the communication with the first cockpit, so that He Yunting would not hear his strangeness. , began panting desperately, breathing deeply, trying to dispel the physical nausea.

And the person in the first cockpit really started his own battle.

The purpose of the sandworms was, of course, the warship, and when the warship began to retreat, they began to accelerate, and their mouthparts made a chilling high-decibel noise.

The fuselage of m2742 is about the size of a giant sandworm. He Yunting's style of play is different from others. He first dexterously dodged one of the worm's legs in the sky, and then quickly looked for it. Accurate angle, the right arm stored energy, and fired a laser cannon at the tentacles of the sandworm. The dazzling laser light accurately blasted on the tentacles. The sandworm roared and subconsciously waved its feet in front. I want to dispel the smoke.

The eyes of several other sandworms were naturally attracted by the loud noise.

What makes giant sandworms more powerful than ordinary Zerg is their legs. They have to evolve to be longer and harder than ordinary Zerg. They no longer need to move their abdomens against the ground, but can choose their own legs covered with barbs. crawl.

Although these sand worms have been considered excellent in evolution, the brutal and murderous nature in their nature has not changed, and they are very easily provoked.

Soon they forgot that the purpose of this trip was the warship that was still retreating, and instead, the huge head was wriggling, and the dense compound eyes glowed red, and began to run towards m2742.

Lin Han originally thought that He Yunting would always use such a slapstick style of play, but he did not expect that the next moment, the other party suddenly filled the engine, and without hesitation, used his fuselage as a bullet and charged straight towards one of the Zerg.

Is he trying to use his mecha shell as a weapon

Lin Han was startled and looked at He Yunting intently. His movements were still very stable. Judging from the system's instructions, even his mental power did not fluctuate too much.


With a loud bang, m2742 opened the highest defense shield just before hitting the sandworm, and attacked the sandworm's abdomen!

In the next second, the mecha began to charge up, and Lin Han felt a violent impact—

That was He Yunting's spiritual power.

Ordinary pilots fight for operation, middle-level pilots fight for combat skills, and at the top level, they fight for mental power.

The higher the level of mental power, the higher the fit with the mecha, then these metals can really play their role in his hands.

Lin Han couldn't see the other party's expression, but he could deeply feel the opponent's will and determination to win.

In the short-term pain of the sandworm, the right arm of m2742 finally successfully stored energy. It is not a long-range laser cannon, nor a mega particle cannon fired from the front chest, but a huge light formed by a beam with an energy body in the middle. sword.

The alpha's mental power was too oppressive, but Lin Han didn't feel too uncomfortable. He watched as m2742 used this lightsaber to forcefully pierce the belly of this sandworm!

The sandworm began to struggle violently, but He Yunting's mental power was not put away. With the blessing of the mecha and mental power, the disgusting abdominal viscera belonging to the sandworm fell out, and black, corrosive blood spattered everywhere. , He Yunting gritted his teeth and stabbed it to the end, because the power was too deep, the rear legs of the entire mecha were even forced to retreat a few steps, and then penetrated this giant sandworm—

Its companions began to realize that this was a difficult character to deal with, and one of the sandworms began to rush towards m2742, and at this moment He Yunting couldn't stop - if it stopped and did not attack the brain, then the damage caused by the lightsaber For Zerg will heal quickly.

The companion sandworm began to slap the fuselage with its hard feet, sparks from the metal collision, making a harsh, high-pitched noise.

The whole mecha began to shake, making a huge roar. Even though the metal was very strong, Lin Han still had the illusion that it was about to be torn apart.

The lightsaber slashed through the sandworm, and Lin Han saw He Yunting's shoulders start to tremble. He firmly held the joystick with his right hand, while the left hand controlled the lightsaber, and finally lifted it up sharply—

The lightsaber went up the sandworm's abdomen, passed through its chest and neck, and finally split its most precious brain into two halves!

The sandworm began to let out a shrill neigh, and its comrade hit the back of the mech with its feet even harder.

The third sandworm also came. It seemed to be smarter than the first two. It wanted to use the weight of its feet to lift the entire m2742, and then slammed it to the ground like a toy.

He Yunting was able to retract the lightsaber, and Lin Han felt a sense of weightlessness in the air - I didn't expect that the Zerg really lifted the side of the mecha with force, and the hind feet of m2742 had already started to leave the ground, if it was not stopped , I really have to be picked up by them to complete an over-the-shoulder fall...

Lin Han could no longer sit still, but at this moment, he suddenly thought of something.

For omegas, mental power is actually a luxury. After all, mental power is often linked to pheromones and physique, and these two things are not often possessed by omegas.

"First Evolution"

Mental power can make them competent for delicate and complex mental work, but they cannot use this power on the battlefield.

Lin Han once had a dream of driving a mecha, because he thought that his mental power could make up for his physical shortcomings, but he was ruthlessly taught a lesson by reality.

He saw the other two sandworms screeching piercingly, raising their barbed feet, and attacking viciously toward this side—

The entire mecha trembled, He Yunting firmly grasped one of the legs with his mecha arm, the hard metal met the barbed leg at close range, the metal seemed to be torn apart, and he shuddered with disgust. "squeak" sound.

He is very familiar with mechas, and the second cockpit also has an operation screen.

There are the same devices as the front cockpit, and even a psychic interconnect system.

It's not that Lin Han hasn't studied double mechas.

What's more, he once also had a very short time driving together with He Yunting.

It's just that the two-person mecha has not been popular in the empire in recent years. Most people think that the conditions are too harsh. It is really unnecessary to build a two-person mecha for such conditions. Therefore, both the research institute and the construction institute gradually stopped mentioning this project.

This condition is that the pilots who need two cockpits not only need to be pure in spirit, but also of the same level. For example, even if the pilots in the first cockpit have rich combat experience and training results, as long as they are compatible with The pilot in the other cockpit has different levels of spiritual power, no matter how high or low, the final result is without exception, only failure.

In general, pilots who drive two-person mechas have at least s-level mental strength. It is too wasteful to find two such excellent pilots in a row to use the same mecha, not to mention which sergeant who entered the base does not want to have it. A mecha that belongs to itself, but it has to be tied to someone.

Lin Han saw various system lights flashing frantically in the first cockpit, and AI kept reporting errors.

He resisted the feeling of weightlessness and dizziness, and he didn't have time to talk to He Yunting.

He knew that He Yunting's mental power was at the sss level.

If his physique is destined to prevent him from fully driving the mecha, then...

Lin Han skillfully turned on the system of the second cockpit.

The AI voice of the cockpit was also turned on. He smiled lightly and said, "Apply to open the spiritual power of the first cockpit."

He saw that the silver hair on He Yunting's forehead was soaked with sweat, and when he saw the ferocious beasts outside the screen, he unexpectedly felt firm.

Lin Han thought that he might never be able to drive the mecha independently.

But at least, his spiritual power can also fight side by side with him and help him.

The author has something to say: The third day of not being a night elf

Don't scold me for the bad writing of the fight drama, because I was so disgusted by Baidu insect features that I almost couldn't sleep, so I could only make up my imagination.